Decepticons?! and Autobots

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I was sleeping peacefully as I snuggled into the warmth of my blankets on my bed. I sigh as I feel the sun on my face.

I turned around in my sleep, and felt something near me.

I opened my eyes and groaned in tiredness from the late night drive. I blink my eyes when I feel something.

I looked at what it was.

I noticed someone's arm was wrapped around my waist and I blushed as I let my eyes follow up the arm and noticed Brett/Bumblebee was asleep in my bed. I blushed crimson and hid my face in my hands.

He twitched and rolled over.

I decided to just go back to bed and see what happens then.

I woke up to him moving, as he was waking up.

I was still tired and I felt my body suddenly become cold again. I shivered as I wrapped my blankets around myself.

I watched him get out of bed.

I sat up and got out of bed. I yawned and stretched. I rub my head as I looked outside the window.

It was sunny outside.

I wondered what I should do today since I didn't want to be in the same house as Sam and his parents. I was bored and hungry. "Wbat time is it?" I asked as I looked for my phone.

"It's 8:30," Brett answered.

"Too early." I then climbed back in bed since there was no school today.

I was ready to fall back asleep.

I had a pillow over my face to keep the sun from reaching my eyes.

Brett shook my arm.

"Hm?" I mumbled tiredly. I was not at all happy about the timezone change.

"Come on," he said.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I sat up and look at him.

"Don't know," he replied.

I get up from my bed and grab some clothes from my closet. "Primus should have warned me about the timezone change." I sighed. "I wonder how Grandma is, anyways?" I walk inside the bathroom not knowing Brett heard everything.

I change into the clothing.

I change into the clothing

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(No weapons)

No one

Chala was brushing her hair in the bathroom and checking her outfit.

"Did you just say timezone change?" Brett asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did." She placed her brush on the counter of her sink and opened the bathroom door. "I think someone with the same name as you met me when I was in Thailand."

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