Chapter 10:

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*TW: small amount of sexual assault but not much and talks of self harm*

She looked so beautiful, the slightly strong breeze blew her hair as the sunlight shone perfectly onto her face, I couldn't believe she would eve  chose to be friends with me, I softly held her hand as we watched surfers and kids in the water,  "You wanna maybe go swimming?" She asked. I nodded, "Yeah but how do we change?" I asked knowing I didn't want to show off my body to everyone.

She looked at me and pointed towards 2 small shacks, "Those are men and woman changing rooms, we can both go in one at a time whilst the other person stays here with our stuff okay" she said before quickly getting up and getting her towel and bikini, I watched her walk away then I turned my attention to the water once more, I imagined how free it would be to be a fish or a merman, just knowing you had all the freedom in the world and you could go wherever you want without anyone telling you what to do.


I watched Jed as he stared around with amazement, it was sweet to watch him and see him this happy, I began walking to the small shacks to get changed into my bikini, I walked into the ladies shack and locked the door, or so I thought at least.

I began taking my t shirt off, followed by my bra I then proceeded to put my bikini top on, that's when I got the feeling I was being watched, I whipped my head around the small room that's when I felt someone grab my boobs from behind, I immediately screamed and began fighting the guy off me, I kicked him in the groin, grabbed my things and opened the door, the man dressed in black went to run away but luckily Jed stopped him and pushed him over sitting on him whilst  some random beach goer called the police

I stood there shocked and disgusted, I couldn't believe that it even happened. I felt like I had let Jed down and ruined everything. I knew I didn't want to go home, "If you ever touch my girl again I'll cut your hands off and shove them both up your ass and down your throat" I heard Jed shout as he punched the ground next to the guys head, Jed's words shocked me what does he mean his girl I thought to myself. The idea of being Jed's girlfriend slightly excited me I knew he was different to any boy I had ever dated.

I also knew I could help him release his inner demons and help free him from the pain in his mind, I noticed some cuts on his arms occasionally, It made me sad because I knew he had no one to talk to before he met me, I also felt it was my fault that Jed shot Josh, Alex, Seth, Louis, Finley and Noah in a way  I should have just learned to keep everything that happened private, I should have been better at hiding my bruises and scars.

It was meant to be Jed's special day so I knew I needed to help him, I looked over at Jed holding the man down, they were fighting I didn't know what to do. I felt dirty that's when I heard sirens and saw the police car approaching us fast. 

I watched as 2 police officers approached the man and Jed, pulling Jed off of the man before handcuffing the man , then they took him into the police car.

One of the officers walked over to me, "Hi Miss we will need a statement regarding what just happened are you okay to do that now" she asked looking at me. I nodded and told her everything that happened.

Jed came over shaking with anger, he hugged me tight, "I'm so sorry I should have came with you" he whispered barely audible as he put his face down in my neck nuzzling in, I sighed "If you want to go home we can okay" he added pulling away and looking me dead in the eyes before pushing a stray strand of hair from my face.

I looked at him as my heart raced, "No I want to stay, now that prick is gone we can enjoy the beach okay I just have to change into my bikini bottoms but will you stay outside so you can watch the stuff but also make sure no one comes back" I asked looking at the floor, "Of course I can" he smiled softly. I walked back to the shack to collect my clothes and to continue getting changed.

Once I came back out it was Jed's turn to get changed, I sat on the blanket staring at the waves as they crashed along the shore, kids laughter and seagulls filled my ears as I sat there trying to come to terms with what just happened, I was in my own little world when suddenly he tapped my shoulder making me jump.


I couldn't believe what that guy had done it made me sick, she's my Avery and ain't nobody going to touch her like that ever again, I walked over to the changing shack and quickly got changed. I didn't want to keep her waiting too long just in case anything else happened to her. I hurried back towards her and stood behind her admiring her and smiling to myself as I watched her staring at the water.

I tapped her shoulder before sitting down making her jump, "Oh um sorry I shouldn't have done that" I apologised rubbing the back of my neck, "Its okay, anyway how about we pack everything up except for our towels and go for a swim, I even got us some snorkelling gear so we can go under the water a bit" she said excitedly, I nodded fast and got up before helping Avery put all of our things into the truck.

Once everything was in the truck we raced each other to the waters edge before putting our snorkelling gear on and heading deeper into the water "Fucking hell its freezing" I yelled before running back to the sand, "Oh come on please your not scared of a bit of cold water are you?" She teased.

Then she began kicking the cold water at me getting my legs and my shorts wet and cold, "That's it young lady" I yelled before running into the water trying to catch her however she managed to swim off, I dove into the water swimming after her. I soon caught up with her and grabbed her by the waist pulling her towards me, we were under the water at this point and it was beautiful. I had never even been in the ocean until now.

I wanted to make the rest of the day special, I wanted to make her mine, I needed to ask her out she had to be mine, I took the mouth piece out of my mouth and pulled her close to me removing her mouth piece and kissing her under the water until we both nearly ran out of breath, we quickly surfaced gagging for air, the kiss felt magical.

We then decided to continue swimming for a while then we decided to head back to the shore to dry off and just chill on the blanket, Avery wanted to sunbathe and try to get a tan whilst I wanted to just play in the sand and hunt for seashells. I knew it was childish but I wanted to I was just glad she didn't mind what I did.

We walked together hand in hand up to the van to get our stuff that we had previously packed away then walked back to the blanket, I found a few seashells along the way some big ones and some weird shaped ones.

Once we got back to the towel  I looked in the bag and burst out into laughter as I noticed a bucket and spade, "Seriously?" I laughed looking at her.

She looked over and laughed "Oh come on you know you wanna build a sandcastle" she replied giggling, I mean I couldn't argue with her I used to draw sandcastles and big wide beaches, I sat in for sand, it felt weird, I began to play with the sand feeling it run through my fingers multiple times, at this point people were beginning to leave the beach with their kids screaming about how they didn't want to leave.

I watched as parents had to drag their kids across the sand, I didn't even know or care what the time was. If I was honest I didn't even want to go back home I knew what would happen if I did the same thing that happens every single day the fights, the arguments, the abuse, the smell of alcohol.  I just wish I could run away from him for good find somewhere to escape all the pain and to make the voices stop.  I was busy building the sand castle and having fun for ages.

I was thinking about something to make for Avery I wanted to try and make her something using one of the shells I had found along the shore. I looked over at her to see her eyes closed and she was listening to music, I admired her for a while before finally tapping her arm.

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