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Beatrice Beaufort had never before seen such a sunset; the entire sky was dripping pools of blood-red light across the horizon, causing even the busiest of muggles to stop on the street below her and gaze up for a moment in awe and wonderment. 

She watched them from the roof of her apartment building, eyes flicking from the strangers on the street to the sky once more; mirroring their amazement. Seh'd only just finished moving all of her belongings into her new apartment downstairs and hauled all her old Hogwarts textbooks in the trash when the brilliant allure of the sky bought her to the roof. 

It's going to be alright now, she told herself. You're away from it all, no more Hogwarts, no more-

A crack sounded from behind her, interrupting the otherwise empty, tranquil silence.

Beatrice flinched as she caught sight of the bundle of roads limping towards her, leaving a dark trail on the ground with every step closer.

'Bea!' The figure sobbed, collapsing only a foot away from her and glancing up between the dregs of hair covering their face.

Bea's breath caught in her throat as she instantly recognized the icy, wide eyes. 'Ryan?'

Ryan Gibbons' stumbled forward, holding a bundle of clothes in his arms as he gazed at her imploringly, face covered in blood. 'B-Bea... I- He found us.'

Bea froze, her vision blurring slightly as the adrenaline rushed to her head. 'I-'

'Bea I need your help,' Ryan continued, waving a hand to interrupt her. 'You have to-' He stopped, inhaling deeply. 'You have to take Lia for us.'

He shoved the bundle of bloodied cloth into Bea's reluctant arms, and a gentle cooing could be heard from the pile of rags. Bea glanced down haphazardly to glance at a pair of large, blue eyes and tufts of blonde hair staring at her in the dwindling light. Lia.

'But-' Bea began. 'Where's-'

Ryan's face contorted with grief, pulling at a gash on his cheek and causing it to leak more blood toward the corner of his mouth. 'Rose is still at the house, he has her in the basement.'


'There's no time, Bea,' Ryan shook his head, tears slipping down his cheeks as he threw a look over his shoulder to check they were truly alone on the roof. 'I have to get back and help. Just please look after Lia, for us. For Rose.'

Bea opened her mouth to speak, then shut it again at the look of her god-child's wide, imploring eyes. She gave a short, stilted nod.

Ryan melted slightly, his relief palpable before he leaned forward and placed a short kiss on Lia's cheek. 'Bye, sweetie. Mommy and I will get you soon. You be good for your Aunt Bea.'

Lia blinked sleepily, falling asleep as the sun shone it's last, dying rays across the horizon.. 

When Ryan lifted his head again, Bea saw silent tears streaming down his dirt-ridden face. 'Thanks, Bea.' He whispered. 

Then he disappeared with another loud CRACK, leaving Bea flabbergasted on the roof, a snoozing baby hung loosely in her grip.

'What the fuck am I supposed to do now?' Bea whispered into the dark.

No one replied.

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