A Crush? (Part 1)

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She trotted past the apprentice den, searching for her former apprentice, MudClaw. DustFeather wanted to go on a patrol with him like they had all those moons ago. "MudClaw! Where are you?" She called out, glancing around the clearing. She wasn't that much of a social type, so it was rare to see her call out to anyone willingly like this. The other clan cats were eyeing her as she kept looking for him. Suddenly, DustFeather heard a small crash coming from the medicine den. She hurried over, expecting CinderPelt when she entered. Instead she saw MudClaw picking up the fallen herbs that he had knocked over on the way in. "Sorry CinderPelt--" He whispered, avoiding her gaze.

"MudClaw. What were you even doing anyways? Not here to snoop or steal, are you?" She smirked playfully, pawing his shoulder jokingly. "Nope! Just seeking some shelter. Trust me, you don't want to know." CinderPelt's smirk dropped afterwards. "What's wrong with you, MudClaw? Are you actually sick?" Her voice was full of worry. Ever since YellowFang had been killed in the fire of Greenleaf she had been working harder to save her fellow clan mates, no wonder she was so tired.

DustFeather furrowed her brows, watching the two talk in hushed voices. She decided to listen in for a bit, maybe she will find out something worthwhile. "Tell me, what's got you stressed?" CinderPelt urged him to answer, while MudClaw twitched his tail uncomfortably. "Well. There's this one warrior I kind of have a...." He trailed off, unsheathing and sheathing his claws as he spoke. "A crush? Really, MudClaw? You, the best hunter in ThunderClan, have a CRUSH?" She blurted out, lightheartedly chuckling. CinderPelt wasn't really much of the 'crush' type. She just wants to protect her clan of sickness and/or injury. But this is too good to miss out on.

"Yes. Yes, CinderPelt. BUT! I'm not telling you who it is. Don't bother asking me." His face flushed with embarrassment, his fur bristled a bit. "Awwwh. Don't worry, I'm just messing with ya." She got up and limped over to the entrance of the den. "I'll keep a good eye on you, MudClaw." He sat up, sighing when CinderPelt sounded a bit anxious. "It's fine. I'm sure it will go away soon." MudClaw shook his head after trudging to the exit. "Take care of yourself, make sure to get rested well, you look exhausted!" She called out to MudClaw, while he was leaving. DustFeather had backed up closer to the nursery, not wanting to be caught by the troubled warrior. A crush? She thought. "Okay, DustFeather. No need to get emotional. He's just growing..To be a fine warrior." She sniffed a bit.

Tears pricked her eyes when she recalled the conversation. She didn't want to see him grow so fast. DustFeather missed the days when she would take MudClaw on his daily training, without many cares. "They grow up so fast, huh?" DustFeather murmured, half to herself. She then realized that, she should be doing her duty as a warrior. Not lying about sobbing about a grown cat. "Keep it together DustFeather." She
grumbled when she got up, then she saw an apprentice pad across the clearing towards the freshkill pile. "I'm such a mousebrained fool! I should've gone hunting!" She pondered on what she could do in the time being, since it was almost time for the dawn patrol to come back. Maybe go hunting? Train herself? "Wonder who MudClaw's crush is." She added silently, blinking a bit to rid of her ludicrous thoughts. "I'll just go hunting."

The clearing of the camp was bustling with noise, the warriors gathered with each other to chat while eating. DustFeather didn't want to eat, she was deep in thought and dedicated to keeping herself occupied. When she had strolled across, she spotted BrightHeart with CloudTail. "I hope MudClaw is as happy with his soon to be mate as they are." DustFeather smiled as she watched the two laugh and carry on for a bit, before snapping back to her senses and walking away. Slipping through the bushes, she glanced back at the camp for the last time for awhile, then turned and headed for Sunningrocks. She groaned as her paws ached, DustFeather knew this adventure would be full of pondering her choices.

Examining around her, DustFeather carefully dipped her front paw in a small body of water. That was on ThunderClan territory of course, what kind of lunatic would cross RiverClan borders without a valid reason? She finally swam on into the little creek that awaits her warm pelt, dull from exhaustion. "Ahh.. This is nice, no worries." The scenery made this all the more relaxing, with the lush green trees that newleaf brings the forest. Indeed, she was right. Here there were no worries. Only peace and silence besides the occasional splash of water or birds chirping.

Then, DustFeather reminded herself that she needed to hunt for her clan. "Oh shoot. I totally forgot!" She exclaimed as she shot up and started to panic. She shook her damp, brown fur, she was ready to go and hunt. But she couldn't help but let her mind wonder back to MudClaw. Why is she worrying so much about him, anyways? That doesn't matter. She just needs to do her job as a warrior and everything will be fine. The sun started to set when she finally caught a vole, and a squirrel. Decent enough, she thought.

It was past dusk when she returned. Most of the warriors were in the dens or doing any instructed jobs by FireStar. DustFeather tried to remain unseen, in fear she might be called out in front of every cat. Now that would be embarrassing. Everyone would be suspicious of a cat who never talks to anybody. She twitched her ears sadly, as she dropped her catch onto the rather small pile. Well, everyone has already eaten for today. So that would make sense why.

"DustFeather!" She heard a voice from somewhere behind her, and she jolted to face the source. "Who's there?!" It was FireStar, the leader of ThunderClan. "Where have you been? It's past dusk." He asked, with a questioning look In his emerald green eyes. "Sorry, FireStar," She dipped her head apologetically. "I was stressed and needed a break, but it wasn't for nothing!" DustFeather pointed her head to the vole and squirrel she had just placed in the mound. FireStar's gaze softened, he probably could understand how she felt. It's hard being a warrior, let alone a leader. He sighed, sitting down next to her. "I used to feel that way when I was a warrior." Her eyes widened. "Really? But you're so brave!" DustFeather's short tail curled in surprise. "Well, it takes a lot to be a leader," FireStar explained all the hardships he has faced when he had just been apprenticed by the former leader, BlueStar. And how he worked his way up to deputy, eventually becoming leader.

She was astonished, if she had to deal with that, she wouldn't be able to take it! "I'm sorry you had to deal with that, FireStar." Her ears flattened, DustFeather was worried about him. Even though he can take care of himself she couldn't help but wonder a bit. "Enough about me. What's got your tail in a tangle?" FireStar asked, adding a bit of humor to the situation at hand. DustFeather laughed for a bit at his attempt at a pun. When she calmed down, DustFeather described the conversation she had overheard the following morning . "So, you're worried about MudClaw, correct?" His voice was soft, like a queen with her kit.

She nodded quickly in confirmation. DustFeather never liked talking to any cat, but something about this conversation...Comforted her in a way. "Don't worry about him. I'll have WhiteStorm watch him for you." She perked up almost instantly, and FireStar sat up. "Well, I have to get going. Remember, if you have a question, don't be afraid to ask." He meowed, padding off to his den. She too, sat up, but going to the medicine den instead. Once she has entered, CinderPelt was putting up all the herbs and berries that she and FernPaw had collected that day. She wearily stepped inside, staring at her for a moment.

CinderPelt noticed DustFeather only when she had lay down next to the entryway. "Oh! DustFeather! Are you sick? Feeling okay?" She examined the she-cat for injuries or sickness, because DustFeather looked very drained of energy. "No- to both of the questions. I really don't know anymore." She slurred her words, sleep threatening to overtake her. "I feel sick, but I know for a fact I'm fine." CinderPelt looked at her questionably. Then limped over to DustFeather and put a paw on her forehead. "My my my. You do feel a bit warm, maybe you should stay in here for the night. Just incase."

She shuffled over to the herbs, and grabbed a Feverfew. "Here, take this Feverfew. You should be fine tomorrow. If not, then I'll get you some poppy seeds." You can tell she really cared about her situation, CinderPelt sounded genuine as she spoke. "I'm.. I'm worried about someone, CinderPelt." DustFeather suddenly whispered under her breath, though CinderPelt could hear it. "Who?" She asked, paying close attention. "It's embarrassing.. I don't want to say yet-" DustFeather's eyes were heavy, and CinderPelt can see that clearly. "It's alright. Just, go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning." CinderPelt urged, trotting off to her own bed. DustFeather quickly chewed up the leaf CinderPelt had given her, and she fell asleep thinking about MudClaw.

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