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You couldn't believe it. You wouldn't believe it. ~ They can't be serious! They're joking! I don't have to go! I can't go! I won't go! ~ Your head was in turmoil as you tried to grasp the situation you had been faced with. After your parents talked you through the arrangements that had been made without your knowledge or consent, you polity excused yourself from the pod and swam out to a large rock you would sometimes visit to get away from everything and everyone. You needed time to yourself. Time to think and process everything. You knew this would happen every few years. A few members of the clan usually around the age of 16 would go to other neighbouring clans to grow and mature until they were mating age. They would then return with new skills and stories to share with the clan. It was an important part of life here but you never thought you'd have to go. You began to cry when you collapsed on the rock. The sudden realisation of the situation caused you to panic and your breathing began to get out of control and before you realised it you had started to hyperventilate. You were consumed by fear as you fell into a full panic attack. You shut your eyes in an attempted to steady your breathing but to no avail. If anything it was getting worse.
Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder and another cup you face. A low voice spoke softly to you " Hey, it's ok. Look at me. It's ok. I need you to do what I do." You opened your eyes and Aonung was keeping you steady breathing deeply and encouraging you to do the same. You focused on his beautiful eyes that were such a light shade of blue they were almost clear. It grounded you and the world stopped spinning. He began to breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth and you copied his actions. Soon you had completely calmed yourself and Aonung had lead you out of the storm. He took both of your hands in his own gently rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles as you continued to get your breathing under control. This had happened to you before as a child. You couldn't remember what triggered it but you do remember Aonung being there for you. He calmed you and made you feel safe when you thought you were all alone. That was the day you saw Anoung. You truly saw Aonung.
" Are you ok now? What happened?" Aonung dipped his head down to catch your eyes. " I, well, it's just.... My parents-" you were trying to calm your mind so you could explain everything to Aonung, but he interrupted before you could even start. " So they told you?" You whipped your head up looking at him in shock. " You know? How do you know? How long did you know?" Your shock soon turned to anger and when you remembered he was avoiding you before it only enraged you more. " Why were you avoiding me?" Anoung's ears flattened back in shame. You waited for him to answer. " I over heard our parents talking and I knew for a while." ~ He knew and he didn't tell me! That's probably why he's been avoiding me! He was so filled with guilt that he couldn't bring himself to speak to me?!~ He interrupted you from your thoughts. " There's something else, I heard them discussing something for when you return." You couldn't listen to him any longer. It didn't matter to you what they were discussing further. You were already leaving your home for two years without your family and friends, what else could possibly shake you to your core further? " I don't want to know Aonung. I need to get home. I have to get ready to leave." You didn't even give him a chance to explain further before you dove head first into the water. You were too upset and hurt. You felt betrayed. You were glad he didn't follow after you. ~ He knew all this time and instead of telling me he distanced himself from me? ~ 

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