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It was a sunny day, and two cats lay next to each other in the warm, greenleaf grass. The flame-colored tabby looked over to the tortoiseshell cat, gleaming. It was Morningstar and Dawnhawk, two mates hanging out with each other. They wanted to catch a break before the drought finally caught up to the clan. Dawnhawk smiled as Morningstar pressed her head against the others flank. "This is so relaxing," the leader finally said.
"I can finally get a break from being in charge for a day." Dawnhawk blinked in sympathy, then sat up to lick their mate's face comfortingly. Then glared as a joke warning. "Its fine, Dawnhawk. Ill be fine!" The orange tabby rested their head on MorningStar's neck, nudging it. "Im not actually mad, Dawn." She retorted, reading Dawnhawk's expression.
Dawnhawk perked their ears in confusion, they were probaly tired, thats all, They might not be able to understand because of that. Morningstar sighed, returning the previous lick of affection her mate had given her moments before. "Come on, lets check up on Amberstone." Amberstone was their adopted kit, because they're unable to have any. She was given to them before her mother had died of injury. 
Morningstar could never recall who the mom was, though. Dawnhawk nodded softly, taking away her head from the others body. She sat up, along with Dawnhawk. Then they both padded off to the warriors den, hoping that Amberstone would be doing alright today. Amberstone was sitting alone near the nursery, examining the sleeping kits and their mother. She was visibly agitated, Dawnhawk noticed.
They flicked Their tail at the golden yellow cat, making a worried face that said, "Whats wrong with her?" Morningstar glanced between the two, not knowing what to do. She padded over to her daughter reluctantly. Amberstone looked over her shoulder to see Morningstar and Dawnhawk approach her. She groaned in annoyance, when the cats had stopped and sat next to her, one to each side of her.
Morningstar didnt say anything, instead scooting as close as she could to AmberStone. She had her tail tucked neatly on her paws. Trying to stay content, she spoke softly. "Amber, are you feeling alright?" Amberstone looked at her while the leader spoke, aware that she still had to be formal. "Yes." Amberstone said, blankly. Dawnhawk furrowed her brows in confusion, what had gotten her so anxious?
Morningstar didnt want to provoke her any further. So she quickly stopped speaking, shutting her eyes in distress. Instead of staying, though, she mewed a quiet goodbye and stood up to leave. Amberstone sighed, as Morningstar padded off to her own den. Dawnhawk watched her, unnerved. By the time Morningstar left, Amberstone was also getting up to go but got stopped by a paw on her shoulder. 
It was a sign from Dawnhawk to sit back down so they could talk about it. She sighed, relucatantly going back to her original posistion. "What do you want to know?" Amberstone asked, clearly done with everything. Dawnhawk blinked, clearly unable to speak. She coughed awkwardly, remembering that she was mute. "Oh. Right." She said, half to herself. The atmosphere was tense, as Amberstone growled silently. Her heart pounded as she tried to say anything that WOULDNT get her killed. 
She then decided that she wasnt going to deal with her mother at the moment, she should be able to mourn in peace. Dawnhawk sat up, following her, unaware of her disconcertment. She snapped her head back to glare at Dawnhawk, her lips drawn up in a snarl. She flinched as Amberstone started to walk up to her angrily. "Now listen here, you are as much use as a dead fox. Stop. trying. to. help." Amberstone stated, her eyes widening as a warning.
She (DawnHawk) blinked again, feeling her eyes start to fill with the thing we know as tears. (Yes, cats can cry.) Approaching her cautiously, DawnHawk wanted to comfort her child, but AmberStone had a different plan.. AmberStone unsheathed her claws and pounced on top of the she-cat. She began to tear into her skin, causing blood to pour freely from the wounds. DawnHawk writhed under her, only making the stinging worse. 
She dug her teeth into the back of DawnHawk's neck, shaking her violently to make her dazed. MorningStar then ran out of her den, not knowing what was happening. "AMBERSTONE!" DawnHawk was very dizzy, and her head started to hurt alot. AmberStone then got onto her back and inflicted some severe wounds to her, as DawnHawk was unable to move. MorningStar tackled AmberStone before she could deliver the final blow. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" MorningStar shouted, pinning her down to the camp floor.
She growled, holding her head down as she tried to escape. DawnHawk lay unmoving, though she was alive, her eyes started to close. MorningStar didnt notice this, she was busy berating AmberStone for attacking (and possibly almost killing) her own mom. 
A nearby warrior that had just came back from patrol early, saw the fight, who then called the medicine cat. HazelLeaf (Med cat) rushed over to DawnHawk's still body while checking for a pulse, before taking her to the medicine den.
AmberStone launches MorningStar off of her, and she hit the ground hard. "You belittle me no longer, MorningStar." She threatningly meowed, placing a unsheathed paw on her exposed stomach. "Ive had enough of your mousebrained actions. Ill turn you into crowfood." MorningStar began to panic, as AmberStone dug her claws into her slowly. "AmberStone, Enough! You're breaking the warrior code!" She wailed. Suddenly, AmberStone was knocked off of the frail leader. HazelLeaf's apprentice had taken action against the much bigger, stronger warrior. 
(Name of choice for the apprentice :D)
They held onto AmberStone's back, clawing at the back of her neck in a rush. AmberStone tried to shake them off, deciding to use the "drop and roll" move. (Name) jumped off in time, motioning MorningStar to come from the side. MorningStar sprang to her paws, charging the enraged warrior. AmberStone was knocked back to the floor, Just as MorningStar had intended. (Name) leaped to AmberStone's side in an attempt to bite her hind leg. AmberStone shot up quickly and clawed the apprentice in the face, causing them to step back from the battle. MorningStar gasped as (Name) rubbed their paw on their face, blood trickling down their scratch. 
"What is wrong with you?" MorningStar asked, sensing the joy in AmberStones glare. This was an attempt to hault the battle, while (Name) went for backup. "Well, MorningStar.. Ive always hated this clan and everyone in it. You just dont get it do you," AmberStone started to laugh sadistically. "Im going to kill you all, Even if it takes moons." MorningStar's tail flicked as a warning to shut up. Surely she didnt mean that, right? Then, HazelLeaf came out to fight. "You will pay." He said darkly, before jumping at her with outstreched claws. MorningStar went back to battle aswell, not intending on protecting only herself, but her own clan. 
AmberStone yelped as 4 sharp claws came in contact with her, followed by teeth in her already wounded flank. They both clawed and bit at her with extreme focus, not paying attention to the fact this was a fellow warrior. She was not able to fight back because she was being so overwhelmed by the blood loss and such. MorningStar and HazelLeaf let go, seeing that AmberStone had fell still. "Oh great StarClan!" MorningStar exclaimed, looking at the missing patches of fur on her former daughter. She would no longer accept AmberStone as her own after this. HazelLeaf groaned, dragging the unconcious cat to his den. 
(Name) was patching up their own wound with cobwebs when MorningStar came in. "Is everyone okay?" She mewed, in a sympathetic tone. "AmberStone is heavily injured. Though it is unlikely she will die, we will never know," He replied blankly. HazelLeaf was still focused on tending to DawnHawk. "Are you wounded much?" MorningStar recalled being scratched on the stomach a bit, but nothing else. "Only a few scratches, not to worry." She kindly said, watching DawnHawk intently.
HazelLeaf turned his attention to MorningStar after she spoke. "Didnt you like, hit the floor real hard? (Name) told me earlier." He asked. MorningStar sat down near DawnHawk, remembering the impact of the ground and her. She cringed when her head started to sting a bit. "Just be careful, And take these juniper berries." MorningStar ate them up quickly. "Well, ill be taking my leave." She meowed a goodbye, as HazelLeaf swished his tail as a farewell. The camp was covered in fur and blood of different kinds, she noticed. 
All the remaining warriors examined the camp, then turned to look at their Leader. "What happened?" One asked. MorningStar was hesitant to answer this, as she pawed to ground uncomfortably. "Rogue attack," She meowed. "AmberStone, DawnHawk, and (Name) have been injured, But they will all be fine." A look of concern and fear washed over the cats as MorningStar spoke. She was bombarded with questions, even kits were asking things. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!"
She called out, before padding to the top of the highrock. "There has been a rogue attack while dawn patrol was gone," A gasp erupted from the crowd. The cats who hadnt heard were panicking slightly. "Nothing to fear though, no one was killed." She retorted, as the tension died down. HazelLeaf shouted from the group below. "Only 2 warriors were injured, a long with (Name.)" (Name) scooted closer to him, fearful of what they will do. The cats nearby started to reassure the apprentice that he was okay, and that the rogues are gone. 
But, an angry AmberStone ran out of the medicine den before she could quiet them down. MorningStar's eyes widened when she realized that AmberStone was back, and probably wasnt happy. Although she tried to stay calm, her heart was beating in dismay. "Welcome back, AmberStone." she meowed a greeting, trying to hide the tremble in her voice. All eyes darted towards the limping AmberStone who had just stepped out.
"You...YOU TRAITOR!" She yelled, frustrated at the fact MorningStar was lying about the rogues. The cats looked startled, and some turned to MorningStar with a questioning look. "AmberStone." She mews at her sternly. "I know you're mad, just calm down. We are in the middle of a clan meeting." AmberStone could only scoff and walk up to the highrock quickly. "You see, your leader is a traitor!" She yelled in the direction of the cats below, side eyeing MorningStar in the process. Tension was thick in the atmosphere when the group continues to stare reluctantly at MorningStar. "Now now, whats all this about!?" MorningStar backed away from AmberStone slowly. 
"You know exactly what i mean, MorningStar." She argued angrily. HazelLeaf stood up quickly, waiting for a possible attack at any moment. (Name's) ears pricked when HazelLeaf got up from his spot, usually he would avoid situations like this. They padded swiftly up to the highrock as an attempt to calm down AmberStone and get her to the ground. She didnt need to say anything further, the 3 had a fear that AmberStone would tell what happened earlier that sunhigh. "AmberStone, only StarClan knows what you mean!" She didnt take kindly to her, and decided to try and knock her own mother off the highrock.
AmberStone started to push at MorningStar with her paws, claws still unsheathed. Her attempts were nothing but an alarming action to the rest of the clan below. A couple cats bounded over to where MorningStar could plunge off. Cries of distress rang throughout the crowd as this happened. With a quick slap, MorningStar fell onto the hard ground. They could hear a faint crack as her body met the floor. DawnHawk watched in horror as her mate is now bleeding from various places. 
"IS SHE DEAD?" (Name) shouted. HazelLeaf ran as fast as he could to the DawnClan leader; checking the wounds from the fall. "I'll get her cobweb to stop the blood. (Name), go fetch me some sticks and grass for a splint." Even with the current situation, he sounded as calm as ever. (Name) trotted to get the needed materials while HazelLeaf took care of MorningStar. Angry shouts directed at the deputy's daughter can be heard. "CANT YOU SEE? I WIN! YOU WILL ALL DIE!" The ludicrous statement she had just said made everyone unsheathe their claws, even apprentices. AmberStone jumped off the edge; landing easily on her paws. "I can take a whole clan." Then she lunged at them all. 
(After all that happened~)
Amberstone snarled at the warriors above her. She had been knocked down easily by them, since she was only an egotistical cat who thought she could do anything. Sparrowtail, Dapplepelt, and Dawnhawk stood above the angry warrior. They needed to monitor her even though she is heavily injured. Dawnhawk looked down at her with a blank look, that seems to be one of betrayal. Dawnhawk couldn't stand to think about the problems Amberstone had caused. Sparrowtail let his tail brush against the deputy's in a comforting way. After all, it must be hard to have a child as evil as Amberstone.

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