Chapter 2: Dawn Winery and Diluc

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A man in a black coat can be found carrying someone with a small anemo slime in their arms with a worried look on his face as he walked back to his winery. Having found the person just as they fell over in the middle of the path in Wolvendom he got worried that the slime near them would attack.

To his surprise though it simply made noises and from what he could see, try and wake up the fallen individual. He didn't exactly know why he decided to help a suspicious person who has a tamed slime but it was as if he was familiar with them in some way.

As he reached the front door of Dawn Winery, Diluc was greeted by the head maid who looked curious about the person he was carrying.

"Adelinde please have a room ready for them," Diluc said, "I think it would be best if we have a doctor check on them too," Adelinde nodded and swiftly informed a few of the other maids nearby to get a guest room checked and ready for use and came back after a few minutes. 

"The main guest room is ready to be used master Diluc," Adelinde said and got a nod and a quiet "thank you" in response before Diluc walked down a hallway and went inside the room.

After placing Y/N down on the bed he silently watched as the anemo slime that was accompanying them snuggled up into their arms and gently flapped its wings into their face trying to wake them up. After determining that the slime wouldn't cause harm to them he stepped back and quietly sat down by a desk and quietly waited for them to wake up from the slime's soft pats with its wings.

After around 5 minutes the person on the bed started stirring awake slowly opening their eyes and sitting up.

Shit. Did I pass out again? Where am I now? 

Y/N rubbed their eyes, they felt the smooth sheets on the bed they were now on and could only hope it was theirs. As their eyes opened and they blinked a few times they saw their slime friend and their hand found its way to pet it. Nope still in Genshin... at least I have a pet slime.

They smiled and looked around the room, it was decorated to some extent, there was a side table and a mirror, and there was also a desk and a Diluc in the corner.


Y/N's eyes widened as they made eye contact with the redhead.

The in-game model does not do this pretty man justice they felt their face heat up a bit as Diluc stood up and walked closer to them and they stared at the details of his clothes and his hair, anything but his face.

"I apologize for taking you to my house without your permission," He spoke, his voice sounding familiar sounding to Y/N for they have listened to this man's voice lines at least 5 times each from his profile. "My name is Diluc, I found you unconscious when I was on a walk and thought you needed some assistance, you are currently in one of the guest rooms in Dawn Winery,"

Y/N nodded slightly "uh nice to meet you Diluc, my name is Y/N" they hugged their slime and smiled at him, "thank you for helping me"

That voice... Diluc felt stiffened at the sound of it, a voice he's heard before, sometimes praising him and sometimes going on about something he couldn't understand. He brushed it off though, it's a voice he doesn't hear as often now compared to other vision holders, and didn't want to jump to conclusions. Though he feels like it'll be something he would think about for a while.

"You're welcome, Y/N," he said, "if I may ask, where are you from? I don't think I've seen you around Mondstadt before," 

Ah shit what do I say? Y/n looked down at the slime in their arms before looking back up at Diluc. "I'm not sure, I can't remember how I even got here," they replied, their arms tightening around said slime.

 It's not like I can tell him that he's a video game character, hell is the traveler even here yet?  What part of the story have they completed? Actually who even is the traveler? I chose Lumine but for all I know this world isn't mine.

Diluc examined Y/N with skepticism with a hint of sympathy then simply nodded politely. "That is alright, I have sent for a doctor to do a check-up on you considering the fact you were found fainted on the ground" he gave Y/N a small smile "you are welcome to stay here until you find a place of your own, food will be served in around an hour, we're having sweet madame and salad tonight. If you have any requests feel free to wander around and ask a staff member in the mansion,"

After that, he promptly left the room leaving Y/n to think of how they were going to survive in the world of Teyvat. Meanwhile, he had one thought in mind about the familiar stranger that calls themself Y/N.

Could they be the mysterious god guiding me and other vision holders?


Hi, I'm back with another update. I'm just trying to get the first few parts out lol. 

I just realized that most x reader stories are written in 1st and 2nd POV while I'm over here writing in 3rd POV cause it's what I'm used to lol oops. I'm not sure if I'll change it though unless that's what readers want heh.

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