Chapter 1

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The days were getting shorter, as was Lia's tolerance for school and teenagers. 

Each morning her heart seemed to feel heavier than the day before, as she took her solitary seat on the edge of the Ravenclaw table, pouring the same amount of the same cereal in the same bowl.

Nothing changed.

Lessons droned on, Professors reminded her of her dismal grades, the bell rang, and the sun sunk below the same horizon at the same time. 

Breakfast. Alone. Lessons. Alone. Failure. Alone. Sunset. Alone. The moon. Alone

Breakfast. Alone. Lessons. Alone. Failure. Alone. Sunset. Alone. The moon. Alone

The pattern would not break.

And slowly, achingly, pressure began to build behind Lia's temple, pounding inside her head until she could no longer even hear Professor Slughorns tired sighs and Elsie Graham's droning.

There was just silence.

Breakfast. Alone. Lessons. Alone. Failure. Alone. Sunset. Alone. The moon. Alone

Breakfast. Al-

"Um... Can I sit here?"

Lia blinked, dragging her tired eyes from her drowned Shreddies to the fidgeting figure before her. Immediately she took note of his maroon tie carelessly strung over his neck and his almost shoulder-length black hair. She vaguely recognised him as a fellow fifth-year.

"Well?...." His manicured dark brows raised slightly.

The inside of her mouth felt like it'd been stuffed with cotton. "Right now?"

The Gryffindor clicked his tongue, hesitation clear in his grey eyes. Then, tentatively, he nodded.

Lia huffed slightly. She could not believe this presumptuous boy wanted her seat. "Shouldn't you be..." She waved a hand in the general direction of the Gryffindor table. "With your people."

The boy's very demeanor seemed to droop. "Look, I really need to sit here."

"But..." Lia sighed, gesticulating with one, pale, skinny arm at the boy. "I just started eating my cereal."

"Ok." He blinked. "Cool... So can I sit?"

Lia pushed a hand through her short, blonde curls, frustrated. "Fine." She pushed her bowl of cereal away and stepped off the bench before gesturing for the boy to take her seat. "It's all yours, dude."

"What, no I meant next to-"

"Just take it." Lia shook her head, cheeks burning slightly in embarrassment. She could feel several pairs of eyes digging into the back of her neck. This was the most attention she'd received since beginning Hogwarts. 

"I never even go to have my orange juice." She muttered, half-walking, half-sprinting out of the Great Hall.


Never before had Sirius Black been so aware of the attention he was receiving. Sure, being the self-proclaimed Hogwarts Hearthtrob meant a dozen or so eyes on him at any given moment, but, up until this moment, they hadn't been accompanied by whispers and furtive glances.

"I wonder why they're not sitting together."

"You think he got with Evans? That's the only thing Potter wouldn't forgive."

"I think he snitched on 'em, told McGonagall about their latest prank. I saw Lupin in Dumbledore's office yesterday."

"Potter kicked Black out of the dormitory yesterday. Angie swore she saw him sleeping on the couches in the common room."

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