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An alarm rang on y/n's cell phone. Time to get up and do the same shit everyday like clockwork. She got dressed and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. "Good morning y/n. Would you like some pancakes?" Her roommate, Xiangling asked.

"Sure why not. It'll go well with my coffee" she replied, still tired. Y/n went to the bathroom and washed her face before taking a warm shower. After the shower she realized she forgot a towel.

"Xiangling!" She called out. A few seconds went by and the door opened a little bit and an arm popped out holding a towel. Y/n grabbed it and thanked Xiangling as the door closed. Y/n dried her hair then her body and wrapped her body in the towel.

While y/n changed Xiangling fixed her plate of her pancakes and made her coffee. Soon out came y/n from her room. "Thank you Xiangling. You should get ready for your classes as well" y/n said, taking a sip of her coffee. "I don't have any until the afternoon" "Shouldn't you be asleep then?" Y/n asked.

"No I wanted to wake up to try out new recipes. Also I wanted to make you breakfast, you deal with enough already" she said. A small smile crept on y/n's face.


After a long lecture at her first class y/n already wanted to go back to her dorm and sleep. 'I don't think my coffee is working. Might need to try Cuban coffee' she thought. Y/n walked all the way to the other side of the campus to reach her next class. The only thing keeping her awake right now was the music in her ears.

Sometimes she'd sing along but only when she's in a good mood. Her phone chimed and it left text messages, though she didn't read them because she knew who left them and just swiped them away.

She arrived at class on time but the professor was late. "Please please please don't let that annoying dude be here" she pleaded. Y/n poked her head through the door and looked for him. His short silver hair of a valedictorian at the university was sadly there. "I hate this bitch" she complained.

Y/n went to her seat next to the guy she didn't like. "L/n" "Haitham" she sat down and put her bag next to her. The silence between the two was deafening. "I hope you ran out of sugar for your coffee" "I hope Kaveh breaks your headphones" y/n spat as she put in her own.

She played her playlist and increased the volume to where she couldn't hear him. A few seconds later her earbud was pulled out. "You green bastard" she said turning her head towards his smirking face. Without missing a beat she reached out for her earbud only for it to be moved out of her reach at the last second.

This continued until y/n had enough of it and she grabbed his wrist then grabbed her earbud out of his hand. "Don't touch my shit" she said putting them away. "You're so easy to tease though" "Where are my styrofoam cups when I need them" she groaned.

"Why do you find amusement in torturing me every day" she sighed. "You tell me l/n" "Whatever. Just don't make this lecture anymore unbearable than it already is gonna be" she groaned.

The professor walked in the room and told everyone to get out their notebooks and pencils. Y/n took out her pen and set it on the desk. She leaned back down to grab her notebook and when she looked up her pen was gone.

Y/n knew exactly who the culprit was. Not wanting to start a whole fuss about it, she grabbed another pen. The entire lecture Alhaitham made it his sworn duty to annoy her. Sometimes he would pull on a strand of hair, lightly kick her, straight up distract her or steal her shit. If he really wanted to annoy her he would take her phone and put it in his jacket pocket.

All of this was normal for y/n because she learned to deal with it and sometimes fought back when she learned that she couldn't switch seats. At the end of the lecture the professor dismissed them.

As y/n was getting up to leave she was stopped by a voice. "Y/n, Alhaitham. Stay after class for a bit longer. I need to talk to you" the professor said.

As he wished the other students a good day, y/n and Al haitham were whispering over whose fault it was. "Give me back my pen and it's not my fault. It's yours because you keep bothering me while I did nothing to you in the first place" Alhaitham gave her back her pen as requested.

"It is your fault" he argued back. "It's both of your faults" the professor interrupted. "I get it you guys don't like each other but you both need to learn to get along" he said. "Like I'd get along with this douche" y/n said. "For once we agree on something" Alhaitham added.

The professor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "How about this. If you both get along and if you don't by the end of the semester then you both fail my class" he offered. "That's not fair" they both said simultaneously. "Jinx you owe me a soda" y/n said. "We're not four l/n" Alhaitham exclaimed in an annoyed tone. "You still owe me one" she said poking the tall man's cheek.

An irk mark grew on Alhaitham's forehead as the h/c hair colored girl kept poking him. "Will you quit it" he said grabbing her wrist and placing it back to her side. "You guys argue like siblings" "We do not!" They both said to the professor, making him raise his hands in defense.

"You two start getting along right now. You're dismissed" he said. Y/n and Alhaitham walked out the room. As they walked out a girl walked in, closed the door and they heard a click. "They're fucking" y/n pointed out. "She had no bra on" Alhaitham said. "How do you know that" y/n questioned.

"I've witnessed women throw their bras at Kaveh" "Damn everyone at this school is horny" There was a moment of silence between the two. "What soda do I owe you" "Sprite is ok"

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