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(Will add art later)


Full name: Qi Xiotian

Appearance: Black spikey hair, sometimes a tails but eh who cares.

Likes: Mei, Pigsy, Tang, Monkey King stories, noodles, food, video games, books, and peaches.

Dislikes: Bullies, horror stories, extremely evil demons, and Mei's parents & ancestors.


Full name: Long Xiaojiao Dragon

Appearance: Black hair with buns and green streaks, sometimes green wings and a tail and sharper teeth.

Likes: Mk, Pigsy, Tang, video games, motorcycles, explosions, violence, fire, and money.

Dislikes: Her parents, people bullying Mk, her heritage, her ancestors, the Monkey King, and other demons.


Full name: Zhu Bajie Hog

Appearance: Pig skin and a snot, sometimes thick brown fur with tusks.

Likes: His kids, Tang, cooking, money, his shop, and table tennis/ping pong.

Dislikes: Other demons, damage to his shop, and spending too much.


Full name: Unknown

Appearance: Black combed hair with glasses, sometimes white pale skin.

Likes: Pigsy, his kids, books, learning, making deals, and violence.

Dislikes: People breaking their deals, bullies, and crying.

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