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The professor was talking to the class about a group project the students would be participating in. "I will pair you all up into partners and you will all give a presentation about the importance of anything you'd like" He explained. Y/n already was thinking of ideas.

The professor started going through all the students in the class and pairing them up until two students were the only ones left. "Alhaitham and Y/n, you two will be working together" he said, leaning against his desk with his arms propping him up. Alhaitham was expecting this but everything was still processing for the girl next to him.

"Why do I have to work with him!?" she complained, pointing at Alhaitham. "Now Miss l/n I understand that you don't like him but remember our agreement" The professor reminded. In response she loudly groaned and dropped her head on the table with a quiet 'ow' shortly following.

"Do that a few more times and you'll knock out your last brain cell" Alhaitham remarked. Y/n turned her head, as well as her gaze towards him and just glared at him like he insulted her and her entire bloodline. "You're an asshole" "I'm a hemmeroid, I irritate assholes" "Irritate yourself then" she grumbled. "I'd rather irritate you instead. Your reactions are amusing" he said with a smirk.

"I wanna punch you so bad"

"Do it and I can't guarantee I won't retaliate"

"I bet you'd like it if I hit you huh?"

"No. Though you probably hit as hard as a feather"

She sat up and leaned a little closer to him. "Wanna test that theory?" "Why not? It gives me an excuse to humble you" He propped his head with his palm under his chin and his fingers covering his cheek. "No fighting in my classroom" The professor reminded them. "We can take this outside. Right y/n?"

She clenched her fist but soon relaxed her hand, causing it to open up. "I'm not gonna feed into your antics" She stated. Alhaitham's smirk dropped to his regular frown at her statement. She packed up her things and left the class for work.

It was over anyway and she didn't feel like bickering with that silver haired boy. Alhaitham watched as she walked out of the room. "She's no fun" he mumbled to himself.


She walked into Puspa Cafe to take over Asashi's shift. "Asashi, out" she demanded, tying her apron around her waist. "Someone's pissy today" He pointed out. Yue pushed his glasses up his nose bridge. "Yeah but a classmate of mine got on my nerves again" She explained, resting a hand on the counter in front of them. Asashi rolled his eyes and clocked out.

Y/n took his place and made drinks for the customers after she clocked in. After a few minutes Yue piped up. "Y/n guess what I heard the other day?" "Your brother's constant whining about how single he is?" His smile dropped at her answer. "No, I heard Asashi singing you idiot" She gave the coffee in her hand to a customer. "Asashi doesn't sing. He said it himself" She stated, clearly not believing him.

"But he can sing!" She rolled her eyes in disbelief as Yue took a customer's order. "He never comes to karaoke whenever we invite him though" "And that matters how?" Yue cocked an eyebrow at her stupidity. "Whatever! Either way I don't believe you" She stated, brewing tea for a customer.

He groaned at his friend's stubbornness. "You never believe me" he whined. "I'm sorry may I remind you about that time you gossiped about that one girl liking you even though she meant it as a joke?" "That was different. This time it isn't a joke" he claimed. "Mhm. So believable" her sarcasm wasn't helping his convincing.

Yue eventually gave up. After an hour y/n was in the back and grabbing more hazelnut creamer for the coffee. However she was having difficulty finding it. "Y/n someone is asking for you" "What do they look like?" she asked, not bothering to look at her co-worker as she was focused on finding the creamer. "He's tall, muscular, gray hair like a grandpa and beautiful teal eyes with a hint of red by his pupil" Yue started describing him and y/n already knew he was falling for him.

"Yue keep your thirsty ass under control" she said, walking past him. "It's not my fault he's hot. If you don't want him then I'll take him" Y/n ignored his comment and walked to the counter. "What do you want Alhaitham?" she asked, her tone annoyed.

"Well if you read your text messages then you would know that we need to figure out a topic" "Well I figured that you would choose something serious even though we can have fun with this" she claimed. "I can be fun" "You are literally a fun sucker" "He can suck-" "Yue Chen!" she shouted. That was his first warning.

Alhaitham seemed quite disturbed by her co-worker. "Is he always this flirty?" "It's complicated" she sighed. "Now back to the topic picking" she said, changing the subject. "Well what do you wanna do?" Y/n began thinking about her list of topics she had in her head. She couldn't possibly pick just one, she had so many fun ones.

While Alhaitham waited for her answer he felt Yue constantly glancing at him. He felt uncomfortable from this kind of attention from a guy. "Text me when you figure it out" Alhaitham said, quickly walking out the cafe. When he was out the door y/n subconsciously piped up. "I call dibs"

"Oh come on. At least leave some for me" Yue whined. 'What did I even say?' she thought, staring at the door where Alhaitham was. "Yue what did you feel when you saw him?" she asked. "Tingley, warm, uncontrollable thoughts about him, and slightly tighter pants when he spoke" Yue listed.

"You are so down bad to the point where you will willingly get laid by any guy that wants you" she mumbled. "It's not my fault that there are hot guys all over Sumeru" he claimed. "Keep your horniness under control" "It's not that bad. I've only hooked up with two guys and one girl this year" He pointed out. "Who was the girl?" she asked, now curious. "Emily" he said, his cheeks turning more red. "Emily!?" she repeated. "In my defense, we were both drunk and not in the right mind" He defended.

"I told you not to touch my sweet, innocent Emily" Yue started whistling which he only does when he's nervous or he's hiding something. "She's not as innocent as you think" he said. For the rest of y/n's shift she tried to get the information out of him but to no avail.

A/N: I was scrolling through Pinterest when I found this

A/N: I was scrolling through Pinterest when I found this

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