Birthday Dinner (Part 2)

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Maxxines P.O.V

I can't even cry. I'm too angry.

I sigh and take the ring off. If he wants me, he'll come back. If he wants to go chase fake tits on a stick, be my fucking guest.

I sit the ring on my dresser and then go to finish my make up for tonight. I text liz to come over so I can tell her what happened.


And finally I was crying, hopefully not messing up my makeup. Liz was holding me. I can't believe the love of my life left me. I'm so fucking upset. For tit stick too!

Lizzy broke away and smiled, "Well on the bright side Maxx. Isn't your hot teacher coming tonight. You can make Daniel jealous if you flaunt him around." I laugh a little and wipe the remaining tears. "1, he's my ex teacher. I'm not doing dance.. also, Daniel isn't coming by, remember." She nods her head.

My mom comes to my room and wiggles her brows, Mr. Olindo is down stairs. And so are the guys. Well, minus that fuck bag Daniel. Better not bring that ass round here is he knows what good for him." My mom walked out cursing in Spanish and Lizzy and I just laugh and make our ways down the stairs. I move my waved hair and blush as I make contact with the sex god himself. Jesus christ. Where's the holy water?

He grabs my hand and kisses it, "Buon compleanno cara." Jesus the Italians. Fun fact, Daniel knows italian because of his mother.. whelp, now I'm a little sad. But those perfect teeth just fixed that. "Thank you Mr. Olindo.. I mean Rico."

He pulled me into a hug while chuckling, "My names sounds wonderful on your tongue bella." I'm dead. Bye. He's so hot, Jesus christ.

I savored the hug, taking in his cologne. My god. Fuck Daniel.

We pulled away, sadly and I was greeted by Frank and Alex with huge hugs and apologies on their behalf for Daniel. "It's fine guys, Daniel and I.. just need some space I guess. Too much has happened I guess, ya know?"

Mr. O- I mean rico shot me a look then smirked and walked over to me, "The boyfriend, he's gone yes?" His thick accent sent fire to my core, girl, you're pregnant. Chill.

I nod my head yes reluctantly. He grinned, "Too bad for him then." I swear my face is in fire.


The dinner flies by and we're giving out gifts. My dad hands me a letter, "What's this?" He smirks, "A deed.. to this paid off house. We were going to give it to both you and Daniel, to start your family off. But I guess things happen. Anyways, Feliz cumpleaños. By the way, we've moved into our new condo and we're leaving tonight. You have your own home now.. yay."

I chuckle and hug my dad, he's so weird.


Things fly by and everyone has left except for Rico. We're sitting at the kitchen island, relaxing after cleaning the kitchen.

"Your fiancé is an idiot." Huh?

"Huh? He's not my fi-"

"Sí, he is bella.. but he's stupid to have this break with you. He's not too stupid to leave a beautiful woman like you. I assure you it's just a break my love."

He takes a sip from a wine glass and smiles at me. I smirk a little, "Well, all I know is that I'm single right now. A single mother. At 18. Christ."

He comes to my side and rubs my back as I rest my head in my hands. He pulls my face up and rubs my cheek, "It'll be okay bella, you don't want to stress to much. That baby won't like it." I smile and nuzzle my head into his hand.

Out of nowhere this sex beast leans in and kisses my lips. The most delicate motion sent sparks running through my entire system. But it's nothing like Danny, stop thinking about that douche. He pulled back and looked down, "My apologies bella..that was inappropr-" I cut him off by kissing him.

He kisses me as if he's dying for my kiss. My fuck.


I snatch back and whip my head around to be met with a shocked Daniel and a smirking bitch. Daniel storms over to me and moves his hands between Rico and I, "What's this? Why is he touching what's mine." Man what?

"Excuse me? Yours? Bye. You made it clear on the phone that you don't want us.. in fact." I exit the room to run up the stairs and grab the ring. I debate this for a minute if he loves you, he'll come back.

I go back down the stairs and shove the ring into his chest. "There. You want it, you got it." The bitch grabbed it and smirked, "Danny boo, don't ya think it would look nice on me?"

"No, it looks nice on Maxx, where it belongs." He snatched it from her and I smirked but quickly hid it. "I-I change my mind Maxx, please." I shake my head. "No, you're going to have to try harder to get me back. Not this time Daniel. Prove to me that you need me and not just want me. Get out. Goodbye."

He left my ring in the island and walked out while giving Rico a glare. I just realized that Rico snaked his arms around me. Melting.

He kisses my neck and smiles, "I should get going bella. We should do lunch tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"Sure, I'd love that. Text me a time or something. See you later I guess." He kisses my lips then leaves.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. What a day what a day. I go back to the kitchen island and stare at the ring, my ring.. my fucking ring. I slip it on and smirk. Oh I have a fucking plan.

I take a slice of my cake, eat a piece, and smirk, "I like to have my cake and eat it too."


Double update cause I'm in love with this book allllll over again hehe. Kk, hope y'all like

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