The Bell Test. Wait, I'm doing this too!?!

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The Next Day 10:00

Yawning, I woke up and looked at the clock. !!!OMG!!!! We must have slept in because we were to meet the kids at the training ground five hours ago. Getting up I stretched out and walked into the bathroom. I had learned very easily how to use my nine tails to grab things. So I grabbed Kakashi's brush with one of my tails and started to brush my fur. After brushing myself, I went into the kitchen and started to cook breakfast. It was kind of hard to do since I don't know how to become human, but I managed to do it somehow. When I had everything set up for breakfast, I went into the room me and Kakashi shared to wake him up. (He only has one bedroom) I decided to have some fun since he made the kids wait for us. Taking a deep breath I used my flamethrower to wake him up. He bolted upright, screaming.

"Hot hot hot hot!!!!!" He yelled. Without missing a beat, I ran out of the room and into the kitchen, quickly ate my food and ran to the training area where our team was waiting.

When I got to the training ground I saw that Naruto had fallen asleep, Sakura was sitting on the grass, about to fall asleep and Sasuke was just standing there looking like an emo duckbutt. I slowed down as I neared them. Looking up Sasuke saw it was just me and started to glare at me. Stopping right in front of him, I started to glare at him too.

"STOP GLARING AT SASUKE-KUN LIKE THAT!!!" Sakura screeched. Breaking eye contact with Sasuke, I turned and started to glare at Sakura. And just to add effect, I made all of my tails stand which made me look really scary. After doing this Sakura quickly sat back down and Sasuke started to glare at the ground. Walking over to Naruto, I laid down beside him, covered him with my tails like a blanket and immediately fell asleep.

Third POV

Sasuke looked up and saw the strange fox laying down next to Naruto with it's tails wrapped around him like a blanket.

'There's something strange and powerful about that fox' He thought as he watched the fox and Naruto sleep.

Sakura wrapped her arms around her knees and thought 'That fox isn't a normal fox. That fox will pay for glaring that my Sasuke-kun.'

Time Skip

Jewel's POV

Slowly opening my eyes I looked up and saw that Kakashi had just showed up. It looked like Naruto and Sakura already yelled at him for being late. Standing up, I stretched my body until it cracked. Then I walked over to Kakashi and looked at him with puppy dog eyes. I guess he was still angry about how I woke him up because he just gave me a small glare. He then turned back to the kids and started to explain that they had to take the bells from him and that they also could try and take a golden bell from me. I turned to Kakashi, not caring that the kids saw that I could talk

"KAKASHI!!!!! I'M GOING TO WHAT!!!!" I yelled.

"Well, Lord Hokage said this will be your test instead of what we had planned before." Kakashi sheepishly scratched his head.

"Hey! That fox talked dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed.

I looked to Kakashi. "Do you want me to explain or do you want to do it?"

"Maybe I can explain this." Someone spoke from across the clearing.  


What's up people, I'm back. I've been trying to update as much as I can. And I finally have. Yay!!! ^-^









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