Jarvit Ch11 p2

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 ‘But as we are here I suggest that we eat these delicious cakes while Mr Forgemasstersson tells us about Stew,’ said Tiatra. She felt that somehow it was important that they knew all that Ils had to tell.

‘Why you want this boy?’ Ils sat back in his chair. ‘Is no trouble. Is good boy I am thinking. He is making friends with a rabbit and a bird. He is learning the chair making fast. He go south with bodgers for winter, will be back in warm weather you see. Why you want I should tell about him?’ Ils drew on his pipe and studied the three with a keen eye. Tiatra felt that while Ils was seeming to talk about the boy he was not telling them anything of relevance.

‘We need to know,’ she said, ‘because a boy travelling with the bodgers left a message at the Hall of Listening. It was about something he could only know he if was working for Lord D’Braggatio and the message concerned us.’

‘Pah!’ Ils removed his pipe and spat into the fire. ‘That man, always that man. I work for him once. Just once. After what he do I leave, go back to my woods. I no care if you his men. To have beautiful tree cut down and roots dug up was wrong. Bad wrong. Shame to me to have been there. Tree was old I think ya, but not danger. He took roots away, this puzzle me. I feel like I have killed living person when I fell that tree.’

‘It wasn’t a yew by any chance was it?’ Tiatra asked.

‘Ya, that is what it was, yew, that is how they say. In my country is magic tree, no one touch. Sap run red as blood, wood pink like flesh, bruise purple. Is more than just tree. You say Stew work for him? I not believe it. Kind boy, good boy.’

‘Where did he come from?’ asked the Eorl.

‘Where? He is coming with bodgers from the north.’

‘But where did he come from before he met them?’ insisted the Eorl.

‘Stew was never saying, no he was quiet. But I think it was not a good place. Ya, but he learned cook there.’

‘There’s nothing more you can tell us about him at all?’ Tiatra smiled at Ils who was watching his new bride hand cakes to the Eorl and Garth. Tiatra waved the pastries away.

‘I work long time with bodgers, they no take on bad boy. I be with Stew many time and I am never thinking he is not kind boy. Laugh at Ils sure, like all others, but he is become friend, very good. He is having been listening to stories of the north I am telling. If Stew in trouble Ils will help him.’ Ils beat a hand to his chest and stood up. ‘Boy who talk to animals is special.’

‘He talks to animals?’ Eorl Kenwal looked surprised.

‘Oh sure, he make friends with rabbit, til Scawan fright it away, then is blackened bird he is talking to. Animal know good person Ok. Wait, I remember once we talk and he say he grew up working in a kitchen, never went out. Then when the blackened bird turn on him he was saying he had been a prisoner.’

‘A prisoner!’ Tiatra exclaimed.

‘Ya, that is what he was saying. Is funny, but seem to me blackened bird is flying at him from more to stop him from saying. I never think of ‘til now. Is more to Stew I am believing than I know. You go seek him I come, is promise.’ Ils held out his hand to Eorl Kenwal, who rose to take it.

‘Thank you for speaking with us,’ said Tiatra rising to her feet. ‘Would you mind if we came back in the future if we have any more questions?’

‘Is pleasure, Helge will be honoured. You are accommodated in town?’

‘The lady is staying at the Hall of Listening, we are lodged in a stable at the moment,’ Eorl Kenwal said in a rueful tone. Madame Forgemasstersson spoke to her son in sharp tones and Helge nodded in agreement with her mother in law.

‘Excuse my mother but she is saying how there is room here if you wish to stay with humble chair maker. You are being welcome, I show you, look.’ Ils led the two men to a small ladder in the corner of the room. Eorl Kenwal climbed up and saw that it led to an attic space close under the thatch. He climbed down.

‘It is very kind but really we-’

‘Is no trouble, mother and Helge will make mattress and blankets we have. Come stay. Guests bring good luck on house.’

‘We have our own blankets, if you are sure?’

‘What you rather in stable smell sleep? Is not good. In north many live in one house, keep warm. Is good you see.’ Helge put in.

‘Do take up the offer my lord Kenwal, it would be a comfort to us to know you were well housed while we wait out the snow season,’ Tiatra urged.

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