Part 1: It's something new

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This noise was damn near intolerable. Karaoke was a nightmare for any introvert, including Error. He had no idea how Killer convinced him to join the gang to this awful place. Everyone around him, even Nightmare, had gotten drunk at some point in the night. Error was the only one not to partake.

Error wouldn't care about his friends being drunk if they weren't so loud. Not only was Horror a horrible singer, he had also gotten up on the small table in the karaoke room and screamed his song into the microphone that came with the room. Error couldn't even tell what song it was.

Though drunk, Nightmare could still see and feel Error's clear dismay over the situation. Inching closer to his beloved, Nightmare placed two tentacles on either side of Error's head to help block out the noise. Error jumped at the sudden contact but soon settled, seeing it was just his leader trying to calm his nerves.

When Horror finally finished his awful song, everyone began cheering for Nightmare, their ever so sophisticated prince, to sing. Error would never admit that he, too, was eager to hear Nightmare sing.

With very little prying, the drunken octopus agreed with a sigh and searched through the karaoke machine to find a suitable song. The song he ended up landing on was "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga, much to everyone's surprise. However, everyone in the room knew better than to question Nightmare, let alone while he was drunk.

To say Nightmare's singing voice was angelic would be an understatement. Not halfway into the performance, Error found himself practically making googly eyes at the perpetually melting mess of a man before him. The beautiful sound of the baritone voice made Error want to marry Nightmare all over again. Of course, Error's admiration didn't go unnoticed. Dust, Killer, Horror, and Cross were all too busy snickering at Error under their breaths.

Not 3 seconds after Nightmare finished, everyone was on Error.

"Oh don't act like you weren't watchin' boss like he was a stripper~" Killer teased. The comment flustered Error more than ever. It only amused Nightmare.

"Shut up you drunken idiot! You didn't see shit!" Error barked back in a desperate attempt to defend his honor.

"I sure saw something. You were all like "oooooh Niightmaaree! I want your fat juicy cock so baaad!" Dust happily joined in on the teasing. Nightmare covered his mouth and snorted as Error looked like he was about to piss himself. He was blushing bright yellow and glitching all over, trying so hard to hide himself in his scarf to wallow in shame in peace.

"I h-hate all of you.." Error hissed through his teeth, poison in each word.

"We'll stop if you quit bein' a pussy and take a couple shots like the rest of us," Cross said with a smug grin. The last thing Error wanted was to be drunk around his friends, but he also hated this relentless teasing. Cross continued, "or.. are you trying to stay sober for when you and Night fuck each other later?"

"Cross." Nightmare finally decided to put an end to Error's torment. It was a tad late though as Error was already a glitching mess, on the verge of crashing. "Error, are you-" Nightmare didn't get to finish before Error reached out, snatched a can of beer from the cooler the group brought, popped it open, and without a word, downed the entire can like a starving was to everyone's shock, but they all cheered anyways.

It seemed just one can wasn't nearly enough for Error. He had gotten drunk fast and downed another 4 cans in the next ten minutes. Nightmare would show his concerns but his pride got in the way of it. Instead he watched his soft spoken lover turn into a wild boozehound.

"Error, you haven't sang.. Nggall night. You gatta song for us!" Killer said, slurring his words. It seemed the alcohol was taking its effect on him.

"Alright fine ya drunk fuck. I'll show you a sssong!" Error spat back. This had to be his first time ever actually drinking. Error stood with a stomp and searched for a song fit enough for his standards. That song was "Master of Puppets" by Metallica.

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