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I sat at the kitchen island for hours until Daniel texted me. I snapped out of my daze and opens the text.

Papí (; :Hey babe, wanna meet me at Panera.. it's near by the office and it sounds good.

Me: Yeah sure, what time should I be there?

Papí (; : In like 30 minutes.

Me: Okay

I put my phone down and run upstairs to curl my hair and pin it up in a bun. I take something for my head.. all of this is giving me a headache. I walk out, lock up, and head to my car. I got there in 20 minutes because I made a stop at home to change my boots to nike roshes.

I walk in and I see him at a table. I walk over to him and he kisses my cheek, "Hey, what's wrong? You seem stressed." I shrug my shoulders, "I am.. I've been thinking.." should I tell him? He raises a brow, "Yeah? About what."

We sit down and I show him the link someone sent me and I turn my head from him. I can feel his stare turn into a glare, "No. Get this out of my face." I look at him, "Daniel.. can you not tell what our life.. hell.. MY life is turning into. I don't want to be a stay at home mom.. a soccer mom. I want to pursue my dream."

He snaps his head at me, "We're not doing adoption. That's it and that's final!" Some people started to look since he wanted to raise his voice. "Now, Maxxine.. let's end this and eat." I give him and blank stare as he gets up, "No."

He stops in his tracks and glares at me. "What did you say Maxx?" I clear my throat and look at him, "I said no. We're going to talk about this because this doesn't affect you as much as it affects me. So sit down and listen to me."

His nostrils flare and he sits down across from me, "Maxx, what is there to discuss? Why do you want to give our child away? Do you not want a child with me?" I scoff, "It's not even that Danny. It's the fact that.. I need to pursue this dream.. I can't.. we can't raise a child right now."

"And why not? Why not Maxxine?" I give him a look and let him have it, "Doesn't this seem familiar? As soon as we graduate.. we have a child, get married, I try to find something equivalent to my dream, happiness starts to fade, someone walks away. Wow.. sounds like history is repeating itself. My mom and dad went through this. I can't risk this happening."

He grabs my hand and rubs it, "It won't maxx, I promise." I sigh, "Can we just think about it?" He gives me a stern look, "I said no Maxxine. That's final." His phone chimes and his face gets red. He gets up awkwardly and clears his throat, "I have to go. I might be home a little later, probably around 10 tonight. I have things to do.. with uh work."

I give him a confused look and grab his wrist before he walks away, "We didn't eat." He hands me a 50, "You have money on your card, go shopping or something and go ahead and eat." I hang onto his wrist and he prys my hand off, "Maxxine, I have to go." His phone rings and he answers it and walks away.

Something isn't right. I jump up and soon regret it. I get dizzy and stumble back a little but I push myself out. I walk briskly to my car, get in and start it up. I spot Daniels car and I follow him out. What if it's nothing. Oh well. I stay behind at a safe distance. We make a couple of turns and then pull up to a beautiful loft. He gets out of the car and walks to the loft door. I follow behind and catch the door before it closes.

I walk up slowly and see he stopped at a door. I peek up through the stairwell to get a better view. A beautiful brunette walks out and Daniel and the girl quickly embrace. "What took you so long Danny?"

"Lunch with someone. Are you ready?" I swear everything just fell inside of me.

After they go in I walk up the steps and knock on the door. No answer. I knock a little harder. Still no answer. I kick the door and the nob starts to fumble. I swear I'm sweating like a sinner in church. The door swings open and I'm met with beautiful, electric, blue eyes.

"Who is it Dan?" He gives me a look of confusion, "My fiancé." Oh shit, it is nothing. "Danica, give me a minute." He steps out then hugs me. "What on earth are you doing here?" I cough a little, obviously nervous, "Um well.. I think I caught some jealous tendencies and yeah. I'll go now." As I try to leave he grabs my wrist and pulls me in.

"You're too cute Maxx. Now get home safe, I love you." He kisses me deeply. "Love you too Danny." He walks back in and as soon as I'm at the steps I'm stopped by the brunette, Danica. "Hi, I'm Daniels PA Danica." She gives me a look that makes me uncomfortable so I stick out my hand and she takes it. "Maxxine." She nods her head but doesn't let go of my hand.

"Hey, be careful with the steps, they're dangerous." She smirks and pushes me back. I try to catch my fall but slip and hit every step. She covers my mouth before I can scream in agony, "Daniel is only with you cause you're pregnant. He doesn't want you, he wants me."

She looks down and feign a pout, "Hmmm, you're bleeding from below." After that she chuckles the screams for Daniels help. Daniel rushes out but I can barely tell what's going on because my vision is going in and out. My eyes feel heavy so I close them.

Its silent here..

Very cold here..

Am I breathing?

No.. I'm not..


Sorry about not updating.. I just need more ideas and you guys might hate me for the idea of the next chapter. I'm sure some of you can tell anywhoooo

P.S y'all should remember the last 4 lines or y'all need to go back and read the first book.. hmmm

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- MONA XOXO ♡ ♡ ♡

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