Chapter 23:

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We quickly left we hurried to the motorhome, we decided we needed to go leave and go somewhere else, as Isla grows its been hard to stay in the motorhome, I mean she was nearly 1, shes getting bigger I mean as a toddler where was she supposed to sleep.

We just started driving. We driving for about 30 minutes,it wasn't even late, we stopped at some cool places.

*A month  later*

We managed to get to Bath t was beautiful we stayed there , We had Christmas and Isla's birthday. I managed keep lying to everyone and even Whiskey was good too.

Jed went outside and took Whiskey and Isla outside to play ball, thats when Alex called me on facetime I thought I was safe, we started talking thats when Jed came inside, "Oh hey you have a boyfriend wow whats his name" Alex asked me looking smug, "Wait I fucking know him,It's Jed Thomas" he yelled angrily, "You have been with him the whole time" he screamed. He knew I had a tracker on my phone I couldn't turn it off.

I begged him, "What no its not Jed its Jasper" I lied tears fell down on my cheeks, "I can't believe this, I'm calling the police" he replied then the line went dead.

The panic was evident, I started crying Jed was panicking he started we stopped at a KFC  car park it was empty, we knew it was nearly the time was up. I looked at my ring and my daughter, I knew I might go into jail as well. I started bawling, panicking,shaking, "Look okay I will make sure you are safe okay I swear I will lie again I will make sure you away from the police and jail" he kissed me.


I couldn't believe we were caught, well not really. A few hours we were at Leeds, we were exhausted and so tired. I knew the police were coming, "Baby I love you so much and Isla but I think I have to stop hiding now" I blurted out, I grabbed her face holding her kissing her nose, Isla wasn't even asleep its like she could  sense something was wrong. I picked her up from the cot and sat on the bed holding her and whispering, "I know you won't remember princess but I will, I hope your life is full of hopes,dreams and blessings" a single tear dripped onto her head.

We decided to have one more day going shopping and even going to a farm just one day until I'm in prison, I wanted to get a build a bear and put my voice in a bear just for Isla I wasn't dying but I didn't want Avery to bring her to the prison everyday it was hard. We got ready then hit the shops. We went to Disney store,Apple to get a new phone because Averys broke,poundland to get some snacks and more.

There was a arcade so we went there for a few hours, we played a few games and we won loads of tickets, we picked a small Kirby plush then we got hungry.

We had pretzels and milkshakes I chose oreo and Avery had strawberry cheesecake. We went to a few more stores until we hurried to build a bear . It was packed I was nervous, kids were screaming,parents were yelling it was crazy, I looked at Avery breathing heavily, Avery grabbed my hand and we walked over to the bears.

We decided to get Isla to choose her own bear, it was a tough decision there was lots of colours and different teddies. She decided to get a pink cuddles bear and some clothes she picked a white shirt with a big butterfly on,a rainbow tutu and some red boots.

We got a few outfits for the bear, not too many whatever she touched it was my finally gift for her, a rainbow dress,some fairy wings, a tie dye hoodie, silver boots,holo trainers, pjs and more.They stuffed the bear and put my voice in it then left.

We got home, whiskey was going crazy, immediately I let her out for toilet time and some play time. I started crying I knew it was time but it was still hard.

Whiskey started kissing the tears away I played with her slightly, Avery grabbed my phone out of my pocket crying, "You're ruining your life,we can hide for the rest of our lives if that means we could grow old together" she sobbed, "Don't you think I fucking want that, to watch our daughter grow up!" I yelled, "Im doing this for our daughter" I added, "Dont lie your doing it for yourself" she spat.

We started fighting over it, it was killing me since what happened I loved my time with my girls but every night it kills me I might seem like I'm happy but most time it kills me what did it, I didn't mean to I never even thought it had bullets.

I just knew I had to, I wrestled my phone out of her hands and ran outside of the motorhome and dialed 999 shaking it was finally the time to tell everyone. I walked away and said goodbye to my family, Isla hung onto me on my shirt crying. I kissed her head and made sure she knew she loved me. We were in the middle of nowhere so I didnt even know how long I would have.

I waited away from the motorhome I didnt want to hurt Avery and waited I looked at the sky. A few minutes I heard sirens I fell down to my knees still looking at the sky, the police came we had to drive to where I lived we where in Scotland but we had to drive home. Then I got arrested.

Immediately they threw me into the car and we were going to the police station. We got there and parked where we were put into a room to confess, "What happened on that day?" A police officer asked, I was recorded, "Josh was bullying every single day and abusing his girlfriend" I said trying to be calm, "And did the girlfriend tell you" he replied looking at me, "She didn't have to he was hurting her I could tell, we were friends she got scared and I was done with being bullied, my dad was an abusive dad I saw the gun in his room I didnt think I just put it in my bag I was angry" I confessed, "So you wanted to kill them yes?" He asked.

I looked at him "No I didn't even know I had any bullets I just wanted to scare him then I shot Josh and I  panicked I shot all of them, Its been killing since I'm just scared" I broke down, "It was a accident!" I yelled, "I didnt want to kill anyone!" I added.

Once the interview was done I was put into a cell, it was so cold,so empty,so dark I couldn't breathe I was so scared the only thing that helped was thinking about my family, "Can I have a phone call" I begged, "5 minutes okay" the police woman said.

I dialed the phone, "Baby I got arrested but I'm home, I'm not in Scotland I just wanted to let you know"


I was watching through the window, Whiskey was whimpering,isla was napping with the bear and my heart was breaking I didnt understand. I just wanted to grab him and run away but I couldn't. I watched as the police cars sped away. I was numb like I wasn't even watching my husband.

A few hours go by and I got a call, "Finally Jed has been arrested isn't that the best news ever" Alex celebrated, "Yeah I guess" I replied hanging up. The motorhome felt bigger,more colder, more quiet.

I decided to drive home I didnt even know which  prison it was but we I couldn't have stayed in the motorhome alone I wanted to go home and live in Jeds old house I just needed I would take forever and I knew I would have gotten judged but I didn't care I just wanted to be near Jed. I was so tired but I couldn't even sleep.

I immediately I drove to the station I just wanted to say goodbye, "I want to see my husband, his name is Jed Thomas he was just brought here please he didn't mean to hurt anyone" I sobbed holding Isla. It took a while but finally I could see him. I sat a little room waiting for Jed.

That's when he came in Handcuffs with 2 guards, "Oh baby im so sorry I love you, I will always love you, your the most honest,brave man" I sobbed more, "Baby shh okay your the one who needs to be brave okay I love you too" Jed smiled weakly.

We spoke for a while until it was time to leave we kissed and Isla and I drove home. Immediately  I settled Isla down and laid there on the bed on his side for hours. The realisation hit me that I'm never gonna play video games or kiss or  cuddle and nothing would be the same.

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