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Mei parked her bicycle just out of the alley, leaning it against the brick wall with a sticky note that reads "DO NOT TOUCH" on it. She checks her phone to make sure she got the correct address.

"84 Brickstone LN, 2nd floor," Mei muttered to herself as she read the address. She shoved her phone back into her pocket and looked up the metal steps, snorting at the missing step at the very bottom. Someone probably stole it, and if that was true then that was incredibly funny. Hopping up the steps, Mei got to the 2nd floor without much fault and went to the door right next to the stairs.

Florance Schmiller's apartment door had a few scrapes on it, the paint was extremely old and worn. Most buildings were regularly checked and given paint jobs from time to time to keep up the city's reputation, but sometimes little buildings and apartments were overlooked by the city.

Mei felt a growl instinctively crawl from her chest as she stared at the door. She wanted nothing more than to barge in and rip the guy to shreds, but Mk's words forced her to steel herself. She was just going to talk to him, get an apology out of him, and leave. And if worse comes to shove? Well, she'll just have to rough him up a bit.

Taking a moment to herself, Mei gave the door 2 hard knocks with her fist. A lot of noise followed it; The most distinct sounds were low cursing and bottles rolling. Mei made sure to keep her hoodie up and checked to see if her mask was still covering her mouth.

The mask had been a gift from Pigsy on her 15th birthday to help cover up her sharp teeth in public. While many demons had sharp teeth, she still didn't want to risk a connection with dragons.

The door swung open, revealing a middle aged man with dark orange hair and messy clothes. In one of his hands he held a bottle with its contents spilled slightly on the top. (So even now he's drunk?) Mei thought to herself in disgust before the man finally spoke up. "What'da want punk?"

"Hello mister Schmiller," Mei said through gritted teeth, "my name is-"

"I don't care who you are or what'chu want," Florance went to slam the door shut. Mei quickly interrupted him by slamming her hand against the door, forcing it open without much struggle. "HEY! Do you know how mu-"

"Shut it," Mei suddenly grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him up, causing the man to start choking, "listen up and listen well. Last night my BFWB came here to give you a delivery and how do you thank him? By shoving him down the stairs!" Mei threw Florance into his wall and cringed at the wet noise it made. Florance hit the floor and scurried up against the moldy wall with fear laced in his eyes.

"W-Wait a minute! Please! I-I was-"

"Drunk? Hah! That's no excuse in my book pal, now listen," Mei knelt down right in front of him, "Mk means everything to me. He was my first friend, the one person who could understand me, the only one that I'd trust with everything I know and love. I will not tolerate someone who thinks they can step all over him because he's a decent human being, unlike you."

"P-Please, I- *Hiccup* I'm sorry! Ju-Just don't hurt me!" Florance said between sobs as he shook like a literal baby. Mei rolled her eyes at the pathetic sight.

"Trust me, I REALLY want to right now. I want to rip open your chest and stab you with your own rib cage, but, as luck would have it, that's not what Mk wants, and I'll be damned if I go behind his back like that. So here's the deal; If you decide to order something from Pigsy's Noodles again, and Mk just so happens to be the guy delivering to you, again, then you treat him like a damn super hero, you got it? And if I ever find out you did something to him again, well-" Mei suddenly punched the spot next to Florance's head, making the man jerk to the side in fear, "- I'll make sure you won't ever again."

With those last words, Mei turned and left the apartment, not even bothering to look at the man as she left.

*A little while later*

Mei walked back into Pigsy's Noodle Shop, the double doors squeaking as they moved, and saw Mk eating some noodles on the counter. Mei kicked off her shoes and quickly sat beside him, startling the poor guy. "Heya Mk, I'm back," Mei said to start a conversation.

"Y-Yeah, I can tell," Mk said as he nearly choked on a noodle. "Where did you even go anyways?"

"Oh, y'know, just had to do some business," Mk raised his eyebrow at that, "but that's not important. What IS important is THIS!" Mei suddenly pulled a small, phone shaped box out of her pocket. Mk gasped in shock as he snatched it from Mei's hand.

"No way, NOW WAY! You actually got the new Journey to the West RPG game!" Mk jumped off of the stool and looked at the game in delight, "I thought they sold out!"

"Nah, they had some in the back," Mei said casually, "anyways, wanna go play?" Mk nodded frantically before dashing to the other side of the room and barreling through the door, already making his way upstairs. Mei laughed at his enthusiasm and quickly went to join him.

"Mei! Come pick your shoes up from the door!" Mei skidded to a halt at Pigsy's shout, quickly running back to the door and grabbing her shoes.

"Sorry Pigsy!" Mei apologized before dashing after Mk. Knowing him, he's already got the Mentendo on and is on the menu.

The thing she does for him.

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