Chapter 1:

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I sat up quickly in bed sweating whilst looking around almost breathless clutching my chest as I was awoken from my nightmare once again, I whipped my head around the room,turning on the lamp beside my bed examining my body, I knew it was a nightmare but the beatings just felt real.

I looked at the time on my phone and sighed Ugh its 4:45am I have to get up at 6:30am I thought to myself I knew I had to prepare myself mentally for all of the questions as I entered my knew school Oaksfield High, I was always the weird outcast kid, the freak,the kid with mental problems. I had to leave my old school behind, it was the bullies,they ruined my life. They made me want to cut so I did.

I snuck to the bathroom careful not to wake my dad up,I knew what would happen if I did the screaming and beating would start as his breathe reeked of alcohol, I just wished it was my dad that died and not my mum, I wondered what she would have been like and how she would have helped me, would she have saved me sooner? I often wondered things like this.

I made it to the bathroom and turned on the cold tap,splashed cold water all over my face and even took a small sip of the water from my hands to calm my nerves before sneaking back into my room and getting back into my bed and drifting back to sleep.

After what felt like only a few minutes my alarm went off, I hated having to set my alarm early in the kerning especially if my dad stayed up drinking till the early hours, which he did most nights, I turned around in a hurry turning it off quickly before getting out of bed sneaking to my wardrobe and pulling out a All time low grafic tee,a grey hoodie and some sweatpants.

I hurried to get dressed,grabbed some trainers and walked downstairs quietl y where I saw my dad slumped in his arm chair with beer cans and bottles as well as cigarette butts scattered all over the living room,our house was small but it was okay for the two of us. I went to the kitchen made myself some breakfast, I grabbed a bowl and a spoon placed them on the side and went to grab the box of cereal.

I went to place the cereal box on the side next to the spoon and bowl however I knocked the bowl straight onto the floor causing it to crash loudly and also causing it to break, I flinched and mentally curse as I heard my dad shout.

I quickly went to get the broom and sweep all the pieces away before he walked in but I was too slow, "What have I fucking told you about waking me up after I've been drinking you little piece of shit" he spat in in my face before punching me and busting my lip open,"I'm sorry sir I was just trying to get ready for school" I mumbled which earnt me another punch to the face, this time it was the eye.

He shouted a few more things before going to the fridge and getting another bottle of lager from the fridge,walking back to his chair and slumping back into the chair which I was surprised at. Normally he was worse, I guess he was too tired to do much this morning I thought to myself and shrugged my shoulders, I wasn't hungry any more so I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and washed it leaving it on the counter for later.

My next task was to clean the house before school as I always did, I had to be extra cautious and quiet as I knew dad had fallen back to sleep half way through his drink. I picked up all the rubbish and swept the floor before I finished getting ready and wiping my face with some kitchen roll.

I walked outside into the freezing cold air as I was met with the good old wind and the snow that was falling down, in England we didn't get that much snow, which to be honest im pretty grateful for but still it was definitely going to be a cold day, I threw all the empty cans and bottles in the bin before I headed towards my new school, All time low,Avril Lavigne and Blink182 blasting through my earbuds as I quickly walked to school, I looked at the time it was already 8:15 and school was half an hour away and it started at 9.

I knew I had to sign in and get my stuff like my timetable,planner and school map before my first class started,I just hoped no one would judge me and I was also glad that this school didn't require a uniform, I hated wearing uniforms from the button up shirt to the stupid ties and blazers, I kept walking to school quietly singing along to the music, music was one of the main ways I could escape the pain,the voices and well just life.

Half an hour later I finally made it with 15 minutes to spare, I took a deep breath before I walked in and went straight to the reception to see a middle aged woman with brown hair and glasses sat at a computer, "Um excuse me miss" I mumbled almost barely audible but she didn't hear me, "I said um excuse me" I repeated looking at her, "Oh hi,you must be the new student,its so nice to meet you" she replied with a hint of sarcasm laced in her voice.

She handed me some paper work to sign,my time table and everything else including my locker key and the number.

I walked towards the locker area,looking down at my timetable trying to figure out what lesson I had first and what classroom I had to go to when suddenly I bumped into someone falling onto my bum, "Oi loser watch where you're going will ya" someone yelled, I looked up to see an older boy with black hair,muscles and green eyes.

I was too embarrassed to speak, "I fucking said oi watch loser watch where you're going!" He repeated before picking me up by my hoodie, "Ah you must be the new guy that's joining" he added smirking and looking around at his mates,"Interesting,this should be fun" he smirked.

The bell rang and I could not have been happier,I picked up all the things I had dropped and began to make my way to English class,I loved english it was one of my favourite subjects as well as history,Art,geography,science and design and technology, I made my way to the English block and looked for classroom 5A, it took a while but finally I found it only to discover I was actually about 10 minutes late, after getting lost a total of 3 times.

I took another deep breath before turning the knob on the door, opening the door and walking in. I could feel everyone staring at me, I looked at the teacher, she didn't look at me once,her eyes focused on something written on the board. I looked around at the classroom, "You're late" Miss Kingston said sternly, "I'm sorry ma'am I'm new here and I got lost" I apologised looking down and staring at my shoes.

She sighed,"Ah yes Mr Thomas,very well I shall allow it this once" she replied. I made my way over to my desk,there was a girl and that same guy that I had walked into before great trust this to be the only free desk I thought to myself, "Well well well isn't it nice for you to come sit with me" he whispered. I tried to ignore him and just started writing down things from the board like notes and whatever until the lesson was over.

I looked at the clock, only 2 minutes left roughly until the bell rang finally and I could go to art, "Don't forget class only 3 weeks until the big story writing competition ends and we decide our winner" Miss Kingston announced with a big smile on her face. Then the bell rang everyone piled out of the classroom filling the once quite halls with chatter and foot steps.

I walked over to the desk, "Well don't you need to get to your other class,after all we don't want you late for that was as well" she said looking at me, "Um sorry Miss I know you're right but could you tell me more about the um story writing competition and could I enter?" I asked nervously. She quickly pulled out a piece of paper from the drawer and told me to read it,sign it and drop it off at break time.

I took it and made my way to art class, I shoved the piece of paper into my backpack before opening the door and getting into the class just before Miss Davies did the register, "Ah I see we have a new student, well as you all know when we have a new student we like to test them in a art challenge" she smiled and clapped her hands.

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