Chapter 11---His return

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Third Person POV

Marinette was debating whether or not she should be slightly rude, or act like nothing wrong had happened. And of course, like everyone else would've (she thought), she decided to be rude.

"Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. And you ain't gotta tease me about it just because you left and started making out with whatever girl you saw first on the streets of Paris because you know very well every single straight female would get down and spread their legs for you immediately if you asked." She remarked. Chat didn't know what to think. ThisThis may be true, but he's never tested the theory before.

Yet she did say every single straight girl in Paris, you know who fits that description? Her, "So, about this 'every single straight girl in Paris', does that mean you Princess?" Marinette laughs, although only Alya knew her secret, she expected it to be obvious, "What!? What's so so funny, ohhh, you got some secret boyfriend you ain't telling me about now don't you." He gave her a suspicious but funny look.

"No no Chat, it's just, I'm not straight." She responded, her laughter cooling down. Chat's eyes widened as if she were his girlfriend who just told him that, which she wasn't and never would be, right?

He stuttered a reply, "W-.. I-.. Since when!?"

"I don't know, but I do know I used to have this huuuuge crush on a girl."

"Ooooo, who was it, and, and do you still like them? Are they friends? Are they ga- uhm.." He searched forfor words better than gay, because to him, it sounded disrespectful, although he wasn't homophobic like his dad, he still wanted to be respectful, "Do they like girls too?" Marinette laughed again.

"Chat, it's ok to say gay," and as if she had read his mind, she responded with the perfect answer, "It's not disrespectful or anything.

"Ok good good now answer my questions!" He was almost jumping straight up and down.

"Fine, fine! Except for the first one, got it?"

"Nooo! You-"

"Nope! No, she isn't a friend, but she used to be, now she's more of a.. A rude stranger." This lit up a light bulb in Chat's small mind, Chloe! He had interrupted a little more than a few of their playdates when he and them were kids, but of course, how would Chat Noir know that? Maybe, he was a close friend of Adrien's, or Chloe, eh, Adrien sounded more believable than Chloe.

"Hm.. you know, I have this one very close friend, you may have heard of him, Adrien Agreste, he's told me that he used to interrupt you and Chloe Bourgies' playdates when you three were kids, I wonder.."

Although Marinette gave him the stink eye, she thought it best not to try and lie, she wasn't the best at that even when it came to ladybug, "You say anything I swear I'll.. I'll.."

"You'll, you'll, whatcha gonna do?" Chat teased.

"I'll kick you so hard in the dick you'll become a girl and have to call yourself lesbian!"

"Eek! Not a good idea to make you mad I see, anyways, where did you get the idea that I go around making out with girls, huh?" Little did Marinette know, Neither Adrien nor Chat noir had ever kissed anyone. Adrien never had the opportunity to kiss someone whom he actually wanted to kiss, and Chat felt that it wasn't superhero-like of him to go around kissing girls. And to see Marinette kissing, and he quotes, "started making out with whatever girl he saw first on the streets of Paris because he knows very well every single straight female would get down and spread their legs for him immediately if he asked", was quite surprising to him.

"Well it is quite obvious that you've at least been kissed before, and just a smidgen obvious that you're a man whore." She explained.

Chat took offense to that, "Wow, a man whore now? Since when did I go from a superheroine to a man whore?"

"You tell me, I don't stalk you."

"Mhm, sureee.. I think you do!" Marinette started bursting out laughing after Chat said that.

"You think I stalk you? Really? Wow Chat, I knew you were desperate, but I didn't know you fantasied! BAHAHA.." She continued laughing, and Chat decided to get at her. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her towards him. Her face almost instantly flushed red.

He spoke in a slightly lower voice and smirked, "Now, what happened to kitty?"

"I-.. It-.. Wha-.. Iyah.." She stuttered out, "I d- don't kno- know.. Uh.."

He pulled her closer, "I took a liking to that name, has a nice," he made a circular motion on her cheek with his thumb, "ring.. to it, don't it?"

In some way which seemed impossible, Marinette's face became even more red, "Whaa..- NO!" she pushed him away, "What are you tryna get here cat?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "What do you want?" Again with that damn impossible to resist smirk?! Marinette thought.

Mari lifted her hand to her head as she turned away and started pacing, "I don't fucking know Chat."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Chat Noir was genuinly suprised by this, becuase he, has always known exactly what he wanted, and it's almost always been the same.

"What do I mean I don't know? I mean I don't fucking know what I want. It may be all easy for you to set your entire life out in front of you because you got such a good life, but it's not the fucking same for everyone. Not everyone has a perfect little life with perfect little friends, and a perfect little daddy, and a perfect little mommy-" That got him, it was already bad with the part about his father, but of course she had to bring in his mother.

"Shut up." He knew she was just upset, and didn't mean to actually hurt him, but she did, "Maybe I don't have such a good life, maybe I don't have good friends, maybe I don't have a good father, maybe I don't even have a mother! Why don't you learn the entire story before you go around accusing."

Marinette finally realized what she had said and she wished she could travel back those couple of seconds before she said it, and stop her from saying those things to Chat, "I- I'm sorry chat.. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just, I was mad, and sad, and overwhelmed and-"

"Hey, it's ok, I'm sorry too, it's just, " sigh, "when I was barely fourteen, my mom.. She.."

"Hey, it's ok, it was my fault not yours, I shouldn't have been so insensitive."

"Well, as long as you're apologizing, why don't you make your apology an explanation to, why? And what the bad in your life is, because honestly, I don't see how a girl as perfect as you could be sad enough to.. Well, you know what I mean.

"The thing is Chat, I'm not perfect, at all, I mean, look at me!"

"Hey! Don't say that, you are entirely perfect in every way shape or form. Got it?"

"Yea yea whatever. Still, I don't see it."

"Well you don't have to see it for it to be true, I can't see why people are so obsessed over Adrien Agreste, yet they are, aren't they?"

"Well I guess that's true, but why do you want to know? It's not part of your job to ask me about my life."

"Well guess what, even though I may have said that, don't mean that it's true. I just needed to rush out for something, don't ask what I couldn't tell you even if I was in civilian form, but that was all I could think of."

"Oh whatever, well maybe you wanna sit down, hell get some snacks. This is gonna take a while if you wanna know it all."

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