9. Wall Sheena

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"They don't want to send us out again." Erwin looked out the window while he spoke with Mike and Enyo. The latter was perched with her legs crossed atop his desk and her long golden hair braided tightly behind her.

"Why not?" Over the last year, Enyo's voice had dropped a bit in pitch, and she smiled less. Luke said it bothered him that she wasn't as cheerful as before, but after watching comrade after comrade be eaten... you couldn't blame her.

"Lovof," Erwin simply said.

Enyo cocked her head. "What does that bastard have to do with anything?"

"I caught wind that he's trying to cut funding to the Scouts entirely to pocket the money."

"That son of a bitch," Enyo muttered. "Does he want us all to sit in the Walls and wait for the Colossal and Armored titans to return?"

"The argument is that the Garrison and Military Police could handle an event like that."

"I'm sorry?" Enyo scoffed with a wicked grin. "You see Mike here? He could take them all on at once like they were flies. A titan would chew on their bones before they could even lift their damned blades."

Erwin finally turned around. "I agree. Therefore, we need to dig up something on Nicholas Lovof. I'll discuss with Commander Shadis on this matter. In the meantime, Enyo, Mike," Erwin paused and pulled out a paper from the drawer directly under Enyo on the desk. "See if you can identify these personnel."

Enyo snatched the letter and held it out, skimming through it. "The Military Police have had a hard time apprehending criminals in the Underground. What else is new?" She muttered and gave the letter to Mike.

After a bit of consideration, Mike piped up. "They have ODM gear?"

"Huh?" Enyo snatched the letter back and read through it. "The gang consists of three thugs who have stolen omni-directional mobility gear... What the heck?"

Mike and Enyo found themselves inside Wall Sheena. Enyo's skin crawled while they walked down the street, eyes lingering on what was once her home. They headed straight for the MP headquarters to find more information on these people. Erwin didn't tell them why, but that they were essential pieces for his future planning.

"Enyo Aetos and Mike Zacharias," Enyo told the secretary at the desk. Her hand thumped against the smooth, polished wood and she ached for a mattress that was full of cotton instead of hay. She wondered if her old bed was at her home still, and if she could sneak in and steal it. "Scouts, Fourth Squad."

After Enyo showed off her badge, she rattled off what she knew. Mike loomed behind her and it was quite comical to see a bright, golden chipper girl with a monster of a man frowning behind her. The secretary jumped from his seat and disappeared for a moment. Enyo tapped her finger impatiently.

"What's taking so long?" she grumbled.

Mike sniffed the air and turned around, his eyes landing on a delicious smelling restaurant. Enyo glanced over her shoulder and grabbed his sleeve, "No. Not on my watch, dog."

"Sorry about that," the secretary returned with a folded piece of paper. "It looks like that information was checked out yesterday. I do have a map of the Underground, though."

Enyo grit her teeth together in a tight smile before gingerly taking the map from the secretary. She waved at him before turning on Mike.

"I'm hungry," he said.

"Me too."

"Let's go," Mike started immediately to the restaurant.

Enyo stiffened as she walked slowly after him. It was her favorite bakery. The owners, the Heisman's, were always so generous with the way they served food. And their scones? To absolutely die for. She wanted to run a bakery. Maybe in a different life.

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