I'll Just Go Eat Then

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PROLOGUE~ (i recommend reading "Red's a Pretty Color" before reading this one yalls)

After the attack on the rogue group, SilverPaw refused to speak to anyone. His mind was numb and filled with dread for what he had done. SilverPaw thought that ShadeStrike's death was his fault, because he had not warned them beforehand. If only he had just fessed up and told the truth about it. Although BrokenFall was unlikely to cooperate with SilverPaw anyway, maybe there was still a sliver of a chance. A chance that he could have saved ShadeStrike. Maybe he would still be here today, complaining about how annoying BrokenFall was and pranking DarkWhisker, like usual. It just seems so empty without him around.

His paws shifted to the untouched prey DarkWhisker had brought to him awhile ago. He didnt feel like eating, but he knew DarkWhisker would get worried if he didnt. In a slow, almost reluctant bite, he ate a bit of the mouse. The taste was bland and made him slightly nauseous. A subtle sound of disgust came from Silverpaw, as he pushed it aside. Everything didn't feel right to him anymore. It was all so....Unenjoyable and blank. Suddenly, he jolted up and sprinted towards DarkWhisker's sleeping place.


"BrokenFall! You HAVE to trust him!" DarkWhisker said in a panicky voice, struggling to keep her calm persona. SilverPaw had said to her that they were going to be poisoned by something...But you know, StarClan always is subtle with things. BrokenFall just scoffed and turned away from her. "Oh sure, if you think i would BELIEVE a RiverClan cat!" He sounded quite upset. DarkWhisker growled silently at his stubbornness, and brought SilverPaw closer to her side. "Remember what happened with DuskMoon? Didnt SilverPaw say that-" BrokenFall whipped his head around as quick as DarkWhisker had ever seen any cat do. "We do not speak about DuskMoon. Her death was a mere coincidence." There was a hint of malice in his voice as he stared the two dead in the eyes. DarkWhisker lowered her head and began to trot away slowly. "Okay, ill just go eat then."

SilverPaw stood speechless from what he had just witnessed. Was BrokenFall really THAT STUPID? It almost seemed like he wanted them all to die. "You...You'll see when we all die out. It will be all your fault for not doing anything about it!"  SilverPaw shouted in the direction of BrokenFall as he went back to his den. BrokenFall had no cares for what the two said to him. Without ShadeStrike, he has gotten a bit meaner these past few weeks. He really did love ShadeStrike alot.

DarkWhisker stepped into the forest. It was surprisingly not too cold out today, perfect for hunting. Her eyes caught attention on a well-sized vole laying next to a tree. It seemed dead, so it might be crowfood. She approached it cautiously just incase it might be already dead. When she further inspected it, she noticed it was freshly killed. So it was fine to eat. DarkWhisker took a bite out of the small animal with a look of relief on her face. Within a second, she fell to the ground and started having BAD convulsions.

Meanwhile with SilverPaw, he was sobbing in his makeshift den as normal. If BrokenFall didnt trust him the whole group will eventually die out! "Ill just take a quick walk. That will clear my mind for awhile," SilverPaw sat up. "Maybe ill see a RiverClan patrol." He laughed a bit to himself. He knew that wouldn't happen, but one could dream. Once he was in the forest, he took a moment to listen to a sort of....Banging noise? It was like something hitting the ground hard over and over again. SilverPaw, being a cat, is a very curious boy. He decided to check it out.

Within a couple pawsteps he saw something that terrified him. DarkWhisker. She was dead. His eyes widened bigger then a mouse, it took a while for him to process the situation. "Wait, no. Dont you DARE say shes.." SilverPaw was already starting to cry a tremendous amount. DarkWhisker had been his 'mother figure' ever since he had been taken from RiverClan. To see her like this was obviously traumatizing to the poor apprentice. "NO NO NO NO! DARKWHISKER!" His head started to ache when he finally realized that his best friend was...Poisoned? "WHY!? WHY DIDNT BROKENFALL BELIEVE ME?!" The cries of SilverPaw could probably be heard all the way from SunDrown-Place.

He ran over to the body of his former 'mother' and started pushing his paws onto her fur to try and wake her up. "WAKE UP! THIS..THIS ISNT COOL, WAKE UP!" When he realized that his efforts were useless, he broke down right there and then. He didn't care about the corpse next to him, since it was DarkWhisker. SilverPaw could only manage a small squeak of 'Why?' And 'Please.' Every now and then. The body was unmoving, which meant that there was no comforting for SilverPaw here. He started to hyperventilate rapidly as the truth finally settled into his already broken head. "THIS ISNT RIGHT! STARCLAN HELP ME!" He hoped that this was another nightmare of his. Unfortunately, it was not. The feelings he felt were more then real.

SilverPaw took a deep breath and tried to accept it. He saw the piece of prey that DarkWhisker had previously took a bite out of. There was something inside of the dead vole, but he couldn't see from the tears. Once he got closer, he saw.....


His mind went blank for a moment after seeing this. All SilverPaw could concentrate on was the half-bitten red berry in front of his face. The depression turned into rage after awhile. "I will find who did this, DarkWhisker. I will KILL THEM! EVEN IF IT MEANS DEATH FOR ME!" he shouted, rather loudly. Pawsteps started to emerge from the direction of the rogue's hangout spot, and out came a worried BrokenFall. "What happe-" he yelped when he saw SilverPaw's very angry face. Then, again when he noticed the body of his pack mate. "DarkWhisker.." SilverPaw started to shake with anger and grief for his best friend. Why wouldn't BrokenFall just believe him?

Maybe this wouldn't have happened.

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