Chapter 2

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If Lia had to predict how this normal Tuesday would turn out, she'd never have guessed she'd spend History of Magic sitting beside someone. Especially not a Gryffindor. 

In all honesty, this was Lia's favorite lesson. She may be failing Transfiguration and still not own her own cauldron; but somehow, history she understood. Dates stuck with her, wars fascinated her. Not even Binns' dry teaching method could put a damper on her. History of Magic was the only class she bothered to take out her quill.

"This is boring huh?" Sirius said, nudging her cheek with a quill.

"Get that thing away from my face." She muttered, scrawling on her parchment.

"Are you actually writing notes?" He asked, and when she didn't answer he leaned over and bought his quill to the top of her parchment.

"What are you doing?"

He moved his wrist to reveal a small doodle of a stick man with black, static-like hair and crosses for eyes. "I'm drawing what I feel like on the inside."

Lia shook her head, biting back her grin.

"Wanna play a game?" Sirius said, not bothering to whisper.

She huffed out a breath slightly, eyes still fixed on Professor Binns. "Why don't we play the silence game?"

"I used to play that with my brother," Sirius muttered. "I hate that game."

Lia glanced over. "You have a brother?"

He nodded, his hair falling into his eyes slightly. "He's a year younger than me. Reg."

"Sirius and Regulus?" She questioned. "Your parents must hate you, huh?"

"I doubt anyone could hate this face." He gestured to himself. "I've got cheekbones for days."

"Your personality sure does match your face," Lia agreed wickedly, her smile widening as his face dropped.

After a few moments of silence, she breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally over.

"... that battle started in 1287." Binns continued. He was one of the few people Lia had ever met who could talk for hours without seeming to take a single pause. "Does anyone know why the battle commenced?"

"The goblins got sick and tired of being mistaken for house elves," Lia muttered dryly.

"That's very good," Binns commented, and she jumped slightly. "What's your name?"


"Yes, yes. Very good, Miss Ballywaggin. Anyway, moving on...."

Sirius snorted, nudging her. "Killian Ballwaggin. It suits you."

Lia grumbled something rather unfortunate under her breath.

"Miss Ballywaggin!" Sirius clutched a hand to his heart. "That is no way for a young lady to conduct yourself."

"Says you," Lia shot back. "Who names their kid after an adjective?"

Sirius stared at her for a moment, blinking. "H-How do you think you spell my name, Kil?"

Lia rolled her eyes, dipping her quill in ink and writing on the corner of her parchment, below his drawing: Serious Black.

She almost jumped at Sirius' raucous laughter, as he slammed his hand on the table in glee. "You idiot."

"Is something wrong over there?" Binns called his paper-like voice even dryer than usual. 

"Something is seriously wrong," Sirius admitted. 

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