Chapter 6

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"You know what's wrong with this world?" Sirius announced, glancing up from his halfhearted attempt at his Transfigurations homework.

"No," Lia sighed. "But I'll bet you're going to tell me."

He shut his book with a theatrical thump, sitting up slightly and leaning against the oak tree. "This new neon trend going around school."

Lia waited for a beat, knowing full well this wasn't the end of the Black boy's rant. It was a Saturday, Sirius had dragged Lia out to the grounds for one of the last sunny days of the year. Coincidentally, it was also the day the Gryffindors had their annual Breakfast Bonanza, where the entire house gathered in the Great Hall early in the morning for a large meal and food fight.

"... and another thing, it just doesn't go with my complexion. It's way too bright. I look like a hippie vampire. Frankly, it's rascis-"

"Do you think you'll ever make up with Jack?"

Sirius paused, glancing at her and frowning. "You mean James?"

After the library incident, Lia swore to never utter his name. "Whatever."

"Um..." He shifted. "I have an answer."

"But it's bitchy?" She guessed.

His eye roll was answered enough.

"Just say it. There's no one here to judge you."

"I don't know whether we'll make up but I hope it's before Christmas." He rushed out, within a single breath.

She waited for him to continue.

"I don't want to go home. My parents are... kinda annoying. And my brother ignores me. It just..."

"Sucks." She finished with a nod. 


Lia thought for a moment as she scratched out another wrong answer on her Transfiguration notebook currently resting on her lap. 

"You could always stay with me."

Sirius gave her a less-than-subtle once-over. "What?"

She shifted under his gaze. "You could come to visit me if Jack is still petty."

He was quiet for a moment.

"Thanks," He mumbled.

"I have never once heard you be so polite-"

"Shut up, Kil! That's so-" He paused, eyes glinting slightly. "Oh my god, you're Kil."

"-ian." She gave him a slow, condescending nod. "Killian. I'm glad it's finally clicking for you."

He waved aside as if physically brushing off her sarcasm. "You're Kil. Like a killing. You murder my joy, positivity, and wellbeing."

She paused. "Where are you going with this, Black?"

"You're a Killer." He puffed out his chest, looking immensely pleased. "Every pair of best friends have nicknames and inside jokes and I declare this our first. You will henceforth be known as...." He beat his hands against his thighs as a drum roll. "Killer!"

"Our first inside joke," She began, and he immediately recoiled at the sound of her dry tone. "Is it about me murdering your well-being and putting a damper on your life?"

"Sure is, Killer. You're a killjoy through and through. Your name represents you."

"Uh-huh," Lia said, crossing her arms. Even as her lips tilted slightly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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