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"Alhaitham we need to finish the project"

"Look at you being responsible"

"When are you getting back?"

"In about two weeks"

"Two weeks!? Our presentation is literally next week!"

"And I'm literally in Fontaine next week and the week after"

"Fuck you"

"Love you too. I gotta go though. Bye"

The phone vibrating indicated that he hung up. "Fucking bitch" "Aren't you dating that bitch?" "Shut up Asashi!" She sat on a stool with her laptop in front of her on the counter. "You're supposed to be working, not complaining about your boyfriend being in Fontaine" he scolded, resting his forearms on the counter. "I'm not complaining" she claimed. He raised an eyebrow in a doubtful manner.

"Okay so maybe I am complaining. He didn't even take me with him." "It was most likely a class trip" Asashi was brewing coffee when he heard her whine "He's going here!?" Curious as he was he looked at her pointing her computer screen at him. On the screen was a bunch of women. "He's going to a different nation, not a strip club" He shut her laptop.

"You'll be fine. He's not the type to cheat on someone" he reassured "How do you know?" "Background check. He's never cheated on a single girl he's been with and he has a history of reading...stories" Asashi explained. "Stories? I know he reads." "You don't know what he reads" "...this is stalker behavior" she concluded.

She then remembered something. "Asashi. Do you sing?" "No I don't" He replied. "Yue said he caught you singing" "Just because I can sing doesn't mean I do sing. I don't make it my entire personality" "Can you sing for me then?" she asked. "No" he turned it down quite quickly.

"Why not!? I'm helping you get with my roommate"

"One, because I said so. Two, I never asked you to meddle with my love life" She groaned and laid her head on her laptop. "Why are you so stubborn?" she complained. He softly patted her head. "You'll live. You'll live" he reassured. "Hi can I get a coffee with two shots of espresso, white mocha, light ice, with almond milk and skinny water?" Asashi looked at her, baffled. "How do you even remember your own order?" he asked the woman. "I get it like all the time" she said, twirling her hair around her finger.

Y/n was mentally, physically, emotionally cringing. Why is this basic bitch in the cafe? "We are all out of almond milk and I have no idea what the hell skinny water is" The woman scoffed and stormed out of the cafe after saying "And to think I was gonna give you my number"

Once she left in her car Asashi spoke up. "I need a smoke break after that" "You can't since you're the only one on the clock and there's no one here to help out while you are smoking" she reminded him of the rules. "How about you take over for me then?" he suggested. "No because I am not on the clock and my shift doesn't start until Yue's is over because I close tonight" She lifted her head up and saw a disappointed Asashi.

"This is how you repay your wingman?"

"I never asked you to meddle with my love life"

"I did a background check on your boyfriend for you"

"I never asked you to do that"

"I did it so that way I'd know what kind of guy he is"

"I already said that he was a nice guy"

"You said that with Childe as well and look how that turned out. I just don't want you getting hurt again"

Her phone chimed twice meaning she had a text.

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