Chapter 14---Red Pills

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(This is NOT the end! This is only the climax! And this is going to take a dark turn in this chapter hehe gon be pretty dramatic)

Chat woke up to Mainettte's alarm, easily, while Marinette did not, "AWAKEN SLUMBER QUEEN! AWAKEN!!! WHY WON'T YOU AWAKEN???!!" Chat didn't expect waking Marinette up would be so hard. But finally she woke up.

"The hell was that? Slumber Queen?" She asked as she got up to get ready, completely unwillingly.

"You wouldn't awaken, or, wake up, whatever." He replied.

"Whatever. Now go get ready for school."

"And if I don't?"

"You'll be late." But little did Marinette know, he already got ready for school before he started his attempts of waking her up.

"Well I already got ready for school before I woke you up."

"OK well I like to get ready alone please."

"Fine cranky."

~*time skip lol*~

Marinette had finally gotten done preparing for her most likely awful day at school, and surprisingly to anyone but her, early. If she left for school right now, she would be early to school also, but while yes she was leaving she was not yet going to school. She was going to the alleyway next to the Musée Grévin wax museum, to do some "shopping".

Marinette asked her dad for forty bucks claiming it was for designing supplies, and he totally bought it. So, now having the money she needed, she left.

She was second to make it to the alleyway, after the guy she was buying from. This whole experience was frightening to her, but she had heard this stuff fixes sadness.

(Start Song)

"How much you got?" The dealer asked.

"Forty bucks." She responded, trying to hide her childish voice.

"Alright what are you looking for?" He questioned, but since Marinette didn't know any names, she just gave the outcome she wanted.

"Uhm, something to uh.. Ease s-sadness I guess.. I don't know how to word it, whatever works best." When he heard "whatever works best", his eyes widened.

He dug through his bag in search while he spoke, "Well I guess your in luck, I'm the on- one, of the only people who have this," Then she saw them, tiny red pills in a big blue bottle, he put them right in her hands.

"This stuff can do wonders, take you to nirvana, make a better man." She should've known something was amiss, when she saw his smile turn to a grin.

But as left me, I felt all perplexed, then he turned and said, "One to numb the hurt. Two to ease the pain. Three to clear your mind. Forget all the hate."

"Take as I advise, not more than prescribed. Several weeks ahead, you'll be fine again." After he finished his warning, he left, without the money. And Marinette stood there, shocked of the details. (I recommend pausing the song)

Again, nothing changed when Marinette arrived to school, Chloe called her behind the school, beat her up, and she went on as if nothing happened once again.

She walked into the classroom and sat in between Kagami and Adrien, and once again heard the whispers of Nino and Alya behind her, "What does she think she is? A fucking blueberry." Sigh. Marinette decided to spend the ten minutes before class in a storage room instead of there, forced to listen to her former friends' insults. Without realizing she slightly pushed Adrien out of her way as she tried to get out. But that's the thing she tried, it didn't work. She of course tripped over Adrien's foot and bashed her head on the step of the rizers their desks were on. She sat up and leaned against the step, to find Adrien, Kagami, Alya, and Chloe coming to her aid. Well, all probably only to look good, but they still were coming, and Chloe was second, after Adrien. She was most definitely only doing it to look nice in front of Adrien.

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