Chapter 3

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"You know what I think is holding you back, Kil?"

Lia sighed, propping her head in her hands and glancing up from her perusal of Hogwart's Dirty Laundry. Sirius Black was, once again, sitting beside her at the breakfast table. He'd become somewhat of a permanent fixture in Lia's life over the past three weeks, and though she'd gotten used to him, there was something about him that caused Lia's gut to fill with distrust.

"I think your face is holding you back." Sirius continued, stealing the last hashbrown from her plate.

Lia raised a brow, swallowing her mouthful of sausages. "Choose very carefully how you elaborate."

"See," Sirius continued, his mouth full as he brandished a fork dangerously close to Lia's nose. "You make this face like you're so absolutely disgusted with your surroundings."

"Maybe that's just my reaction to you."

Sirius scowled. "I'm just trying to better you, Kil. It's what friends do."

Friends? Lia didn't think that was an appropriate word for following someone around. Lia was about to inform the boy of just that when a flashy article from her newsletter caught her eye.

What happened to the Dream Team?

Rumor has it a storm is brewing up in the Gryffindor tower, folks. James Potter and Sirius Black are on the outs. And Potter seems to have won custody over their children; both Pettigrew and Lupin have been spotted with him. And, according to a trusted source of mine, all three have been actively avoiding Black.

No one exactly knows what the argument was about, but feel free to turn to page 12 and vote from our top five speculations, which have been drawn up from careful examining and witnessing sources close the 'Dream Team'.

Sirius has been spotted licking his wounds on the Ravenclaw table with his new alleged girlfriend, no one has been able to identify her yet, but when it happens, rest assured we'll let you know. He always did have a thing for blondes.

At this point, Lia couldn't contain her snort.

"What's so funny?"

Her eyes widened slightly as she surreptitiously tried to stuff the magazine onto her lap. "Nothing. A boring old history joke. You wouldn't understand it, you're not smart enough."

Sirius harrumphed. "That's not true. I guarantee you I'd understand your nerdy crap." Without warning he reached over and snatched the paper up, eye scanning the page. At first, his face fell, but then-

"Merlin," He chortled, dropping the newsletter into his mashed potatoes. "A thing for blondes?"

"You're such a womanizer." Lia shook her head.

"At least they knew my name," Sirius said, smugly.

Lia could feel her forehead going red. "I- It's because I don't get caught up in scandals like you. What happened between you and Jack?"

Sirius raised a brow, obviously mocking her earlier gesture. "You mean James? Merlin, Kil, we've been friends for so long-"

"Less than a week."

"-and you still don't know my best fri-"


"-end's name!' Sirius continued, bulldozing through all her interjections, a look of mock indignation on his face. When Lia shot him an unimpressed look he rolled his eyes. "James was my first friend from Hogwarts. We met on the train."

Lia made a noise low in her throat. "So? I met Kayla Bones on the train. You don't see us having matching tattoos. The length of time you know someone means nothing."

Sirius shot her a look. "You're too young to be this cynical, Kil. I can't allow it."

Lia felt her skin growing hot. "What happened with Jack anyway?"

If Sirius noted her quick conversation change, he didn't mention it.

"Well unlike with you and poor Kayla Bones, the train journey kinda solidified my friendship with James. He was- is like my brother. So's Remus and Pete." Sirius turned his chin slightly to the corner of the hall. "And... I uh screwed up. I broke their trust for a petty prank and they um got hurt."

"Is Jack also a Gryffindor?"

Sirius caught her eye again, shooting her a curious look. "You've never heard of James Potter?"

She lifted her shoulders. "No. Is he famous?"

"He's the Gryffindor quidditch captain."

"I've never played."

"He poisoned the Slytherin's coffee in the fourth year so they all turned into raccoons."

"I eat breakfast early."

"He's the loudmouth in every lesson. Curly hair, glasses. Slightly good looking."

"That doesn't sound like my type."

"He grew dragon eggs in the Gryffindor Common Room throughout third year. They got loose and terrorized everyone for an entire week.

"I'm not a Gryffindor."

Sirius threw his hands up in exasperation, grabbing her wrist and pulling her backward slightly, forcing her to turn her head. He thrust out an arm in the direction of the Gryffindor table and pointed at a group of boys.

"There! That's him."

Lia narrowed her eyes in concentration. "The blonde?"

"No," Sirius exhaled.

Lia felt her lips tilting upwards. She'd never seen him lose his cool before. It was quite amusing.

"That one! The one with the glasses."

She followed his words, eyes narrowing in on a tanned brunette who was currently chugging pumpkin juice while three boys chanted.

"They look like frat boys."

Sirius shot her a look. "You're so weird."

"Says the guy who's publicly known as an ex-member of the Dream Team."

"We're called the Marauders."

"You are really not helping yourself out here."

Sirius was just about to reply when an owl swooped toward the pair of them.

Lia instantly recognized it. Her stomach filled with lead.

Sirius tugged the letter from the owl, stroking it and letting it fly off. He read the name. "It's for you."

"I know." She muttered, grabbing the parchment and ripping it open.


I'm in town this Saturday.

Meet @ 3 Brooms?


Sirius shamelessly read it over her shoulder.

"Who's B?"

"My boyfriend."

Sirius did a double-take before scoffing. "As if. You hate people."

"You know me so well," She deadpanned.

"Who's B?"

"Your mom."





"Who is B?"

"Your dad."



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