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There's something oddly pleasant about sitting in complete silence. The kind of silence that even drowns out the noises of everyday life, like that stupid fluorescent light that won't stop buzzing... Well, I can hear it again now that I've thought about it. Isn't it fascinating how the brain works? There's a psychological phenomena to explain that, but I can't think of the word. It'll come to me later.


I open my eyes and turn in the direction of the voice. It's Kaeleigh, my best friend. She waves at me manically, a huge grin on her face. "I missed you!" She exclaims. I smile, standing to my feet and sling my backpack over my shoulder.

"Hey," I say as she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. A second later, she releases me–but only to link our arms. "Let's go to the library?" I suggest; she nods. We walk to the library arm and arm.

"How you feelin' about t'morrow's exam?"

"Not great." I wince. "I'm so lost in Mrs. Parker's class."

"You're not alone." She sighs. "I'm glad there's a tutor for her class, though. I've worked wit' him before. He's nice."

"That's good." I detach my arm from hers to open the library door. She pouts, displeased, but thanks me as she walks through the entrance. Suddenly, it hits me: Habituation and dishabituation, that's what I was thinking about. I smile, proud to have remembered and continued to follow behind her. "Y'know, I don't come to the library much now that I think about it."

"Don't you like to read, though?" She questions, turning briefly over her shoulder to give me a look. I chortle.

"Yes, but I read on my Kindle."

"Fair," she shrugs. "There he is," she suddenly says and points ahead at one of the tables. I can't exactly see where or who she is pointing to from behind her, so I move to peer over her shoulder. There's a boy sitting at one of the tables. He has some books and notebooks in front of him, I assume, to get some work done. As he hears us approach, he shuts his book and turns in our direction.

"Hey, Kaeleigh. It's nice to see you again." He greets her with a pleasant smile. "You've brought a friend with you?" He tilts his head to the side, an eyebrow raised.

"Yep! I hope that's okay. We're both in need of some help." She pulls out the chair, plopping down in the seat to his immediate right. I offer a small wave, choosing to sit across from him on the other side of the table. He was attractive; warm beige skin, even warmer brown eyes with long black locks that fell past his shoulders.

"It's no problem at all. It's nice to meet you." He smiles at me, it feels genuine. I can't stop myself from smiling back.

"Jacqueline," I say, shaking his outstretched hand. "It's nice to meet you too, and thank you! I truly appreciate it–" I sigh "–this class is kicking my butt."

He nods understandingly. "Well, I'm here to help." He allows us a few moments to get settled before diving into the tutoring session. I'm impressed with how knowledgeable he is about world history and by how well-spoken he is. His words are not one to confuse; he doesn't stutter. He looks both Kaeleigh and I in the eyes when we speak, providing us with his undivided attention. It's a bit more than I can handle making me turn away or look down after a few seconds. And every time I do, I swear he smiles.

"I-I'm sorry," I say, "could you repeat that last part? I wanna make sure I'm understanding everything."

"Of course." We lock eyes; I look away first.

Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Beep-beep!

"Ugh!" I groan, slowly sliding my hands down my cheeks. I turn over, pulling my phone off the charger and silencing my alarm. 6:00 A.M. I drop my phone on the comforter and stare out into the darkness. I don't quite remember what I dreamed about, but it must have been exciting. I feel hot, and my heart is racing like I've just completed a marathon. I've been feeling this way for the past few mornings now. Frustratingly, I can never remember the dream but the feelings linger.

"Jacqueline, are you awake?" A voice calls through the walls. A knock follows.

"Yes, Dad." I call back with my own knock on our shared wall. He does this every morning. I know it's better to get up and move before he calls me again, so I don't dilly-dally. Tossing the comforter and sheet back, I jump out of bed and into my slippers. I flick on the lamp and squint from the sudden flood of light in my once dark room. Once my eyes have adjusted, I grab my towel and toiletries and head to the bathroom for a shower.

The water is hot but not scolding. For a while, I just stand under the stream letting the water trickle down my body. Allowing myself a moment to relax my muscles and my mind. I'd stay in the water all day if I could, but I can't. I exhale heavily out my mouth, then grab my soap and loofa.

Minutes later I turn the knob and the water ceases. I pull my towel down from the shower rod and wrap it around my body before stepping out the tub. There's a knock on the door.

"Jacqueline? I need to pee. Please hurry!" My little sister pleads.

"Use the downstairs bathroom?" I take the cap off the toothpaste and squeeze some onto my toothbrush. "Imma be a minute!"

"Please!" She whines.

"Kelsy, stop. Just use the downstairs bathroom. I guarantee it's empty." I perform the ritual of brushing my teeth: brush, gargle, smile. After gathering my pajamas, I exit the bathroom.

"Finally!" Kelsy groans, pushing past me to enter the bathroom. I shake my head but continue down the hall and to the left back into my bedroom. I dress, pack my backpack, then rush down the stairs.

"Good morning," I'm greeted as I enter the kitchen.

"Mornin'." I give my mom a kiss on the cheek. "I can't stay for breakfast, don't wanna miss the bus."

"At least take a fruit with you!" My mom calls after me, but I've beat her to it. I raise my banana for her to see it and head out the door. I jog to the bus stop, everyone else from the neighborhood is already there and waiting. I joined the group, taking my usual place in the back.

"Hey, hey! Look who's on time this morning."

I roll my eyes, though I'm amused. "Mornin', Justin."

"Good morning. It's nice to see ya."

"Likewise." I smile.


Word count: 1102

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