Chapter 25: wrong girl bitch

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They all stared at ur and suddenly someone said: "Draco Malfoy has a new whore hey." Draco turned raging mad and pinned the guy against a wall and yelled: " She is not a whore you fucking bitch!"

Draco gave the guy a punch in the face and walked back to me and grabbed my hand. We walked out of there and he asked me: "Are you okay my love?" I just nodded trying to blink away the tears in my eyes.

"Tell me what's on your mind darling." He said while lifting up my chin." "How many girls have you dated before me?" I asked. His eyes widened ash he started saying: "Oh uh jeez idk... maybe like 23 or something."

That was not the answer i was hoping for. "How many people have you dated y/n?" He asked. "Male or female?" I asked looking down. "Male of cours, wait have you dated girls?" He asked confused.

"Well only one girl and one guy." I said tearing up. I didn't think he would have dated so many people. "Y/n... you are not straight?" He asked confused. Was he homophobic or something?

What if he breaks up with me because of that. I got really scared and started crying more. He just hugged me and said: "It's ok my love , I don't care what you are as long as you are alive and happy." He said while wiping my tears.

He brought me back to my common room and told me: "There will be a party in Ravenclaw common room tonight, wanna come?" "Sure!" I said with a smile. "Oh and by the way there are two new people in Slytherin , there names are Jacob and Annabelle. They are siblings. Well cya tonight my love." He said while walking away.

Why did a girl have to join his house? After what I found out he will probably leave me for some slut. It will be fine. I hope...

When I got there some people we playing 7 minutes of heaven and Draco told me to sit down with them. I sat down next to him but my stomach dropped when I saw the new girl, Annabelle.

She had beautiful blond hair and blue eyes. Of course she was pretty. Draco would probably want to land on her with the bottle. We started playing and I whispered to Draco: "If it lands on anyone els but me , promise me you won't do anything to them."

"I won't darling don't worry." He said. It was Ron's turn and he landed on Lavender. I saw his smile turn into a huge frown as he got up to walk to the closet with her.

When they got out Ron was still not happy but Lavender was acting like they made out but Ron said they didn't. He looked uncomfortable so I said: "Hey Lavender, listen up you little bitch. Don't try to tell anymore lies or I will cut of all of your hair in your sleep, got it?"

She looked rather scared but she finally stopped talking. It was Annabelle's turn and the bottle started spinning. I was hoping it wouldn't land on Draco but it did. I pulled him aside again for a second and said: "Please don't do anything with her Draco." "He said: "Don't worry my love I won't do anything to her."

He walked into the closet and the door closed.

Draco's POV:

I walked into the closet and I just sat down on the floor. Annabelle said: "why are we just sitting here, aren't we supposed to make out and stuff?" "No we don't." I said rolling my eyes. "Oh come only Draco , you really wanna stay with that boring bitch?" She said with a grin.

"Shut up." I said while hoping time would go by faster. Suddenly she sat down on my lap and started kissing me. I tried to push her away but it didn't work. "Come one Draco you know you want this." She said. I tried pushing her off but suddenly the door opened. It was y/n.

Y/n POV:

I opened the door and saw Draco and Annabelle making out. "You promised." I said with tears in my eyes. He pushed Annabelle away and started saying: "I didn't do anything she just started kissing me I swear!" I turned around and slapped him hard and said: "I am not just one of your bitches Draco so fuck off!"

I threw his ring at him and as I was taking off my bracelet he said: "No! You promised you wouldn't take it off!" "You promised you wouldn't do anything to her!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"I am just much hotter than you y/n." she said with a smirk on her face. I walked towards her and took out my wand and pushed it against her chin and said: "You really don't want to live anymore do you?" At first she didn't look scared so I turned around, put down my wand.

I turned back around and grabbed a knife out of my pocket and put it against her neck and said: "Scared now little bitch?" She started shaking and as I was putting away the knife I suddenly punched her and broke her nose.

I ran out of there after that. I hated Draco. I hope I never see him again.....

Love of my life ( Draco x y/n )Where stories live. Discover now