Chapter 1: Confusion and New Clothes

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A breeze flew by an unconscious human on the ground blowing their hair out of their face, the sun warm on their skin but not burning. Creatures nearby blissfully dance and sing unaware of the newly spawned individual about 10 meters away. 

A squishy blob hops toward the human on the cool grass its wings softly flapping in the wind. 

Y/N opened their eyes to be met with the sun in their eyes, panic rising as they tried to recall what happened only to be met with their memories not having any information as to how they ever ended up outside.

They sat up feeling grass and small pebbles beneath them and looked around being met with a familiar feeling of nostalgia. 

"Where am I?" they quietly asked themself I was logging into Genshin last night so how did I end up outside? There isn't even a park that close to my house...

"Wait... this wasn't what I was wearing last night!" They stood up in a panic looking at their clothes, no longer were they wearing pajamas. Instead, they wore a (F/C) themed outfit with a knife strapped to their hip in a silver sheath with carved star designs and a cape with a loose hood.

Did someone kidnap me and change my clothes? I mean at least it's my style but why? How? And who? I live alone...

Hearing a distinct hopping noise they looked up from examining their clothes to see a strange but familiar creature "IS THAT AN ANEMO SLIME?!?"

They looked at the squishy ball of air hearing the cute noises it makes every time it hops and flaps its wings to get closer. "Wait... that's an anemo slime..." processing what they had just borne witness to their jaw dropped.

"No way... I'm hallucinating... I read too many fanfics..." 

The slime looked at Y/N and made a small noise before softly floating up with a gust of wind to sit on their head. 

Y/N froze, slimes don't do that... "why didn't it attack me??" they put an arm up and softly felt the slime happily chirping and snuggling into their hair and petting the squishy ball of air a few times. "I guess you're mine now," they said talking to the slime and starting to walk around to find where they were located somehow.

"I'm guessing this is either a dream or I got isekaid heh..." Laughing quietly they took out the dagger they had and decided to poke their finger with it. 

It hurt.

This wasn't a dream... I'm awake... I got i s e k a i d

Their heart started racing and they tried to calm down, they took their new slime friend off their head and held it in their arms after they put the dagger away and tried to focus on breathing properly again. 

"Ain't no way bro," they said as they shook their head at the trees around them and spotted a path that was oddly familiar and started following it before their vision went blurry and they started falling, the last thing they heard was their slime making a noise of what one could only assume was of worry.


What should we name the slime? Also what outfit are you guys wearing? I tried making those up to your guys' imagination apart from the dagger and the cape hehe

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