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Once at the winery y/n took him to his room. She layed him on the bed and exited the room. "Make sure that he doesn't have any more wine" she told the maid. 'Why do I care what happens to him' she thought as she walked to her room.

Once in her room y/n began reading her book. Only a few minutes in and she got a text from Kaeya. Once again it was about him wanting to get back with her. They dated for sometime when she lived in Mondstat but she broke it off when she found out he was cheating on her.

Since then y/n has been very cautious with her relationships and often didn't trust her boyfriends and would break up with them because she feared she would be heart broken again.

When she went to college in Sumeru, she vowed to never date again until she fell for the popular guy. Though after two years he broke it off. After that she became cold and rejected everyone who asked her out. She also rejected any feelings she's had for anyone. Day after day she has told him to fuck off and declined.

No matter how hard Kaeya would try he would get rejected.

Y/n blocked yet another one of his numbers. She didn't want to deal with him in her life. Y/n wanted some fresh air so she went out front of the winery.

She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. The wind blew and dandelion seeds along the way. The sent of fresh grapes invaded her nose as the birds sang their song.

A peaceful day in Mondstat indeed.


The next day was as normal as can be. "Kaveh I swear I will put you in a headlock if you touch my books" y/n threatened. Kaveh had a mischievous smile as his hand slowly crept closer to the bag that held her books.

"Kaveh I will fuck you up so bad that the Archons will have to come down themselves to stop me" Kaveh ignored her warning and grabbed the bag only to be tackled on the bed moments later. Y/n pinned down the arm that held the bag and grabbed it. "Damn I never thought you'd be into Kaveh like that y/n" a certain voice teased.

"Alhaitham" she growled. "Need a collar bitch" Y/n got off of Kaveh and just set down her bag. "Seems I struck a nerve" he leaned against the doorway and snickered. "Kaveh you'll soon not have a roommate if this bitch won't shut up" "What are you gonna do about it l/n" Y/n walked up to him and stared at him dead in the eyes. She swiftly lifted her leg only for it to be swiftly caught. "That's not gonna work on me" he said leaning in closer.

"Alright break it up you two" The redhead pushed the two away from each other. "I don't want my maids cleaning up spilled blood. I also don't need to explain to the cops how all this started with books" he said, glaring at a certain blondie. Kaveh looked away and whistled nonchalantly. Y/n glared at Alhaitham who had a smirk across his face.

Diluc looked back at the two who were fighting before. "If you're gonna fight. Don't leave any blood" "Oh there won't be any blood after I choke his ass out" "Sure you're gonna be able to do that pipsqueak" Y/n only growled in response. "Diluc, get this bitch a collar since she wants to growl like one" Diluc only sighed and walked away. "You are so fucking annoying Alhaitham" "Someone gets me!" Kaveh shouted in the background.

"Whatever I'm going to get food" y/n walked past Alhaitham and down the hall. "Nice going Kaveh" "What did I do" he shrieked. Alhaitham didn't answer and left him confused. 'The fuck??' Kaveh thought.

Y/n got back with her food and headed straight to her room. She sat on her bed with her food and was about to dig in when something was thrown on her bed in front of her. It was a collar with a leash attached to it. Y/n looked in the direction it came from and surprise surprise Alhaitham was there. "What do you want now" she scoffed.

"Let's make a bet" "Go on" she said then took a bite of her food, intrigued. "If you act like a dog for the rest of the time we're here in Mondstat then for the entire time we're in Inazuma you have to wear it and do as I say. If you don't then I wear it and I do as you say" "So you're basically saying that if I don't growl or anything like that then you get to be my personal slave for a week straight" she asked, clarifying the information she was told. "Yes I am your 'personal slave' for a week straight" he confirmed.

"It's a deal. Get ready to be my slave" "Don't get cocky now l/n, it might bite you in the ass" Al haitham was getting ready to walk but he popped his head back in the doorway. "Also Kaveh, Xiangling, the maids, and Diluc will tell me if you growl" "Fuck that ruined my entire plan" "I know how you think l/n" "No duh you dingus" she turned to look at him but he was gone. "Fucking douche" she mumbled. Y/N finished eating her food, threw it away and she put the collar and leash in her nightstand drawer so she didn't lose it.

See a normal day.

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