6. Squad Erwin

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"Your lives will be used in the fight back against titans."

For some reason, standing among such a large group of Scouts the word titan seemed much more...formidable. The recruits visibly reacted to the word, and Enyo clutched her arm, reminding herself that this was freedom.

Pursuing freedom. Freedom from the walls and status and titans. Freedom for others who were expected to be pretty little show dolls. Freedom for those who couldn't escape. Freedom had a high price, and Enyo wouldn't stop until she paid it.

"Welcome to the barracks," an officer with a scar across his face said, "women to the left and men to the right. The bathhouse is outside that door, end of the hall."

Enyo peered through the door before following after the officer. She looked over her shoulder at Hange, Moblit, Dieter, and Mia...and Luke. She frowned and hoped he didn't join the Scouts because of her.

"Breakfast is at six sharp in the mess hall to the right. You're tardy, you don't eat. You'll be assigned squads in the morning. For now, go collect your uniforms and settle in."

After he left, Enyo turned on Luke. "You could've joined the MP's."

"And leave you? No way."

"You never wanted to be a Scout!"

"Relax," Luke poked her forehead, "I make my own decisions. Loosen up. We're all here because we want to be."

Mia agreed. Luke slung an arm around Enyo's shoulder and walked down the hall. "I could get used to this. Hey, have you heard about the expedition coming up?"


"I overheard a few guys talking," Luke wiggled his eyebrows and Enyo rolled her eyes, "one of them said they're sending civilians out."

"What? Why?" Enyo's brows furrowed. She couldn't think of a single reason why that would benefit anything.

For dinner, they ate some bread and potatoes. Hange dragged Enyo to the showers afterwards and they gawked at the large room.

"This is so much better than the crap in the Cadet facility!"

Enyo agreed. Hange spun around and stared at the different parts of the room before she ran to Enyo and grabbed her hand and held it close to her bare chest. "We did it! We're here!"

Enyo blushed and stared at their hands that rested against Hange's collarbone. She cleared her throat and awkwardly pulled away. "Yeah. Thrilling!"

"I wonder what squad we'll be on."

"Enyo Aetos," a man with blond hair and giant bushy eyebrows yelled. He stood in the doorway to the mess hall and examined the recruits.

Enyo glanced at Luke before she rose and rushed to his side. She had grown to love the Scouts headquarters throughout the evening. Even the beds were twice as thick at the Cadet Corps' beds. Last night, she and Luke walked through the old castle and Enyo wondered what kind of royalty used to live in Trost.


His gaze darkened. "You're a bit short. No matter, come." Enyo followed the man with clicking heels through a long corridor. He didn't spare a glance when he said, "I'm Section Captain Erwin Smith."

"Captain Smith."

"Call me Erwin."

Enyo cocked her head and watched the mass of a man walk through the corridor. He was stiff and his face didn't reveal any sort of emotion. "I selected you of all the Cadets for my squad because in Zacharias' report he said you were fast. The moment you choke in front of a titan, you're off my squad."


She followed him all morning. He introduced her to her squad, consisting of a really angry man with a bad buzz cut, Keiji and another freak with shaggy hair who sniffed her hair and armpits. That wasn't right. His name was Mike. He didn't say anything. Then there was Rashad who pushed Mike away and declared, "if you need anything, let me know!" Then Keiji clonked Rashad in the head and called Rashad a crybaby.

"We just lost a member of our squad," Erwin informed once they entered his office. It was slightly larger than Enyo and Hange's bunk room. Instead of two beds, there was one and a desk. "You're no replacement."

Enyo decided it best to not acknowledge those words. If he wanted a replacement, he did a bad job explaining what needed to be replaced, so she took his words and set them on the ground.

He examined Enyo with crossed arms. "Will you obey my orders until you die?"

Enyo slammed her hand to her heart and stood as proud as a soldier could when she said, "I would ride into hell with a smile for humanity, Erwin."

"At least you understand that." He sifted through some paperwork on his desk. "In a few days, we'll be going on an expedition with civilians. You listen to me, and only me."

"May I ask why? The civilians, that is."

"Not enough food," Erwin grunted plainly.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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