Chapter 7---Beeansee

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Beeansee's Ability: anyone that she blasts will instantly turn against the person that loves them most, there's not a cure for it like dark cupid. Once she hits you are permanently against the person who loves you most. Of course that is until Lb fixes everything, if she can..

Note from the author; I am going to do this scene or whatever in both Chat Noir's POV and Ladybug's POV. I'm going to start with Chat.

Chat Noir's POV

I woke up to Ladybug over me, crying, screaming, asking me if I was OK. I should probably tell her I'm alright haha.

"Get the fuck of of me you goddamn crybaby!" I shouted. What..? That's not what I meant to say..

"C-chat..?" She asked, horror filled her eyes.

"I said get off!!" I threw her off the building. Why the fuck did I just say or do that? No no no m'lady! I looked over to see if she was alright, shit, she was just laying there. Not moving. Against my will I jumped down and lifted her by her hair. Stop Adrien!! You're hurting her! She was ok, she wasn't hurt or anything, physically. She was balling.

"You are nothing, Ladybug. You are worthless, no one loves you. You just keep them from having to fight for themselves." Stop!!

"Chat please snap out of it!" She pleaded, yet I continued with my words, "S-s-s-stop it..!" I'm so sorry m'lady I can't stop!

"Shut the fuck up and fight! Coward."And with that I let her go. She dropped to the ground, busting the back of her head open on the concrete. Her head started to bleed.

"I will save you kitty.." She got up and flew past me. I felt so bad, but my body forced me to follow her and try again on hurting her.

Ladybug's POV

This cannot be happening the only person I had left hates me obviously that just proves that it's fucking true! Oh my fucking god why am I making this about me now!? This is about Chat and I need to save him!! I flew throughout the city until I finally found Beeansee. That mother fucker should die for what she's done to my kitty.

"Beeansee! Come over here and fight! You enjoy hurting people so much, try and hurt me! No powers!" I screamed, still crying.

"Aw, did the bugs kitty turn against her? Sad.. Well, in this state, you'll be easy to beat." She teased, "But if I win, I get your-"

"My miraculous, ya ya I know the drill now c'mon, you scared?" I knew that she was probably right about me being easy to beat, but I can still try.


I started to get dizzy in the middle of us fighting from the previous blow, but so far, I was winning. She had a bloody nose, was bleeding from the side of her face, and was about to collapse, yet she hadn't touched me.


We were almost finished, one more hit, and she was down. She aimed for my face and swung. I dodged and tripped her. She bashed her head on the concrete. I took her wand, and snapped it in half. A black butterfly flew out, and I caught it with my yoyo. Bye-bye little butterfly. Now, to find Chat.

I searched the city, but could not find him. Maybe he was being serious about what he said? I dropped to my knees and started to cry again. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, it was Chat.

"Just so you know ladybug, I hate you. You can't do anything, you caused me to get hurt from your damn ranting!" He said.

"W- what..?"

"You heard me damn it, get out of my life! The only reason I tolerate you is because I have to in order to keep Paris safe. If it weren't for that, I would've been gone a long time ago."

"Y- you're k-ki-kidding..? Right? Chat your kidding this is a joke right? Chat this isn't funny Chat-" He slapped me and I fell.

"Shut up ladybug! I hope you jump off a fucking building when you detransform."

"If you say I should, then I will! I'll jump! My mom tells me that, Chloe does, my friends hate me, you were all I had left! But if you say so, then I will! I promise!" I screamed.

"Good! I hope you fucking die painfully you fucking whore."

"I will I will I-"

"Ladybug! I didn't say that!" He cut me off, and all of a sudden, he was crying.

Chat Noir's Pov

I finally saw that ladybugs cross Paris, meaning I was safe to re-transform and find Ladybug. Plagg, claws out! I pounced off of the roof I was on and towards the swinging yoyo you could see while crossing roofs.

"Finally, Ladybug stopped. Yet when I landed behind her, she was on her knees, crying.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "M'lady, what's wrong?" For a second, she just stared at me in horror, as if I had continued speaking.

"W- what..?" SHe asked.

"I asked if you were okay, m'lady is there something wrong?" Again, she stared at me in even deeper horror as if I had continued speaking.

Then she spoke, "Y- you're k-ki-kidding..? Right? Chat your kidding this is a joke right? Chat this isn't funny Chat-". She cut herself off, and flew down to the ground like I had just slapped her. What the fuck is going on with her? And for the third time, she stared at me like I was speaking.

The she said something that brought tears to my eyes, "If you say I should, then I will! I'll jump! My mom tells me that, Chloe does too, my friends hate me, you were all I had left! But if you say so, then I will! I promise! I''l kill myself!!" SHe screamed and a smile came across her face.

"Ladybug no what the fuck I never said that no no no!!" I screamed in her face. Why was she acting like this?

"I will I will I-"

"Ladybug! I didn't say that!" I cut her off, then she looked at me like my entire expression and words had just changed. And with that. She just took off, but this time instead of stopping her, I followed her.

She landed on the bacony of the Dupain-Cheng bakery/house. And I stopped a building over, hiding behind a chimney. I shouldn't be doing this, but I need to know what was wrong with my bug. Tikki, spots off. Then, replacing Ladybug, Marinette appeared.

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