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A/N: I'm back. Thank you for waiting and being patient with me. I know I was gone for a while but I couldn't figure this chapter out so it took me some time to write it. Enjoy.

Y/n began unpacking her bag of all its contents. She washed and folded her clothes before putting them in her dresser. By noon she had to get dressed for work. She wore a black shirt and pants with a white apron around her waist. "Bye Xiangling. I'm heading off to work" she called out to her roommate, standing at their front door. "Okay. Have a good day at work" she responded.


"Hello. What can I get for you?" She asked the customer in a cheerful manner. This was y/n's job. Puspa Café was the only place she could truly escape from Alhaitham since the only people who know that she works there is Xiangling. Anyway it was the same old stuff on her shifts. She took orders, stocked items and unloaded the truck when it arrived.

"Y/n we need you to restock the coffee beans" her co-worker, Emily said. She let out a sigh "Yeah I'll do that" she said, walking to the back while Emily temporarily took over the register. She picked up a box of bags that were filled with Sumeru coffee beans. Carrying it over to the cafe's shelf in front of the counter she grumbled under her breath about how they could've done it themselves.

She set down the box on the floor and opened it up. She squatted down and restocked the shelves of coffee beans. The door swung open, hitting a small bell which indicated that a customer was walking in. The cafe got silent and the sound of customers whispering to themselves filled y/n's ears. However she ignored it and continued transferring the beans from the box to the shelf.

"Y/n? I didn't know you worked here" Oh she could already see the smirk on his face like what he said was meant as an insult. 'I swear to the archons that if Xiangling told him, they're both gonna see Celestia early' she threatened in her head. She stood up and picked up the box and walked in the back, ignoring the man that just walked in and not even looking in his direction.

She put the box where she found it and went back to her post. "Hello. What can I get for you?" She didn't even bother putting on a smile for this guy. "Come on don't be that way darling" "Don't call me darling. You don't have that right" she retorted. "Well since you're here I might as well ask you-" "I'd rather burn in the pits of hell Childe or whatever name you're going by now" she interrupted. "Y/n you know this guy?" Emily asked.

"Indeed she does. In fact we used to date a while back. In our sophomore year right?" "That is until you broke up with me in front of all your friends and humiliated me" she growled. Emily knew better to back up from y/n when she was mad. It takes her out of the hospital zone.

That's where Childe was going if he didn't shut up and leave. "Come on that's history now. Anyways I was wondering if we could get back together" Of course he was asking her this. "You're delusional. Now please get out" He leaned in closer and held her chin. "Now why would I do that?" Without missing a beat she grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away from her. "Don't fucking touch me"

He was shocked at her aggression towards him. Her grip on his wrist began to hurt him. All he saw in her eyes was anger and malice. The bell rang again, indicating a customer walking in. She let go of his wrist and calmed herself to not scare off the customer. "Please leave if you're not going to order something. As you can see from the sign over there we do not allow loitering" she said, gesturing to the sign that was on the wall.

Childe left the cafe with nothing. The customers went about their business as she rang up their orders and handed it to them. Y/n was supposed to go home at 3pm. That is until her manager asked if she could close tonight because the person who was supposed to close was sick. Obviously she agreed because that's more Mora entering her bank account.

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