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Last night y/n complied and gave him her keys. Once at the hotel though things got awkward.

Once inside the hotel room Alhaitham set down y/n on her feet and almost immediately she pinned him up against the door. "Y/N get off of me" he said as calmly as possible. This entire situation was quite difficult for him as his heart was racing for miles. "But you're so hot and these pecs" she said whilst squishing said pecs. "Oh this woman is insane" Alhaitham breathed. He grabbed y/n's wrists and pulled them off him.

"What are you doing?" "Getting you off of me. I'm not so sure how much longer I can keep this up" he mumbled the last part. With that being said he picked her up once again and put her on the bed. "Oh we're getting straight into it" "Hell no we are getting out of it" he responded wrapping her into a burrito with a blanket. Quickly he grabbed a pillow and went to the bathroom and locked the door. "Holy shit that was almost bad" he quietly said. He calmed down and threw the pillow in the bathtub. He soon climbed in and went to sleep.


Y/N groaned as she woke up with a hangover. "I didn't mean to have that many drinks" she looked around the room. "Where's Alhaitham" she wondered. She looked in the bathroom and there she found Alhaitham in the tub, on his phone. "Why are you in the tub?" She asked confused. "What you don't remember last night" he said looking at her. "No the only thing I remember is us going to the club and I took a shot of hard liquor and then some" she said, placing her hand on her head. "Change out of that dress and I'll tell you"

Once y/n changed out of the dress he told her what happened. "Damn drunk me was delusional" "Anyways now that you're up I can come out of hiding" Alhaitham got up and exited the bathroom with the pillow.

Y/n followed suit but she got the book she was reading out of her bag. She sat down on her side of the barrier and read. Alhaitham looked over to her and noticed the book she was reading. "I have that book" he mentioned. "Who knew that you were into romance" Blush dusted Alhaitham's cheeks from embarrassment. "It's alright I guess" He shifted his attention to his phone.

Meanwhile y/n's heart was racing from what happened last night and she didn't know why. All she knew was that she thought what she did was dumb, and it was, it's just that the true things come out when you're drunk and she knew that. 'I mean sure he's handsome and smart and sweet but that doesn't mean I like him' she convinced herself. Y/N began to imagine Alhaitham again in her book. "Oh my fucking Archons" "What's up?" "Nothing it's just that people in the book are being dumb" she said, making up an excuse.

Thankfully he believed it and didn't ask any further questions. Y/N kept reading her book until he kept invading her mind. She slammed the book shut in annoyance then announced she was going on a walk. "Why is that imbecile in my head" she questioned. She was confused of why he was in her head. "I don't like him" she told herself but it didn't help her case.

Y/n came across a nearby bench and sat on it to think about her issues. "Why is he so confusing" she groaned. "What's wrong sweetheart" a sweet old lady asked. "Oh it's nothing. It's just-" "You are confused whether or not you like a guy" she interrupted but none the less, she was right. "Exactly" "Well if you have to keep convincing yourself that you don't like him then you probably do" "I know but I don't know if he's being genuinely nice and not because our teacher said that we have to get along to pass his class" y/n explained. "Well it seems to me that you're confused not at the fact that you like him but if you think he likes you" A bus pulled up to the bench. "When someone loves you, they don't have to say it. You can tell by the way they treat you" The old lady boarded that bus. "Wait! that doesn't make any sense" Y/N called out. The old lady turned to face her. "It will make sense when the time is right" In one blink she was gone. The bus driver asked if y/n was ok.

"Yeah I'm fine I just thought that I was talking to someone" her voice trailed off as she spoke. The old lady's words echoed in her head as she walked back to the hotel. She reached her shared room with Alhaitham and entered, closing the door behind her. "How was your walk?" "Why? Were you worried about me" she teased. "You're a nut case" "If anyone's a nut case here it's Kaveh" Y/n sat down on her side of the bed with her back against the headrest.

"What are we doing for dinner?" "I was thinking that we all go to a restaurant in Liyue" Alhaitham suggested. "We could go tomorrow cause I'm sure that they're still dealing with a hangover from last night" "Burgers then?" "That's not even a question. I'll order them" Y/N looked at the menu of a burger place and asked Alhaitham what he wanted. "You ask what they want" y/n said. "No you do it since you're ordering" "Or we could just not ask them and they have to figure out dinner for themselves" They both thought about it for a while and agreed that Kaveh and Xiangling are on their own.

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