Jarvit Ch10 p2

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Just then they heard Stretcher shout.

‘Come back here!’ and they both ran to see Holen nursing a bleeding wound on his arm and Stretcher climbing into the rain drenched foliage of the fallen tree. Bender ran to tend Holen and Jarvit darted into the tree overtaking Stretcher.

‘The limb of the Contemptible caught us off guard. Didn’t know he even had a knife.’ Jarvit raced ahead slipping and splashing along the muddy track. He could hear Stretcher pounding after him. Jarvit was determined not to let Edwerd get away. He ran on shaking the rain from his eyes and watching for any sign of D’Braggatio’s servant. Jarvit followed the track of Edwerd’s footprints in the mud down the twisting lane. Then they veered off into a wood. Jarvit glanced back for Stretcher who was no where in sight.

After debating with himself for a moment Jarvit followed Edwerd’s path into the trees.  The noise and light was different among the towering trunks. The rain was muffled and there were only a few heavy droplets that managed a dull thud as they hit the soft ground cover of brown needles. Not much grew under the thick canopy of trees and the many trunks made it difficult to see far. There were no footprints to follow but Jarvit thought he caught a glimpse of Edwerd disappearing into the heart of the forest. He ran after him. The soft cooing of doves and the musty smell made the chase seem almost unreal. Jarvit ducked under branches and whirled round tree trunks. He could not see the sky at all now as a fog had formed over the canopy of the pines. He raced on desperate to catch Edwerd.

As he rounded the base of a large pine a stinging blow to the throat sent Jarvit sprawling backwards. Edwerd stood over him with a large branch in his hand.

‘My master said you were trouble. He thought Master Spellbinder would find out who you are. But you’re nothing but a stinking lug worm. His Grace is too great to even soil his hands talking to you, maggot breath. I don’t know how you killed Master Spellbinder but now it’s your turn to die!’ The branch was swung down at Jarvit’s head. Jarvit rolled out of the way. He heard the branch thump into the ground behind him. He scrambled up and whirled to face Edwerd. The branch was swiped at him. As it passed his body Jarvit lunged in at Edwerd. The impact sent them down together. Edwerd lost hold of the branch. Jarvit pressed his advantage by rolling Edwerd over among the needles and pine cones, punching at him. His blows were deflected. Edwerd threw a handful of debris into Jarvit’s face. Jarvit felt Edwerd pull away as he began to rub the dirt from his eyes. At the same time Jarvit staggered to his feet.

‘Spawn of pigs, his Grace will be pleased that you will no longer trouble him and I am pleased to be the one to dispatch you.’ Jarvit felt a sharp pain in his side and saw Edwerd pull a blade out of him.

‘Are you alright Stew?’ came Stretcher’s call. Edwerd whirled round and then looked back with distain at Jarvit. Jarvit felt that his energy was draining away and he watched in a detached manner as Edwerd reached out and pushed him over with one finger. Then Edwerd was gone and Stretcher was kneeling beside him saying something that Jarvit could not hear. It went dark.

Jarvit knew the wonderful crisp starched smell of Mrs Anders linen. She prided herself on the standard of her washing. Jarvit felt tired and warm, he did not want to wake up. Then he remembered that Holen had been hurt and that he had seen Magistrate Hep who had wanted him killed. Jarvit opened his eyes. He moved and groaned as it hurt.

‘Ah, you are awake at last.’ Jarvit saw Holen sitting beside his bed.

‘Are you alright?’ asked Jarvit and Holen nodded and smiled, flashing his brilliant white teeth.

‘It was a minor wound, requiring only a bandage, not as bad as a burn.’

‘Oh, look I’m sorry that was an accident I didn’t mean to-’

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