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Author's pov

Listening to the words of Mr. Khurana the team was left speechless for a second. The tension was palpable. Tarini took a deep breath to compose herself and started thinking of ways to handle the situation but Som got up from his seat and his movements caught her attention.

She saw him taking the position in
the of the room near the smart screen with confidence. They both just looked at each for a second and Som blinked in assurance. Not letting any doubts cloud her thoughts she trusted him and proceeded.

"Sure Mr. Khurana, Mr. Sharma will be doing the presentation for today."

She spoke looking at Som directly.

"Good Morning everyone and welcome to the presentation. First of all Thank you for being here. Let me start by saying a few words about myself I am Someshwar Sharma the Executive Assistant of the team you will be working with. As you can see on the screen our today's topic is the most important project between Arturo and KS Company. Our main focus is to not just provide the basic necessities for the artists all around the globe, it is to give them the freedom to not just paint on the canvas but to paint on the canvas of their artistic lives freely without having to be dependent on anything. Here i will talk about..."

Someshwar was presenting everything with utmost Confidence and it did not take him much effort to grab the attention of everyone in the room. He had a way with his words. In between the presentation Tarini kept looking at Mr. Khurana to see his reaction, he looked absolutely interested in the deal and the smile on his face was consistent.

She herself looked focused on the screen but the truth was she could not stop her eyes from darting towards Someshwar. She kept Thanking her Bholebaba and Someshwar in her mind for saving the day. Everything went smoothly and the presentation was over. Someshwar ended presentation by Thanking the audience. What she could not figure at the moment was 'How did he come up with the presentation out of nowhere?'

" Excellent Presentation! Someshwar is your name right? You are a marvelous speaker, i must say! You perfectly presented everything in detail. Thank you, and Congratulations Tarini for the great presentation done by your team."

Said Mr. Khurana standing up from his seat, clapping. He was an old man who was never afraid to express his thoughts be it in a formal or informal manner. Listening to his words Someshwar and Tarini took a sigh of relief. The members of Arturo were now hopeful again.

"Thank you so much Sir."

Said Tarini and Someshwar in unison. They shared a quick eye contact before focusing back on Mr. Khurana.

"I was hopeful i said before the presentation and you guys have set the bar even higher after this. You all are a great team, i would be honored to work with Arturo."

He spoke with enthusiasm and extended a hand towards Tarini and she accepted it with a pleasant smile. With that they decided to take their leave and Tarini followed them to the main door. She came back to the meeting room to congratulate her team for their hardwork and everyone stood up when she entered with a biggest smile on her face. Taking her position near her chair she started speaking.

"First of all give a big round of applause to yourselves for your hardwork come on! Congratulations everyone we have sealed the deal with KS Company. Thank you so much to all of you for the efforts and for not letting anyone know about the tension we all were going through. You guys can take a break for now, you guys deserve it after all the hardwork."

Everyone clapped along Tarini feeling overwhelmed by the amount of appreciation for the efforts they have been putting and started leaving the room one by one. Someshwar closed his laptop and turned off the screen before leaving.

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