10. The Underground

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 "This is disgusting," Keiji fumed and wiped mud off his pants. Rashad patted him on the back and told him it wasn't that bad.

Mike and Enyo stood silently and waited for Erwin's orders. They stared at a map spread out on the table in front of them.

"Keiji, Nifa, Rahsad!" Erwin waited for their eyes before he continued, "go after anyone who breaks off from the main chase. Mike and Enyo, you're by my side. Let's pinpoint their leader and hunt them."

"Me?" Enyo questioned. "Not Rashad?"

"Don't make me change my mind."

"Sir!" Enyo stared at her hands and grinned like a fool. Erwin wanted her by his side. The man who moved the Scouts forward was trusting her directly. When the carriage arrived, Enyo hopped in and sat close to Mike while etching the map in her memory. Erwin had drawn a circle on it, and that's where he said their base was.

"The MP's have been unable to arrest this gang with their skills. We want them alive and talking when we capture them," Erwin announced, making eye contact with every member of the group. "Do not underestimate them. If you can avoid it, do not enter any buildings."

Enyo wished Erwin would tell them his entire plan. After a year under his command, she still wasn't used to the fact that Erwin revealed partial plans to certain people while keeping the entirety of the plan to himself. She believed that the highest success would come if they trusted everyone, but Erwin wasn't so easily swayed.

Cool, steel eyes bore back into Enyo's golden ones.

Enyo shuddered at the memory. She wondered if she'd see him, the man whom she declared was in fact a higher up but chose to reside in the Underground. It had been five years since then, she realized.

When they walked down the stairs, it was dark. Pitch black. Zilch. Nothing.

"So...anyone else having a difficult time seeing or is that just me?" Enyo whispered.

"Just smell."

"We're not dogs," Keiji snapped.

"Pay attention. Look there." Section Commander Erwin nodded his head at five MP's who zipped past them. "They're in pursuit. Hoods up."

Enyo squinted and forcefully shoved her hood up. "Why do we have to cover our faces? It's not like they've ever seen us... or could even see us... You know, it's kind of dark down here."

Mike snorted humorously next to Enyo and she beamed up at him. Erwin ordered them to focus and she rolled her shoulders a few times before pulling her ODM blades out from their bulky sheath.

Air and an MP rushed past Enyo. The MP fell on the ground, grunted in pain, and rolled. Enyo's jaw tightened and she set her eyes forward. She could make out his ghostly pristine sleeves, which luckily made his arms stick out like a candle from a mile away.

Enyo's hook shot past his head. He darted to the left and his two friends split away from him. Enyo didn't know how Erwin did it, but man, there was no one better at predictions than him. The man flung down an alley and Erwin shot to the right. Mike went above, which left Enyo following him directly. She flung like a yo-yo and barely missed a puddle.

Don't enter a building. Yeah, yeah. Enyo thought when she tossed herself feet first like a pen through an open window the man had disappeared through. She landed confidently and sprinted after him.

She heard him cuss and she squinted when his sleeves spun in the air as if he'd done a flip. After a quick debate on if he had done it or not, she copied him and her leg skimmed harshly against a hole in the wall and she hissed before barely grasping the back of his shirt.

I am the fastest Scout! Enyo twitched her finger, a claw darted out past him when he jumped out of the window. She dived like an eagle when her line fell slack. Erwin appeared and Enyo shot like a bullet toward her target.

She spun under Erwin's blades that lashed out for the man's line. Miss. Enyo slammed into him and the man grunted before he kicked her leg. Enyo aimed again and

"Halt, Enyo."

"But he's right—"

Mike slammed through the wall with brute force. An involuntary, "ah," escaped from Enyo when she watched Mike push the man through a wagon full of wooden crates. Mike rolled on the ground and jumped to his feet and when Enyo saw him flinch, she made a mental note to force Mike to let her examine his back when all was said and done.

Enyo decided the man was an acrobat. He cartwheeled away from Mike so effortlessly while Mike stalked him down with brute force. Enyo gasped when the man's tiny knife snapped Mike's blade from his hands and soared through the air.

Erwin dropped to the ground, engaging immediately with the man. Enyo landed quietly on her feet behind the man and watched Erwin lash out. The man caught Erwin's arm and they faced off like two alpha goats determining who was boss.

Would this mouse of a man be able to overpower Erwin? That's not possible.

Enyo didn't leave it up to chance as she held up her blades. If he continued, Enyo wouldn't hesitate. Of course, Erwin wanted them alive so she'd make sure that he'd still be able to move and talk. It would just be a bitch to use the bathroom for a few weeks.

"Stop it." Erwin used his really high and mighty commanding voice. "Take a look around you." He spoke like he did that one time he scolded Enyo for making Lauda laugh so hard he peed his pants.

"Levi!" A shocked voice made Enyo turn her gaze for just a moment. In Keiji's angry arms was a tall man with ash blonde hair. Hair that had never seen the sun, Enyo realized.

The man, now known as Levi, dropped his knife. It clattered against the ground sharply and Mike stepped forward with a long rope. Enyo stared at him with a confused face as if to say, 'where the heck were you keeping that?' Mike tied Levi tightly before he shoved him to his knees next to the other two.

Enyo stood with her arms crossed over her chest, her best attempt at an intimidating frown on her lips. Rashad whispered for her to stop because she wasn't—and would never be—intimidating unless she grew a foot. Enyo snapped her gaze to Rashad and he laughed.

Erwin ignored them and set his titan burning gaze on Levi. "Who taught you to use ODM gear?"

Cool, steel eyes bore back into Erwin's with the same tenacity. He wore run down loafers and his pants were frayed at the bottom. His shirt had obviously been patched up and Enyo furrowed her brows. Could it—?

Mike slammed Levi into a dirty, muddy puddle in the street. It slopped up the front of Levi's shirt and Enyo winced again. She hoped she'd never be on the receiving end of an angry Mike. The man would just sit on her and rip her in two.

Erwin repeated himself. The other man, who they'd found out was Farlan, broke. "We taught ourselves! Okay? We learned on our own!"

Erwin continued to interrogate them in the dirty street of the Underground. Enyo stood silently by his side, eyeing Levi, the gang's leader. They were reluctant to share information, but Isabel and Farlan seemed extremely loyal to Levi. Anytime Mike threatened to shove Levi back in the disgusting mud, one of them would break and tell them what they wanted to hear.

Erwin announced they were done interrogating and Mike harshly let go of Levi. Said man growled. Erwin called his name and crouched on the ground before Levi. "Do you want to join the Scouts? Leave the Underground and fight for Humanity?"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

There he is. There's the star of the show! 

Leave a vote and comment! Also this edit of Bucky was way too good.

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