Jarvit Ch 7 p1

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Chapter Seven

 Jarvit wanted to run back out the door.

         Stay, learn.

         Jarvit stumbled forward. He saw his friends bowing toward a raised platform at the other end of the long Hall and then they stepped sideways along a row of seats. Other people coming into the building pushed passed him. Bender looked round to see where he was and summoned him over with a wave. Jarvit hurried to go and sit next to him. Safe in his seat he took a good look round at the interior of the building. There were massive oak beams supporting the ceiling and the roof was a tight thatch. The Hall was lit by massive torches that leant out from the walls almost over his head. On the platform was a table with a large wooden box, whose lid was open.

         ‘Where are we?’ Jarvit whispered to Bender.

         ‘This is the Gilgothan Hall of Listening,’ whispered back Bender leaning towards him. ‘It’s one of the larger rural Halls.’

         ‘What’s a Hall of Listening?’ asked Jarvit.

         ‘Hush, the ceremony is about to begin, the Interpreter’s there.’ Bender turned his attention to the stage where two women in long light brown robes had come to stand in front of the table.

         ‘We bend to the Will of the Worthy.’ One chanted throwing her arms wide open.

         ‘We bend to the Will of the Worthy.’ Jarvit heard Bender respond.

            ‘The Will of the Worthy moves all things. To appreciate his wisdom and deeds he gives us this period of darkness to reflect. The Will of the Contemptible dominates. We ask that he does not bring his worst powers against us.

We give thanks for the plenty of the harvest, for the honest labour by which we earn our living. The daily toil that make us whole. The growing days for grain are past, but let not your hearts cease to grow. In your homes, by your fires during the dark days, let in the light. Seek knowledge as you sought grain from the fields. Gather and treasure it. Use it to guide you and to help others. This should be your warmth during the cold to come.’

‘They said that last time I was here.’ Slats murmured. He was hushed by Bender. Everyone in the half full Hall rose to their feet to sing. Jarvit rose with them but did not know either the words or the tune. Jarvit watched the women perform a ceremony of blessing over those present. It then seemed that the whole thing was over as the people rose and began talking as they filed out. Bender turned to Jarvit as he stood.

‘There what did you think of your first devotion?’

Speak to the Interpreter.

‘Not much, I didn’t understand most of it. I don’t understand what this is all about.’ Jarvit replied.

Speak to the Interpreter, tell her about the plague.

‘The what?’

‘You say something Stew?’ Bender turned back to him, they were almost at the doors. The women who had been on the stage were bowing everyone out.

Tell her there is plague in Simmon and to prepare to receive the mother of the Hearer.

The voice was insistent. Jarvit drew level between the two women, they bowed to him and the other bodgers around him. Jarvit stepped out into the cool night air.

‘I feel I can breathe again,’ said Stretcher. But Jarvit began to feel uncomfortable. He felt he should tell the women what the voice in his head had said. As the men rounded a corner away from the Hall heading back towards the inn Jarvit turned and ran. He flew up the steps of the Hall of Listening just as the doors were being closed.

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