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GingerFlower has had enough of all the shit he's taken from LeopardStar. Today, he would leave RiverClan. He wasn't very popular among the cats anyways, just another boring warrior that can be replaced. GingerFlower trotted over to the exit of the camp, glancing back at his clan for one last time. Then he took off.

It was dark and rainy, as GingerFlower slowed down his pace. "Ugh. My paws.." he complained, stopping to rest after walking for hours. It's been way too long since he could be free from constant orders. GingerFlower laid down next to a rock, resting his tired, aching body.

The rain poured harder and harder as time went, covering the grass with dirty rain water. He shook his head to clear the water from his eyes. No matter how hard he tried, however, he just couldnt sleep a bit. The harsh conditions of the mid-newleaf weather was gradually getting worse and worse. GingerFlower almost thought that he would get struck by lightning. A whimper could be heard from the distance, despite the roaring wind in his small, gray ears.

He could only wonder what that strange noise could be, a patrol, perhaps? Curiosity only grew as he noticed that there was another cat standing alone under a cliff. GingerFlower thought for a second, what could this cat be sobbing about? Noises of distress grew louder and louder whenever the storm progressed in intensity, then a loud splash. His eyes widened when he finally realized that the cat had fallen over into a large puddle from sheer exhaustion. Then, his emerald green eyes widen as he notices that the puddle was pretty deep.

GingerFlower rushes over as fast as he could without slipping on anything. He opens his mouth to grab hold of the passed out warrior, but to no avail, his teeth just werent strong enough to drag the cat out of the body of water. The still, but breathing body of them never moved. Their fur was damp and heavy, making it harder to pull them away. "Please, Please, Please..." GingerFlower begged to StarClan that he would be able to help this poor cat. Some of the rain had stopped falling, and GingerFlower continued his efforts. Honestly, he was terrified that a cat would die from his paws.

Upon closer examination, he noted that they were breathing in the water. His pulling only got more frantic and desperate when he saw this. The rain and lightning had since calmed down but he continued nonetheless. Suddenly, it hit him. Why didnt he just turn them around? He unlatched his teeth from their neck and moved towards the side of their body, while his paws tried to also move the cat upwards. Then finally, he successfully positioned them away from water-breathing range. It was getting harder for him to think because of the thoughts going through his mind. What if they were dead? What will i do? What about their clanmates? GingerFlower shook his head and examined them for cuts or wounds. He noticed this was a she-cat, about 24 moons old.

She was fine for the most part, besides the bruise on the side of her head from the impact.

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