Chapter 8

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Hey dear reader, so I am currently walking down his hall back to his office to see if he has an "Idiot's Guide to Poker" stashed away in his messy bookshelf. I doubt it, but your girl can hope. I played a little strip poker in college but that didn't require any knowledge of the game. Just copious amounts of alcohol and a willingness to get naked.

I enter his office and begin rifling around his bookshelf. Okay, I know what you are thinking, "Kate, it's 2004, just look it up on the internet." And my answer is: "great idea, why didn't I think of that?"

I turn around from the bookshelf and my boss is leaning up against the door jam watching me. I realize he is holding my black halter top and jean shorts under his arm while holding a beer in his other hand. He is still barefoot, still shirtless. Still hot as hell. If you were wondering...

He grins at me slowly then says, "what are you doing in here?"

I laugh slightly and begin to nervously toy with the hem of his shirt that he gave me. "I have no idea how to play poker and I thought I'd see if you had a book on it." I add, slightly embarrassed to have been found out.

He chuckles and says, "I never learned how to play poker from a book," He walks over to the desk, sets my shorts and halter top down on the desk's smooth wood surface, then opens the desk drawer. He pulls out a worn deck of cards and sits down in the desk chair. He pats his lap for me to sit on his leg.

"Come here, and I'll give you a quick and dirty lesson," he says with a sly grin.

I chuckle and reply, "hand me my shorts first."

He shakes his head no and pushes my shorts out of my reach. He pats his leg again.

"Okay," I say with a grin.

I step between his legs and sit down on his left thigh, my knees brushing against the soft skin of his inner right thigh. He looks down at my exposed thighs and pinches my ass before scooting us closer to the desk. He reaches around me, encasing me between his arms, and reaches for the card deck on the desk. His face is close to mine and I lean over slightly and kiss the soft, smooth skin above his beard.

He grins at me and kisses me softly on my lips. He takes the cards out of the card deck and begins to shuffle them on the desk's surface, with me still between his arms.

"Wow, you are pretty good at this," I say as he shuffles the card deck.

He chuckles, and says, "I'll show you some other things I'm 'pretty good at' later tonight."

I giggle and he adjusts me on his lap so I'm facing the cards he has dealt out onto the desk.

"Okay, babe," He says to me softly then hands me the cards he dealt me.

I bring the cards to my chest so he can't see them over my shoulder.

He chuckles at my reaction to shield the cards from him and says, "good instinct, but show them to me so we can talk through it." He wraps his arm around my hips and pulls me closer to him so I'm sitting less on his thigh and more on his crotch. His left arm is around my hips and his hand is resting on my thigh.

"Lemme see what you have," he says, the warmth of his breath caresses my cheek. I show him the cards and he begins to explain some basic poker strategies for my hand.

Hey dear reader, so, um, I have no idea what this sexy man is saying to me right now. I am too distracted by his hot hand on my thigh, the warmth of his breath on my cheek as he speaks, and most of all, uh...this man is hard. I can feel his erection growing along his leg. Did you hear me? ALONG HIS LEG.

I place the cards on the desk then turn to face him on his lap. I straddle him and take his face in my hands and bring my lips down to his. Fuck poker, I can't take this anymore.

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