Chapter Two---First Cut

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DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains self harm, blood, and a knife if you are uncomfortable please skip the part that contains these topics. I will leave a line of 🎃's to signal the beginning and end of these parts, thank you for reading! And this is short so, not the best.

INFORMATION: This story takes place three years after season four so Marinette is now seventeen, Adrien is eighteen, Alya is seventeen, almost eighteen, and Nino is barely eighteen.

Marinette's POV

As I walked into the bakery I noticed that once again, my parents were gone and a note was left on the counter. I didn't even bother to read it this time. It always says the same exact thing. Sorry had to do some things for the bakery! Love you. I don't know why they even bother lying, why not just tell me that you didn't want to be around me. I wouldn't want to be around me either. As I walk up to my room I notice tears rolling down my face once again. Chloe forgot to mention crybaby. I wipe away my tears and take a step into my pink room, covered in pictures of Adrien. Why do I even bother? He doesn't love me, and he never will. God he has any kind of girl he could ever want at his feet, I'm nothing but an obsessed fatass. Tikki flies out of my bag just as I begin to tear the pictures down and out of their hiding spots and tries to comfort me. It doesn't work though, I can't even hear what she's saying over my own thoughts.


(Reminder 1/3 that this signals the beginning/end of self harm topics!)

As I tore a picture down from over my desk, I noticed a knife on my desk that I had used to cut a piece of fabric the previous day. I picked it up and took an interesting look at it. What if I were to.. I rolled my blazer sleeve up and touched the blade against my skin. I pressured the blade down, but even though I was the one taking the actions, I still didn't fully understand what was going on. My skin broke and blood started to make its way from underneath my skin and onto my arm. It stung, but, for a split second, I felt calm again. Wanting to feel that again I dragged the blade against my skin for a second time. A third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth.


(Reminder 2/3 that this signals the beginning/end of self harm topics!)

Just then I was interrupted by a small voice, "Marinette stop it! You can't do this! You're stronger than this Marinette! I-.. Why!?" She knocked the knife out of my hands and at that moment I finally realized what it was that I was doing. I stared down at my arm and let another round of tears fall.

"I-I-I- I don't kn- know Tikki!" I responded, "I- I'm sorry!" I fell to the ground and hugged my knees. I let my head fall into my knees as I continued to apologize and cry. I felt Tikki fly to my leg and hug it, not saying anything more.

As I stood back up , I quietly apologized to Tikki once more before taking my earrings off and tossing them on my desk. I'll put them back on later but I just want to be alone for right now. Tikki might as well just said to stop being such a crybaby.


(Reminder 3/3 that this signals the beginning/end of self harm topics!)

I grabbed the knife once more before walking over to my chaise and taking a seat, my arm still bleeding. I just wanted to feel calm, I want to feel better. And this is the only way I could think of. I gently connected the blade with my skin, hesitating before pressing down into my arm once again, and again, and many times after that. Every cut gives me a singular moment of pleasure. I don't know why, but it does. It's almost as if all of my stress, and.. anxiety, flowed out along with my blood. It's probably not healthy for me to have felt like this, but it's how I felt. And I couldn't help that.

712 words

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