Mission City war and Hospital

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I was worried; terrified about what happens to Chala. When she reached for me, I wanted so badly to go with her. I feared the worst when I saw her get shocked. Primus, please help her, I prayed in my helm as I transformed and opened the passenger's door for Lilly.

She hopped in.

I peeled out of the building. I didn't want to be in the same place that Chala was tortured in. I regret not killing that bastard, but Optimus would have my helm if he heard what I did.

I picked up on Optimus and the others' signal.

I drove on just as I noticed they were coming up. I couldn't focus on anything but Chala. Her screams, her pain, her blood. That's going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

Optimus opened a comm between us. :Bumblebee, news: he said.

:Optimus, the humans-- they tortured Chala. I onlined my holoform, but was overpowered by them all. A man was hurting her: I told him. I wanted to leak my coolants right then and there. I failed to protect her.

I failed Chala.

Would Optimus assign another guardian to her?

That question scared me.

:Bumblebee, there's not a lot of things one could expect. I'm sorry that happened to her. Is she getting any help?: he asked.

:She had to be taken to a hospital due to how much blood she's lost: I choked up. I hated being like a failure.

:Talk to me, Bumblebee. She's in great care right now:

:Optimus, I- I love her. I'm in love with Chala: I confessed to him. Even though I knew she loved me, but I never got to tell her how I felt.

Optimus sighed a bit. :Bumblebee, if you need to, you can go see her:

I felt happy after hearing that. I'll see you after this war is over, Chala.

I promise.

:Find if she's okay: he said.


They arrived in the city.

Bumblebee opened the door for Lilly to climb out.

Lilly thanked him for the ride as she got out.

He waited for orders on what do next as Chase and Austin ran up with Rui following. Justin was thrown out again landed on the ground with a thud!

Justin swore at Ironhide, not too happy with the treatment.

"Hey, asshole! You deserved that," Chase remarked to his brother. "I'm telling Mom what you did to Chala when we get home."

"Oh, fine," Justin said with an angry glare.

"Please tell me you copy?" Robert Epps said in his walkie-talkie, but got no response. Suddenly, a flying chip appeared out of nowhere! It was shaped like a Dorito, except metal-looking and ugly.

"Is that a giant flying Dorito?" Kya asked, as she got out of Barricade.

Lilly snorted as Austin and Chase laughed. Rui shook his head with an amused smile while some of the soldiers had to hold back their laughs.

Justin gave a quiet snort. "Barricade! Megatron has been looking for you. You side with the Autoscum?!"

Barricade noticed everyone was looking at him. He looked at everyone, and then he looked at Kya.

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