Chapter 5

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It was a week after their Hogsmeade trip when Lia finally met James Potter.

She was in the library, trying her best to study for their upcoming Herbology test. Trying being the keyword.

"Stop humming!" A third-year Hufflepuff snapped from further up the table.

Lia humphed from her position by the window with her books shut as she twisted her quill aimlessly between her fingers. Hufflepuffs were so uptight.

"Excuse me," A voice called. "Are you done with that textbook?"

Lia glanced up to see a short blonde boy with sunburnt cheeks and blue eyes standing before her, arms crossed, expectantly. 

Shit. Was he talking to her?


But she was saved from replying when a second voice called: "Oi! Petey! Are you done? When can we get out of this hellhole?"

The blonde's burnt cheeks went even redder. "Sorry about that." He angled his head backward. "In a minute, James!"

Lia jumped at his sudden volume. He seemed to turn into a different person.

The Hufflepuffs further up began muttering and sending him rude gestures.

He shot her an apologetic look. "So... Are you done with the textbook?"

"I guess s-"

Footsteps thundered towards them causing the group of Hufflepuffs to curse violently and pack their things.

A boy popped up behind a bookshelf, hazel eyes wide and dark hair standing up on edge as if he'd just been electrocuted. His cheeky grin made it well apparent he'd very much stick his fingers in a socket again. 

The messy boy frowned, narrowing his eyes at her. "Who the hell are you?"

Lia frowned right back. Who the hell are you? She replied, mentally, of course.

The blonde glanced from his friend to Lia, before recognition dawned in his watery eyes. "Merlin. You're the girl from Hogwarts Dirty Laundry."

She shifted uncomfortably under their inspection. Both Sirius and her had appeared on the front page of the last issue of the gossip magazine. Someone had taken a picture of their impromptu lunch at Madame Pudifoots and sent it to Jonathan Jones who'd quickly written a second issue of the month titled: Sirius' Hot New Blonde: How Long Will it Last This Time?

Messy Boy narrowed his eyes at her, creeping closer. "You're Sirius' new girlfriend."

Oh. He was Sirius' ex-friend. "You're Jack."


She ignored this and turned to the blonde. "And you're Pan."

The blonde hesitated, then nodded. "Nice to meet you..."

"Lia." She finished.

Messy boy scrunched his nose as he finally stopped beside Pan, his arms crossed. "Well... How's Sirius?"

Lia shrugged, suddenly guarded. "You can ask him yourself. When you bother to talk to him."

Pan's lips shifted upwards slightly. 

Messy Boy's back went rigid. "Did he tell you what he did?"


"I'll take that as a no." He leaned in closer, his breath smelled of caramel. "Why don't you ask your boyfriend what he did before shading me for not talking to him?"

Her face felt hot. He was getting far too close. "Don't interrupt me."

"Don't misjudge me."

"James," Pan muttered, grabbing his sleeve. "We should go."

James jerked his hand out of his friend's touch, pointing his finger at a gash on Pan's cheek. "Why don't you ask your boyfriend about that, Lola."

"I will, Jermey. As soon as you ask your mom..."

"Ask my mom what?"

She opened and shut her mouth, completely lost. 

Then, after an agonizing silence, she blurted: "Your dad!"

Pan paused. "Huh?"


She took a moment to stare at their blank faces, relishing in their confusion. Then she humphed, gathered her unused textbooks, and walked off, her head high.

"What did she say?" She heard Pan ask as she mentally cringed.

"She just cursed my dad, Pete," Jermey replied, he clucked his tongue. "That bitch."

"I'm not exactly sure...."


Sirius' Hot New Blonde: How Long Will it Last This Time?

Sirius grinned as he scanned the title of this month's edition of Hogwarts' Dirty Laundry, he couldn't wait until Kil read it. She'd flip out. Well- Kil didn't flip out, she just silently huffed and rolled her eyes.

He was in the middle of rummaging through his trunk for a spare picture frame when Lilly walked into the room, her stride faltering slightly when she caught sight of the Black boy kneeling on the ground surrounded by items. 

"Rem- Oh hey, Black."

"Evans," He nodded. "Everything ok?"

The redhead nodded. "I was just coming to see if Rem is here. He missed our study session."

Shit. The full moon was tonight, Sirius had been stressing all day about how James and Pete would handle it without him, but then again he hadn't been much help when they included him. 

"Uh." Sirius stumbled, "He's in the hospital wing. Got the... flu that's been going around."

Lilly nodded, then she glanced at the pandemonium of objects surrounding the Black boy. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to find a picture frame."

"Huh," Her eyes moved to the forgotten copy of Hogwarts' Dirty Laundry. "Made the front cover again, Black?"

"I always do, Evans."

She raised a brow as she walked closer, picking up the magazine. "Who's the girl." 

"I don't kiss and tell." He blurted out before he could stop himself.

"If that's who I think it is, then you haven't kissed at all." Lilly's lips pulled into a small smirk, dimples appearing on her freckled cheeks. "Lia hates Gryffindors."

Sirius glanced up, intrigued. "You know Kil?"

"Uh-huh. We're partners in Herbology."

"I should've taken Herbology," Sirius muttered.

Lilly grinned, tilting her head slightly, red waves cascading around her cheeks. "What's the deal with you guys?"

He shot her a look. "Didn't take you much for a gossip."

"Marls wouldn't forgive me if I didn't at least ask." She explained. "So?"

"Curiosity killed the cat, Evans." Sirius quipped.

"But satisfaction bought it back, Black."

He gave her a tight-lipped shrug.

Lilly shook her head, turning to leave. "See ya. Tell Rem I'm free tomorrow if he wants to reschedule."

"I will."


Short chapter, but i need to build some suspense before the drama.... it shall be coming don't worry guys.....

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