Chapter 8---Kitty

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Author's note; If you didn't catch on in the last chapter, Marinette was thinking of the worst and her mind twisted Chat's words into something else.

Marinette's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with me Tikki? Not even Chat likes me!" I screamed. By now my mom is at work and so is my dad, so I didn't bother being quiet.

"Nothing is wrong with you Mari, Chat does love you, he tried to make sure you were ok after he got hit by a villain!" She assured me.

"W-what do you m-mean!?" I screamed again, "He told me to jump of a fucking building!"

"No he didn't! Your mind just thought that that was what he was going to say, so that's what you heard!" She responded

"That's not possible!" I argued.

"On normal circumstances, it's rare, but the miraculous makes the chance off that happening a lot higher when you're in the amount of distress that you were and are in Mari!" She assured.

"So I'm crazy? Haha ya of course I am!" She started to say something but once again I took off the earrings and threw them on my desk.


I took the blade out of my bag once again, and pulled my sleeves up. My arms were covered in dried blood that hadn't stopped flowing after I ran out of the school. There was no more room on my arms, so I started on my hands, not that they would last very long with that size of them. I did my routine once again. Touch, press, drag. I repeated that until my hands were almost completely covered in cuts once again.


But what stopped me wasn't me deciding to stop, it was Chat on the stairs leading into my room from the balcony. His face broke my heart. He was crying and his face looked like he had just lost his world.

"C-c-chat..! I- uhm.." I tried to think of an excuse, but he had seen the entire thing, there was no point, "I'm sorry!"I broke down into tears that second. With the amount of times I've cried recently, it feels like there couldn' possibly be anything left in my eyes, yet there was, and it all came flowing down like the blood in my hands.

"Why..?" He asked firmly but caring.

"I- I don't know.. I guess i'ts calming..?" I responded unsure.

His reaction scared me, "How the fuck is pain comforting!?" He threw his baton across the room.

He looked at me, "Oh my god Marinette I'm so sorry!" He ran over to me and pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry, I was just mad, not at you, but whatever caused you to do that."

"Y-ya I expected that, it's ok chat noir."

"Call me chat."

"Kitty.." I added as I hugged tighter.

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