A chief and a bookworm

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Pigsy had known Tang for pretty much his entire life. Ever since he was kicked out of his family for being the runt of the litter he's spent his time wandering city after city with Tang. Tang, like himself, had nowhere to really turn to so the pair had simply went to city after city, doing odd jobs here and there, just in order to get by. It didn't help that they were demons either, as the prejudice of humans was still rooted deep into their minds. At least Tang looked somewhat mortal, at least when he's not angry, so he could keep a few jobs here and there, meanwhile Pigsy had a tough time finding any kind of job. That was, until someone was selling an old abandoned shop. He saw the sign for it one day, and no one had boughten it yet which confused him. He was always a chief at heart, the burning passion to create stuff being rooted inside his chest from the moment he got a hand, or hoof, on a fork. And it was dirt cheap too, only costing him a measly $20. Tang had been a bit upset when he found out that Pigsy made an investment without telling him, but Pigsy had told him, "Just think of the possibilities! In a couple of months we'll have this thing up in running and we'll be living not as street rats, but as entrepreneurs." Tang had relented since there wasn't anything that he could do, and so the 2 started their new lives together.

Predictably, business started small, if not none existent. The little money they made for their odd jobs was spent on food and they typically ate most of it. Pigsy knew that this wouldn't work out, and he couldn't handle sleeping on the hard ground or hearing the floor squeak like it'll snap at any second, so he got creative. He started his own garden of special demon plants that thankfully didn't require sunlight. He grew them in a basement area where he also found a lot of wine. After a few months of struggling, word of mouth caused a few more people to come in and started kicking everything up a notch. People apparently loved the unique taste of the food, especially the "Secret Noodles" and had told some of their friends about the new noodle shop in town. Of course, Pigsy and Tang sold more than just noodles, but if it got their names out there then he'll take. Pretty soon he found himself from being underwhelmed to overwhelmed in just a few years. But this also meant that they could charge more and earn more. Tang used his cut of the money, of which he didn't really even earn since Pigsy does most of the cooking, to buy books about old myths and stories. Tang loved the past and everything regarding it, knowing full well that what humans consider "myths" were actual events in history. Pigsy, meanwhile, used the money to buy necessities such as more tables, ingredients, repairs, and he even installed an upstairs so that he and Tang could finally get beds installed instead of sleeping in camping bags.

And that was their life. No other family drama to hold them down. Just Pigsy and Tang, living together as noodle shop owners.

Until Pigsy found 2 kids walking into his store, that is.

Sorry that this was a bit shorter.

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