New Beginnings

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A few days after DarkWhisker's inevitable death, BrokenFall had completely lost it. Technically, he was alone now that ShadeStrike and DarkWhisker had gone to StarClan. SilverPaw wasn't even a real living cat in his eyes. SilverPaw tried and tried to get BrokenFall to come back to RiverClan with him since he didn't want him to be all by himself. Regardless of his words, he was still ignored by the rogue cat.
The weather has been mostly cloudy these days. It fits the mood of the two remaining cats. StarClan's two new warriors could (probably) only watch on as BrokenFall was driven to insanity due to their absence. He didn't really mind ShadeStrike and DarkWhisker when they were actually nice to him.

It just hurt a lot to think about how things could have been different if he had listened to the silver apprentice, who claimed to have seen their deaths before they happened. His mind was telling him to leave SilverPaw to fend for himself, but he knew after that experience he just couldn't.
BrokenFall wasn't that cruel. He just couldn't stand to face him at this point anymore. So he just ignores the poor cat all the time. " BrokenFall, Are you okay? You haven't eaten in awhile," said the concerned SilverPaw.

"I know you miss DarkWhisker and ShadeStrike; I do too. They hunt with StarClan now. We must learn to live with the fact that we are alone." He almost sounded like an elder giving advice to a newly-made warrior. Broken Fall let out a knowing and weary sigh at this. "I know, SilverPaw. I just can't get over it easily." BrokenFall's eyes shut slowly, trying to calm himself down. "Me either." SilverPaw muttered. He found himself lying next to the tired rogue, although he didn't know why he was doing this. Wait, yes, he did. No cat should suffer alone. Broken Fall needs consoling during times like these. No matter what clan they come from. At least that's what SilverPaw believed in.


SilverPaw stirred a bit in his shallow sleep. It was dark out, and he could hear the light sound of the wind—well, if he was awake. BrokenFall lay silent next to the smaller cat. He was wondering what he and SilverPaw would do now that they had nothing left. Moonlight shone through a large crack in the wall, illuminating the entire cave. He wanted to step out and check for anything that could harm SilverPaw or him. But deep inside, he knew that it would be the worst idea to walk out at night.

Especially with all the deaths lately. BrokenFall decided that the two would try and join DuskClan, a clan that usually took in kittypets and rogues. Of course, when it turns light outside, We wouldn't want to die, would we? His mind started to wander a bit. Would he die too? Will SilverPaw die? Is SilverPaw bad luck? Perhaps he will die? BrokenFall shook his head to dismiss these rather dark thoughts. SilverPaw started to twitch. Like he was having a nightmare? Whatever it was, he didn't like it, nor BrokenFall. He sighed as he thought about what to do. Maybe he can wake him up and calm SilverPaw down.

Although that's usually a good idea, it's SilverPaw we are talking about. He gets scared of a lot of things that aren't supposed to be. BrokenFall decided to try and sleep the rest of the night rather than let his insomnia win. He let his tensed muscles relax as he slowly drifted off to a deep sleep, knowing SilverPaw was safe with him. The moonlight shining throughout the cave offered him a calming atmosphere, surprisingly calming him and causing him to relax even more.

(Morning time!)

BrokenFall opened his tired eyes at last. SilverPaw was still lying next to him with a low-spirited look. "Morning, SilverPaw." He mumbled. His golden yellow eyes were still adjusting to the bright sun shining on the forest. SilverPaw could only let out a small 'morning', then continued to stare off in no particular direction. It looks like he was in some kind of deep thought. "Hey, it's okay. We can start over. There's no need for gloominess right now. We can get through this together." BrokenFall spoke in a calm and heartfelt manner. A sigh escaped from SilverPaw, and he started to realize that they couldn't grieve forever.

Eventually, they would have to get over the deaths of ShadeStrike and DarkWhisker and move on. "You're right. I just miss them. I feel like a part of me has died without them around." His voice started to crack while he was recalling the memory.
Then he turned to look at Broken Fall's sympathetic face. "Do you blame me, Broken Fall? Was this my fault?" He asked. A single tear dropped onto the sand below, catching the attention of the black cat. "SilverPaw... It was not your fault. Nothing was. It's almost impossible to tell what would have happened anyway. I promise you that it wasn't your fault; believe me, please."

His ears flattened on his head, and his fur bristled as well. "BrokenFall, I'm so sorry for the trouble I've caused for you. That might not have happened if I wasn't like this—a freak, a monster, a..." More tears ran down his face as he spoke. Insulting himself wasn't a problem; he always did it before. "No, no, no! You are not a monster or a freak! This wasn't your fault! SilverPaw please snap out of it!" BrokenFall began to tear up a little bit too. Great, now we have two crying cats.

SilverPaw laid his head down on his paws in shame and regret. Imagine you can predict death, but no one will listen to you. How would you feel? That's what the RiverClan cat feels whenever someone gets hurt or killed. "If anything, it's my fault for not listening to you." He added on. "Okay, okay. Let's forget about that. What was this starting over we talked about?" SilverPaw looked back up. It was clear he just wanted someone who could care for him, just like DarkWhisker did. "Oh yes. I suggest we go to DuskClan, where they usually offer a position as a warrior to any rogues who want it. Convenient, yes?" He meowed.

"Well, I suppose that's alright. I hope they don't reject us. That would be disappointing." His ears perked up at the thought of having a proper home that wasn't just an empty cave. SilverPaw started to cry again, but these were happy tears. "Think of all the new friends we can make." BrokenFall smiled a bit. "When are we going?" SilverPaw jumped up excitedly, pawing at the sandy ground. A audible snicker came from the dark warrior. "As soon as we can." BrokenFall also got up, ready to leave whenever SilverPaw was. "Alright! Lets go!" He yelled, eyes wide with eagerness.

(I just got to say i love making these even though nobody reads them- HSHSHSH-)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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