Chapter 12:

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We ate and talked about random things like school,my father and other things too, we watched a movie with my dad too, I know it was silly but we used to watch movies together, I put the movie on nice loud the nurses said that he can hear.
I picked up the shell necklace from out my pocket, "when when we went to the beach I made this, I wanted to have this for memories" I announced putting the necklace on her, "its stunning,I love you" I smiled, I knew we were still at the hospital but I knew we were still together.


We watched the movie for a while until Jed fell asleep it was 9:00pm, Jed was awake early this morning at about 6:00am since,I knew he was knackered, I heard soft snores so I knew he was asleep. I carefully got out of the chair and snuck out the door.

I made it to the the door and took a big breath in before I knocked, "Come on" Seth said, I opened the door and I saw him his face was shocked, "Avery?" Thats the only thing he could say, "Thought you died, I thought we all died, I don't know what happened, im glad your still alive but what about the others" he added.

I sat by his bed and held his hand, "You really don't know what happened?" I asked looking at his face, "No I remember Jed was there and Josh,Alex,Noah,Finley and Louis, I also remember the pain" he sobbed. It got scared I had to lied, "It was Josh!" I blurted out, "No! He wouldn't never to this" he snapped.

He pulled my his hand away and cried he was angry,confused,upset, "he tried to kill Jed but he so got angry and he killed his, he shot me too" I lied he kept shouting and screaming until the nurses had to take me out, "Don't never come back" he shouted before the door opened. I slid down the wall and broke down, he was the only brother that was still alive and now I lost him. I cried and held my hands to my face bawling.

It got late and I got scared I had to run back to Jed,I hurried to the room and braced myself I hoped he was still sleeping, I opened the door.


I was awoken by dads machine beeping, I rushed to his bed and that when I saw Avery wasn't there,the nurses rushed to help my dad and I called Avery. She didn't Answer I was upset and annoyed I didn't know where she was and why she wasn't here.

Once everything was settle I tried calling again however she still didn't pick up. I sat on the chair again tapping my foot and looking at the door until she finally opened the door. I looked at you "Where the fuck were you?" I spat, "My dad nearly died!" I added, "Im sorry okay I needed a minute,things happened I'm sorry babe but something happened" she sobbed, "MY DAD IS IN HOSPITAL AND I NEED YOU OKAY IM FUCKING TERRIFIED THAT HES GONNA DIE HES ON A COMA FOR GODS SAKE" I shouted, Avery was shocked she couldn't talk, "Well this is your fault maybe should have been a better son!" She blurted with tears rolling down her cheeks.

I stormed out the door slamming the door I cried and punched the wall,it was quite late and I saw people staring at me. I needed to leave the hospital to have fresh air I was going in insane. I knew my dad wasn't the best but still it's my dad.

I hurried outside and sat on a bench I screamed and kicked a stone, I looked at the sky Mum why did you have to go I'm sorry this is such a mess this is all my fault now Avery will be upset I said in my brain.

I stared at the sky for a while until I had to get to the room when I heard her texting someone, I was confused I opened the door and I didnt talk to her, I thought she wouldn't wouldn't have been here when I left or she would hate me, "Av's?" I mumbled "are you um okay" I added twiddling my thumbs.


Jed came back, he looked like he was crying, I texted Seth, I wanted to ask if he was okay, I promised if he needed me. It was hard to pretend everything was okay, I wish I could tell Seth what really happened but I couldn't,I loved Jed. We talked for about a 15 minutes.

Silence filled the room, the only sounds were machines that kept Jed's dad alive. I wanted to tell Jed that Seth was alive but I couldn't risk losing if he tried to see Seth, I was scared that he would remember who shot them I couldn't risk losing him, I knew when I met there was something about Jed, some beautiful I knew he had a darkness but also a softer side, "Why haven't you spoke since you came back and where did you go" He asked looking at me, "Hey you left too" I stated.

He looked at me, "I only left because you're fucking annoying me" he spat, "Well maybe I want to some peace from you and this your fault, God I wish I never met you cause my friends would be still alive, even though Seth is alive now" I blurted.


Her words cut like a knife, I knew she was right. My was thinking about everything since it happened until my dads machine beeped I didn't think anything was going to happened until the door opened and about 6 nurses and doctors rushed in the room.

We were told to leave, "Im not leaving whats going on!" I yelled as a doctor pushed me and Avery out the door, "Im so sorry sir but you cannot be here right now" he sighed. The door was shut. I kept trying to get inside I was so scared.

The minutes felt like hours, I panicked and paced the halls shaking with fear. I had no money,I had no job I am still in school, I couldn't do it with my dad. I finally opened the door, "Time?" Said one of the nurses, "1:54am" another nurse said. I collapsed on the floor crying, "No!! No thats not right hes not dead!" I screamed.

My legs gave up, I couldn't move, my whole body was numb. Avery had to help me up I held her close and sobbed.

The rest of the night was quiet except for me crying and the other machines beeping, I didn't want to go home, "Jeddy we should go home okay you can't stay here" Avery said looking out the window, "No I have to stay here!! I can't go home please" I sobbed  I didn't even realise that Avery called myself "Jeddy" it was kind of cute.

I saw the nurses taking his body away, I stood up and I held his hand, "Can I have a minute please" I asked let me and I looked at Avery, "go on" she said.  I looked at him and spoke for about 2 minutes, "Dad, I know you can hear me I just want to say I'm sorry I was such a bad son, I just wish you didn't drink or abuse me, I still love you and I'll always love you, give mum a huge hug from me" I whispered in his ear before the nurses took his body.

I walked back out of the room and took a big breath, since I said goodbye I felt better. I felt like I could go home, I needed to go home, I needed to sleep and tomorrow I needed to plan the funeral.

I walked over to Avery and she hugged,I kissed her and we thanked the the staff and walked home. The stars were gorgeous, I watched them all the way home.

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