Chapter 43: being watched

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⚠️ sexual content warning ⚠️

"Y/n I feel like we are being watched." Cedric said looking around. In a corner we saw Draco... again. "Let's get out of here." I said pulling him by the hand. We stood up and walked away to the stairs.

"Lets go to my common room." Cedric said. We walked there and it was empty. We went to his dorm and his roommate was there. "I was about to leave for the library. I'll be back after dinner." He said and then left.

Cedric and I sat on his bed and just looked at the ground for a bit. Cedric slowly lifted his hand and I felt it brush on my inner thigh. I started blushing and he pulled his hand away. I picked up his hand and placed on my thigh again.

He looked surprised. He was blushing, really hard. I looked at him and slowly started pushing him down on the bed. His hands beside his head. My hands on his shoulders keeping him down.

I placed my hands on the bed beside his head, next to his hands. He placed one hand on my back and the other on the back of my head. We started kissing, first slowly but it started getting hotter and rougher.

"Are you sure you want this y/n?" Cedric asked all of the sudden. "Yes Cedric." I whispered, it gave him chills. He flipped me over on my back with my hands above my head. He kissed me again.

When he let go of my hands I started unbuttoning my blouse and he did the same. I took off my skirt and he threw his pants to the side. I pushed him on his back and sat on his lap. I took off my bra and he looked like he enjoyed the view.

I took off my underwear and he did too. He flipped my over on my back and we started slowly. As I felt him slide in I felt a little chill run down my spine. He was pretty good... just not like Draco was. Why was I thinking about Draco? No no I hate him. Cedric is sweet. It's just not the same.

We started going a little faster. I felt like I was gonna moan too loud. "Oh Dr.. Cedric." I stopped myself before I moaned out Draco instead of Cedric. What was wrong with me. It looked like he didn't notice.

I flipped him over so I was on top. I was riding him like a cowboy and he was enjoying it very much. When we both finished I just laid down on his bed. He was laying awkwardly beside me.

I turned towards him and pressed my breasts agains his chest. He was laying on his left side and I on my right. We were just laying there not saying a word. But blushing hard. I closed my eyes for a second.

When I opened them I kind of forgot I was laying next to Cedric, and not Draco. When we heard people in the common room we realised we had to get ready for dinner.

I quickly got put my underwear on and my skirt. I put on my bra and blouse and quickly picked up a tie and put it on. I put on my socks and shoes and told Cedric: "I'll see you at dinner alright?"

He nodded and I ran out.

Love of my life ( Draco x y/n )Where stories live. Discover now