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Her face heated up and her heart was racing. A smirk was seen on Alhaitham's face when he repeated the question "What do you think of me?"

"You are annoying and..."

"And what?" his eyes traveled down her lips before looking back up in her eyes. She decided it was now or never to ask him. " you like me?" she asked. There was no use in hiding it now and the love in his eyes became
obvious. "Took you long enough to notice" His eyes darted back and forth between her eyes and lips.

"I'm not making the same mistake twice" he muttered. His voice was soft and quiet but loud enough for her ears to catch it. "Wait wha-!?" Before she could finish her sentence he grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her down and kissed her, his tongue slipping into her mouth. Her eyes widened in shock and confusion.

He pulled away rendering her a flustered mess and breathing heavily. The taste of Skittles and mint lingered in her mouth and she could still feel the touch of his lips. "What was that for?" she asked. "I'm doing what I should've done in the forest" he said, looking into her eyes with nothing but the love he felt for her. He let go of her shirt and wrist. "I just wanted to do that while I had the chance" For once she willingly let her body take control and kiss him.

Almost immediately he kissed back and his hand found its way to her cheek, cupping it. After a few seconds they pulled away and their foreheads touched. "I take it you like me as well?" he asked for confirmation. "Yeah" The silence between them was deafening.

"Ahem. I suggest you head back to your dorm Alhaitham" Xiangling said, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and a big smirk on her face. Y/n quickly got off him and sat down next to him like nothing happened. "Right" He packed up his things in his bag. Before he got up he gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. "I'll see you in class" he said, getting up and heading for the door.

When he left the dorm Xiangling started walking towards her flustered roommate, squealing. "I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed. Y/n's face only became more flushed and red. "How long were you standing there" "Long enough to see you kissing him. Did he make the first move?" "Yes" she said, covering her face. Her heart was racing for miles and she was smiling like an idiot. "That position though" Xiangling said in a teasing tone. "I'm going to bed" Y/n stated, getting up and quickly walking to her room.


Alhaitham entered his dorm and Kaveh was waiting on the other side of the door. "So you and y/n are a thing now?" he asked getting straight to the point. "One it's not official. Two how the hell did you already find out?" Alhaitham asked with a hand on his hip. "Xiangling told me" "When did you get her number?" he asked, walking towards the kitchen. "The hotel in Liyue. We made an agreement to tell each other when shit happens between you and y/n" the blond explained.

"Now you can't say that you two are only friends" Kaveh teased. Alhaitham opened the fridge and looked inside. "We are just friends" "Friends don't know the way you taste" Alhaitham let out a sigh and pushed the refrigerator door shut. "Xiangling saw that?" he asked. At this point the answer was obvious. "You two are unofficially dating"

"No we're not. I'm giving her time to decide"

"Did she kiss you back?"

"Will you get off my ass?"

"So she did!"

Alhaitham looked at Kaveh with a very annoyed expression. Kaveh had a smug look on his face that was very punchable to Alhaitham. He clicked his tongue and sighed. "Yes" "Tongue or no tongue?" "What kind of question is that!?" Alhaitham asked with a confused look and his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Fine! Did she taste good at least?" "...that question isn't any better" Alhaitham paused before saying "Yes she did taste good"

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